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Everything posted by kity
Morning Ladies~ Terry...welcome back! I'll send Susanne over to fire your maid...she did not fire mine, but complained enough until I did it. Ours was not very good either. Now...Susanne keeps it cleaner than she ever did. CONGRATS on the budget thingy! I am very proud of you. I grew up w/o any money...and although I am in the black now (I have 0 debt, and only have about 500 on a store credit card...which I pay 300 on it every month) I still don't have a good relationship w/ $. I spend...but not excessively. If I don't NEED it...I don't buy it. Except for clothes...I'll go buy 3-400 in clothes in one swoop. Anyway...I am proud of you. I think you are one of the FEW people who have stuck to your New Years resolution:thumbup:...you and Judy that is!:thumbup::thumbup: Laura, did it hurt? I am so glad to get mine done. Got the CAT yesterday, so he should be able to start some sort of treatment soon. I am scared to death of getting "sick" again. Haydee...slather your ends in mayo for like 20 min before you wash (use celophane). The shine will be amazing and the eggs in the mayo helps w/ breakage. I just got an email from my chair...she is looking at defense dates. I swear I got sick to my stomach writing back to her....I am so nervous and want this over. I am sure ya'll are tired of hearing about it too! OK...have a nice day...I'll pop in from work! xoxoxoxoox
Haydee and Carson (Laura), I mailed your stuff yesterday! Be on the look out! Just finished working on Walden...LOL, so much for chillin'! Terry and Tracy...I miss you! Hope all is well w/ you! oxoxox
I love Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...Chitty Chitty Bang Bang I love you!!! I am home from the CAT scan on the sinuses and tomorrow, I have my allergy skin test. Glad when this is over. I think I am allergic to ciggy smoke. Dr. says this is common to get this allergy AFTER quitting! I am tired as a mo fo! It is just past 3:30, and I am in my pjs...gonna have left overs...play scrab and watch the boob tube! Have a great night!
Hey girls, Back from morning meetings. I was SOOOO TIRED today...thinking my thyroid was broken or something. Then about 10:30, I realize (remembered) that I took a muscle relaxer last night because I was cramping...haha....I've been hung over all morning and didn't realize it! I literally could not open my eyes. I feel much better now, snapped out of it about 10:30 when I realized it...what an idiot! Haydee and Michelle, I loved your chats today. I feel the same way...100%. OK...where is tracyks and terry been? Who else is missing too!
Oh Yeah, it is going to be 91 degrees warmer here than at Judys! going to be 80 today, and between 77 and 81 for the next 6 days!
Hey Girlies~ In German, they say Oma and Opa. I like it. I had a grandma, and Ganny. When my nephew was born, my mom wanted to be called greatma, lol! I am tired like I can't explain today! I have to walk around for 3 hours today w/ the principal and do classroom observations. That sucks cause I'd rather sit on my ass today...but oh well. We worked out...but I feel like I am in a coma. Have a great day, I'll pop in later! xoxoxoxo
Hey Gang~ TracyK...I don't have myspace. I don't have time to figure out a new site...don't even have time to master Facebook, nor do I play many of the games people play there. Maybe one day this summer! Just got home @ 7pm...and now watching All My Children. I love it! I am pooped. Gonna work out 2morrow. Have a great night! Where is everyone.
I am looking forward to seeing the Violets! When is everyone else booking tix? Michelle...did you get yours at the good price?
Hi Ladies, Having a great day! Hope you are as well! xoox
Morning gals~ HHMMM? What am I giving up for Lent? I forgot it was this week. I will have to think about that. Well, I knew I should have watched Slumdog yesterday. Oh well, we will go soon. Everyone I know saw it and said it was gritty, but very good I have to get Carson's present in the mail, and Haydee's tweezers too! Hopefully I can do it today after school before my doc apt. Jenn, I didn't get the med. diet stuff. Everyone have a great day! I'll pop in later. xooxoxox
Hey Gang~ I finally cooked the roast ya'll helped me w/ a couple weeks ago (receipe wise)...it was yummy! I cooked it for like 7 hours and when I went to pull it out, only the bone came out! My dog loved the bone btw! I cut all the fat off, and shredded the meat. I added some potatoes the last couple of hours for Susanne, and also steamed some asparagus! I had a salad, asparagus and meat! Anyway, thanks for the tips! I have graded 25 papers today...couple more to go! Watching the Oscars. Not much else going on. Another busy week here. xoxoxoxo
Morning Ladies~ Laura we went for the day...just to take a drive through the mountains, drive to the beach, have an ice cream cone and walk along the beach and marina...that was the agenda, and we had a great day! Terry, I love what you said about mom whispering to you. Yesterday, I had a really hard day thinking about dad. This was the first one I'd had since going to Reno. Everywhere, 50-65 yr old men were on their Harleys, sail boats were everywhere. My dad used to be stationed in San Diego when he was in the Navy and my parents lived there (my mom went to USD). I was just holding this lump in my throat for what seemed like all day. Then when we were walking out of the base, I see this guy wearing a UNR (my alma mater) tshirt! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? We chatted a bit cause you rarely see U of Nevada, Reno tshirts in So. Cal. But as we drove home, I just bawled. Susanne just held my hand and let me cry. It felt good cause I seemed to be thinking about him a lot all day...kinda needed to let some out! Today, I have 30 grad papers to grade! I've got a pot roast in the crocker already and it is going to stay there for the day! Steaming fresh asparagus later to go w/ the meat. Then watch a little of the Oscars...L Word...Big Love and the United States of Tara! Have a great day!
Hey... We are home from a fun, warm and exciting adventure in San Diego. It is 2.5 hours away...and it was a perfect day! We walked along the marina at the Seaport Village. We bought Carson a present, and a few other gifts and things as well. Then we drove to Coronado and drove around there as well. Then we went to the naval base and shopped at the PX (which is actually an NEX...Naval Exchange). Then drove home...and got home at 9:30! For us that is crazy late! But we had a blast! See ya'll 2morrow!
Morning violetas~ Jenn, I would like to see what you got on the Med. diet. I eat many of those foods anyway...plus a shitload of junk. But yes please, can you send some my way!! We just got home from the gym. We are going to have a quick cup of coffee, a quick shower, and we are heading out to San Diego for the day!!! I am really excited because I haven't been in so long, and it will be nice just to get away and relax after a busy couple of weeks. Yeah! Have a great day! Laura...so excited about the birthing classes! I think we need an updated bump pix! xoox
It is almost 11:30 and I am off like a prom dress! Have a loverly Friday afternoon! Kat...thinking about you!xoox
Terry, That was beautiful! I love Kahill Gibran...my favorite is On Love! Busy day. Met w/ the trainer this morning...kicked my ass (I love it). We are on min day and are free at 11:30! Going to lunch w/ friend from HS, then to my house...then a mojito is in my afternoon plans! It is 75 here today...just beautiful! oxxoox
Janie, SAHM = Stay At Home Mom RSAHGM =Retired Stay at Home G-Ma I am finally home....LOOOONNNGGG DAY, and we meet w/ trainer @ 5am!!! WOWSER!
It is 6pm and I am still at work. It goes against God and nature to be at work at "dark time". I have one hour to go...lawd...give me strength! xooxoxxo
I have a whole new respect for you now! You get an "atta girl!" for that one! Sorry Laura, me no speaka de sign language??? I just don't want to go there girlie! I will over margies one day, just not on a thread! LOVE YA!
No hablo ingles?
I may not be the best person to ask here, but if I recall the fine print in our LBT contract...there are no calories in birthday cake and ice cream... I think you are safe!:tt2:
Susanne was thinking of going...and I wouldn't mind...but no spouses are going. I said to her, "Well you are not going, right?" She said, "No, you go" I said, "I was just checking..." and she said, "well, you are going to go anyway blah blah blah..." and I said, " YES, of course I am going to go anyway...blah blah" LOng story long...I am going, and I will just kiss a little butt until she unmiffs herself...but I am not missing my VIOLET TRIP. XOXOOXXOXO
Yeah!!! Michelle did you book today? I am excited...Sus is a bit miffed. Oh well...can't help it!
Yes, same day...I am only doing the Violet trip for 2 hours...haha...
I am booked! Flying in to Huntsville on 6-29 @5pm. Leave Monday 6-29 @ 7:05! Woofreakinhoo!