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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kity

  1. Laura...sleep well. I just had to quote this cause remember last week, I was POOPED OUT! So, when Susanne is not home I use gourmet coffee, but it is already ground up. Then anytime she is home, I ground the beans for us. Well, I was making my coffee ready for the morning, and I noticed that last week, I was using DECAFINATED! HAHA...what a silly goose! No wonder! Anyway, sleep well! Off to chill before Dancing w. the Stars! Laura~ Have you been watching L Word??? OMG is that soooo good! peaceout
  2. kity

    Gruene Violets

    I have less than 60 days to lose 70 pounds...is it doable? LMFAO...uuuhhh, NO! Oh well, I'll do what I can and ya'll will have to love me the way I am!!! Janie~ I wear shorts ALL THE TIME, even bermuda's to work! Go to Avenue or Lane Bryant, or even Walmart they have plenty of shorts. Worst case, go online and grab a few pair! Buy them a size you think will fit, especially now you've tried on some sizes. I am wearing a pair of 18's now...but I also fit into a 28 (jean shorts) so it is hard to tell! I'd start w/ Wally World cause they will be less expensive! Can't wait to meet all my sistas! xxoooxoxoxox
  3. I want what Terry wants, the eye life thingy...does that count as work??? I've wanted one for about 3 years, and a friend had hers done. She said it was about 1500, quick and painless...and that it made a HUGE difference on her face. So...that is my next "indulgence". Oh yeah, except for that Bose Ipod dock station!!! Off to jazzercise! You heard me...She is going to dance class people!
  4. kity

    Recipes - Violet Style!

    OMG Susie~ I love caramel...that sounds so good. I love the thread, but don't have anything now...I'll be back when I do!
  5. TracyK~ I know the POV and who is up!!! (insert evil laugh here). Wanna know??? Off to eat lunch, 1/2 c. spaghetti sauce and salad and homegrown tomatoes!!!!
  6. Michelle~ What time is dinner?
  7. Hey V's~ Been a busy weekend and I haven't had time to pop in and say very much. I would catch up on the posts, but need to jump before I could get my 2 cents in. And we all know how much I like to get my 2 cents in! Laura~ Can't offer too much advice myself, but I can say this. Your DH can go in and stay at your head, not near your feet. My SIL had my brother at her head, actually he was on a chair and video tapped the whole thing FROM THAT ANGLE. She, and I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH HER ON THIS ONE, didn't want my bro to see what was going on down there. There was a book or some research a few, maybe ten, years ago about men watching the birth. Once men see what the vee-jay-jay is actually MADE FOR, it takes something away from their contorted thinking that that is their playground. Now, many people and Violets may disagree w/ me on this, but I really feel that could be true. I saw my nephew come into this world. It was amazing and beautiful, but not for the squimish. Again, these are just my 2 cents. Perhaps DH can man the video cam from a respectable angle. :mad2: Haydee~ We are so glad your back! So, I gotta ask, did Juan go w/ you to gmas? Did he know where you were? Did ya'll talk about it? How are things now? Inquiring minds wanna know! Gotta go work for a bit! 4 days until Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:
  8. Kat, you come on over anytime you want! I'd love it if you came here...what a thrill! Off to watch BB! Although I already know everything that happened cause I cheat...lol! xoxooxox
  9. Morning Ladies~ Lunasa...keep popping in here honey. You are w/ friends who do NOT judge, only support! I promise. Tracy~ A suggestion w/ the coffee. Switch to ice coffee, or drink it later or something. You can not do what you "usually" do. I had to do that too. I switched to ice coffee for a couple of weeks. Same coffee, just over ice. It helped...don't know why. I too would wake, have coffee and ciggys. I didn't drink alot, and the worst time I fell off the wagon was my first "drinks".You all remember the "END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR PARTY" where we all get schnockered and oooooo my. Well, I had a few drink-y-poos and the next sentence was..."Hey, can I borrow a ciggy?" That "cheat" lasted 3 weeks. Literally. 3 weeks of cheated and hiding from Susanne, (she was in San Fran for work). Anywho...just a suggestion and a LONG story to let you know you are not alone. We love you! Judy~ How are you feeling today? My nephew is spending the night next week, I am a bit scared! Terry~ Love the rings! Would love to see the dress too! Susie~ pick one...I've got tons! I'd be happy to send you one if you think it will grow. Gotta run and play scrabble. Didn't get to play yesterday. We are going out to breakfast w/ my lead teacher from the other night. Then...home to chill and work for Walden! xoxoxooxo
  10. Morning Everyone~ Quick post before the day starts! TracyK~I AM SOOOO PROUD OF YOU! Good for you...you can do it...I believe in you!!!! Go buy yourself a new purse immediately cause your old one smells of smoke and you need a new one now. After a few days sans the smell of smoke, you will notice it. Especially in your new car! Congrats! TracyKS~Kat was banded in Mex, but that is all I know off hand! Good luck to your parents! Gotta run! xoxoxoox
  11. Hey peeps~ What a great day! After school, my brother and nephew came over! I haven't seen my little man in a long time! He is the best kid ever (except for all of yours:wink:). Anyway, I love him to pieces and had a nice 45 min w/ him. He is amazing on the puter. Ethan, Kinsey, Maci, Robbie and anyother Violet child I am forgetting should go to Kids Games | Parenting | Nick Jr My nephew, Johnny is 3.5 years and he is a wiz on the puter! Anyway, it made my day. I think next week, perhaps on Easter, Susanne and I are taking him to the Living Desert here in town. Then, he is gonna spend the night, and his Pam Pam (me) is gonna take him shopping for some clothes and Easter surprises. I'd buy him the moon if I could reach it! Then Sus and I went to dinner and drinks w/ a new "couple" of friends. They own the store called Your Family Name and we met them when we ordered my parent wedding anniversary gift. Anywho, we had a great time! Then we walked a block and went to a salon opening! What a blast! We are now home, in our recliners, and she is sawing some logs next to me as I type this. Tomorrow, we have the guy coming to add a light in the garage and make some corrections to the first job! We have the exterminator coming @ 9am...laundry...errands...and if it the last thing I do, I want to go to the movies so bad. Feel like snugglin' and sharing a popcorn. Have a great night, and have a fanfreakintastic weekend! Peaceout xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo
  12. TracyK~ Ryan and Shiela are nom'd Kat~ Funny dream! TracyKS~ Your welcome and we love you! Gotta run
  13. Terry~ You should come out! We'd have a blast! It is beautiful here...I get kinda sick to my stomach if I don't see a mountain now. Living so close to a mountain keeps me grounded. We went to Chicago (well a rural suburb) in 94...and ooooo my....I couldn't stand that as far as the eye could see there was no mountain! I was nauseated. Ok...the lady on the toilet...are you kidding me? Did she shower? Were her pants around her ankles the whole time? Did she change pants/clothes/underpants (why bother)...EEEWWWEEE is all I can say. And I am sorry, but what a prize that boyfriend is, eh? Bringing her food on the potty...EEEWWWEEE. Yuckity yuck yuck! My doctor called yesterday to change my fill appointment. However, I talked w/ the nurse and we TEMPORARILY cancelled it cause ofthe procedure I am having (hopefully) soon! So...it is all me...and we know how "me" does on her own:cool2:. Tracy~OMG...the Showtime stuff was good last night. Wanna know who is nom'd??? HeHeHe Ok...must work...can't fight...it is too strong...ooo nooo...out
  14. Hey Violets~ I feel sooo much better (that is until those kids wear me out)! Last night susanne and I met my former lead teacher (when I did my student teaching) and her hubby at California Pizza Kitchen. We had a great dinner, then walked a couple of miles up and down at the huge street fair. It was great to see Diane again, it had been 13 years. Also, just to be out, relaxing and enjoying the beautiful night (we dined outside) and just had a great night! Amazing what some fresh air can do! After work today, we are meeting some friends for drinks @ 6pm. Then we will walk over to my hair dresser's salon opening (a big party tonight). We lounged in bed this morning and watched the news...so I am hella late! Have a great day! xoxoxoxooxox
  15. I have a mean ass headache, not feeling well at all. I've made lesson plans, but will wait until the morning to "call in" and see how I feel. What is it??? TTFN
  16. The secret has to do w/ my Violet sistahs moving the trip from April to May due to State Testing...and me promising a surprise for them. It is small and not expensive...but it is our color. I just got excited because I just figured out what I wanted to do...and then made a great connection last night! Were your ears burning??? I was talkin about ya'll!
  17. Thanks for the update Terry! Doesn't she know, "Violets can run, but they can't hide!' Slept in...gotta run! I'll pop in at work! Tracy I sent you a pm. Susie~ woohoo! I want a pool too! And I say go w/o a bather...skinny dip in your own pool! Hell, life is short...swim nekked!:grouphug: xoxoox
  18. I am not a very good moderator. Since I took on the job, I've only answered some unanswered posts. I have not ventured into R and R or anywhere else. I'll kick it up in summer! I'll be a wonder moderator! lol
  19. Kat~ I just love your smile...beautiful! Terry~ Use the pic from the Christmas party...you looked mmaauuvvellous darling...really! Janie and Susie~ Send Laura you pix...I think these are cute and we need all the violets involved. Haydee~ Where for art thou??? Do you have a siggy thingy? We move pretty quick around here...you can't leave us for long! OOOOO I've got a secret about our trip...I am nooo good @ keeping secrets! But I am ESSCITED! as my students say! The HOH comp is down to 2 people...killing me...I love this show!
  20. Tracy and Janie~ I just saw the sequester house and I would bet a gazzillion dollars that is in Palm Springs. That is my mountain. A few years ago, it was here too. I hope you all got a peak at the house...that is where I live! Too cool!
  21. Kat and Michelle~ I love the siggy's! I couldn't see them at work so was pleasantly surprised when I came home! You both look beautiful...and Michelle what an amazing difference! I suck at this weight loss thing, but am glad I got tons of skinny biotches as my dear friends. I hate that I'll be the fattest one on our trip! I am gonna get drunk:mad:, lol.
  22. Laura, that pix was just mean...I LOVED IT! I am PMS'ing too ( I mean for the real period to start on the 14th or 15th). Judy~your story, although horrific, made me LOL! Thanks for the giggles. Kat and Terry~ I loved both your stories. I am totally DOWN with all that. I love that your gma is Violet~ Our official guardian angle! Back to teach these kids the area of a triangle!
  23. LOL Judy...you so funny! Kat~ I love love loved that Human Body Exhibit in Vegas. It was the highlight of my trip. Just a few weeks ago, 20/20 or Dateline did a show on the exhibit. All of the bodies are undeniably (sp) Asain, and young. I guess the bodies come from a prison camp. You could google it for more infor. I am not sure where they came from, but I loved the exhibit. It is very explicit. OK...got a ton of work to do on my prep. Every day, I get 55 min to "prep" for the kids. I don't need that much time, and ususally go to LBT. Naughty Naughty!
  24. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! Have a great day and I second what Terry said. Why don't you lose 200 lbs real quick like and dump his ass! (The best way to get over a man, is to get under a new one:wink:)
  25. Morning Violets~ I am up and heading into work today. Then teeth cleaning and a meeting from 6-8pm! Long day...glad I slept 12.5 hours yesterday. Glad you like the video. It was hysterical! Why are you up so late Laura?? Man, I hit the hay between 9-10. Thanks for the phone call options ladies...felt like chatting. Next time, I'll call. I wanna chat w/ everyone before our trip. Speaking of which...woohoo! Off to play scrabble! xoxoxoxo

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