Just wait it gets so much better. All that protien you are craving will be available to you sooner than you think. I am 3 months out and enjoyed pork ribs today! Or I should say...Pork Rib.
I had the sleeve in LA, my doctor refered me over to Dr. Smith here though. Have you been to one of the support groups through his office? They are very informative.
Let me know if you have questions....I had surgery in February...60 lbs so far.
I just went to a talk about "Drugs" and the sleeve by Dr. Denis Smith.
One thing he said was that intoxication is so much faster and lasts so much longer and even becomes worse after 12 months. The one thing I took away from it was to NEVER drive even after a sip.
Also if you take some meds and drink it can cause liver failure. There was a long list, but I think advil and celebrex were on it.