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Posts posted by bturek

  1. OK first of all you need to STOP with the htrowing up.. not good for you. I did that for 4 months and ending up in the hospital for a week to get thing all straight. What I was told to do if you are throwing up go back to the begining start on soft foods for a few days.. then move on trom there. But like you I was OBESSED with my weight.. Why do I no look skinny.. We honey everyone else see's the skinny girl your eyes only do not. So that is a you problem... You need to start thinking when you look in the mirrow I do look skinny you have to retrain your brain. I know that sounds funny but you do.. I went from 245 to 118 and when I look in the mirrow I still see the fat gril but now I tell my brain I DONT CARE what you say I'm a size 0.. You really need to talk to someone.. It helped me that my huasband did the same sleeve on the same day. He has lost 65lbs. But he know what I feel when i eat something I dont need to Like I cant eat fried foods really I get sick feeling.. So I might take 1 or 2 bits and then move to something else.. I hope this helps you..


  2. Lets be honest you will never win the battle with your mind its way to hard.. So what you do is come up with different ways to trick it.. I was told if you do something 21 days it becomes a habit so that gives you days to works on differnt way to cange. for me I would drink Water and Icee. Then I would eat Cheetos these are very easy to eat and I was able to keep these down easy. then I got really sick and could not keep any thing down for 4 months and almost died. I'm so STUBBORN and would not go to the DR and EVERYONE keep telling me that I look really sick but NOOOO I knew what was best.. Then I got to were I could not remember when I had tried to eat.. so one dat I passed out and was rushed to the hospital. OK again it was not the sleeve that was the problem it was the fact that I went from eating what i wanted to very little.. I took 2 day work of pills and it was fixed. I feel that I could have died but GOD keep me here for a reason. Remember that no matter what you can win it just takes practice. So if you want a different result then do something different. When you mind starts thinking about the food issue say to it oh ok that sounds good but I need to be healthy and I'm going to win this so this is what I'm going to do........ Good luck with it..

  3. It has been almost a year now and here are my answers to these questions.


    1) How long have you been sleeved?

    July 20 2011 - nalmost 1 year now

    2) Who was your surgeon?

    I had my sugery done in Mexico by Almanza.php" rel="external nofollow">Dr. Mario Almanza

    Hospital Jerusalem

    Via Rapida Poniente # 12500 Local 3

    Col. Los Santos, Tijuana, B.C.

    3) What were your experiences with your surgeon? My husband had the same thing done at the same time and be both had no issue at all.

    4) Would you recommend your surgeon? Yes, we we explaines to in broken english but they made sure someone explained to us what was going to happen.

    5) How much weight have you lost since your sleeve date? My seld 125lbs and my husband 60+

    6) What type of sleeve do you have? Just the sleeve-Sleeve gastrectomy 7) Would you recommend the type of sleeve you have? Sleeve gastrectomy - From the bryan tx area I have all ready sent 4 people to have this done all with no issue at all.

    8) Do you find you still have the necessary level of energy to sustain a good workout? It took at good 6 to 7 months to start getting the level of engerny back and now almost back to 100% you have to remember you losing weight really fast so you will lose a lot of you core strenght. so at 4 to 5 months start walking around the block or do something.

    9) Do you find it difficult to keep the weight off once you have lost it? not at all. I eat all the time now only in very small quanity 10) Do you have trouble eating, such as getting �stuck�? No but I promise you if you start eating solids to fast it will come back up and if you eat to much it will come back up. My nose starts running when I get full pay attenction to your body

    11) What is the one things about getting the surgery that you regret? Nothing, with in 6 months I had a normal blood presser reading for the 1st time in 30 years, so I'm good

    12) Would you do this surgery again, or would you have made another choice? No in a heart beet, should have done it early, I was told this and I truly believe this what make you think you are going to lose 100 lbs after you have that that weight on for 20+ years. Do you want to spend the next 20 years tring to loos it did you not just do that? Yea.. this was my only answer..


  4. Hello all, I'm almost a year out and have lost 125lbs and I can tell you I miss my food but with that said this is a mind over matter game that you mid wants to play with you. JUST DO NOT GO THERE. I did not start eating solid food for 4 months out because I had an stomach issue (not related to surgery) but once I did now I can eat what I want but in small amounts. I eat Hamburger but only half no FF a few chips (I might sneak one). but please give yourself time to heal and to fight the battle with your mind on the food. You did this surgery to change right.. so stop dreaming about the food and make your mind think about something else. When it starts going there drink Water, I started an Icee (coke) kick.. Like a malt but a lot less in the sugar intake. Good luck on the journey , Tomorrow I'm have the Lasik surgery then that give me another year to get in shape before I decide on a nip and tuck.

  5. i was sleeved by dr Almanza 18 days ago. i made a video journal of the hospital and recovery house. the first few minutes are of the scenery on the way to the hospital, but watch all of it. it will show you where you are going. the link is in my signature.


    Very nice video My husband and I both will be doing the sleeve on July 19 2011 !! Thanks for the video it helped a lot !!

  6. Hello

    Well my husband and I both will have the sleeve on July 19th in TJ Mexico with Dr. Almanza. And staying at the recovery house Just wondering if anyone else is scheduled with him around the same time. I'm hoping to go to San Didego on Sat to get a few days in before the sugery I thought it might be nice to meet. let me know if you are going...

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