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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LADYSUMMER

  1. I had the surgery in May, received my fill in September. I don't know if I am to restricted or I just can't eat certain things anymore. No pasta will stay down, or potatoes or bread. Does anyone else experience this? I can't eat any red meat it doesn't stay. I've lost alot of weight but I think it is because more comes back up than stays down. I can eat salad, sometimes chicken. Fish stays. Not all vegetables. I chew, chew, chew but certain things just don't stay or feel good going down. Is this normal? Go back next week to doctor. I can't imagine getting a fill as I think I am too restricted.

    Limited To What I Can Tolerate To Eat

    Thanks. I was just thinking it was me. I go back next week. Thanks for all the comments. It was helpful!

    Advice about gettign stuck

    I had a fill a month ago and ever since I can't eat any starch. No pasta, bread, or rice. I can't eat steak, and alot of other foods. I thought I was chewing well but everything seems to get stuck and then i get that slim thing ha[[ening. The good news is that I have lost 26 lbs in a month. Should I be worried? Lorraine ] I have tried:- stretching the chicken dance arm movement thing papaya tabs downward dog NONE of these work for ME. The only way I can get relief is to bring the offending item back up. I find it far easier to cough/spit the offending item back up than to try and wait for it to go down. The times I have waited it has been really uncomfortable and it can be an hour or more later with no sign of relief. In the meantime there is all that excess saliva which has to go somewhere............ So for me waiting it out is not an option.
  4. Hi How are you? I am having a hard time since my first fill. I am constantly puking! It is a month since I had the fill. I can't any startch...steak...or pasta.

  5. I hope your surgery went well. With your pre-opt dieting you will do fine. Good luck! Lorraine My surgery is June 29 also. I live in Hawaii so you will all be done before I wake up. Having my last sips of clear chicken broth. Had protein shakes for prior 6 days. Before that I was on a high protein, low fat eating plan for about 2 months to shrink my liver for surgery. I drink Spiru-tein shakes from our local health food store, they also carry them at GNC. I love them. I hate the chewable vitamins! Yuck. and I don't like the Isopure I have to drink today and the next 3 days. Horrid! I am nervous but not backing out. Been plotting this for the last year. Finally. Good luck ladies. I will be anxious to check in 'after'. Best wishes to all.
  6. I hope your surgery went well. I found the muscle milk light chocolate was good as a Protein shake. It is already prepared in like a juice box. 22g of protein. Good Luck everyone, I am very scared.
  7. I had to bring mine also. It was for when I came out of the surgery. I also ended up staying as I had a bad reaction to the anthesia so I spent the night. Good luck! Does this mean that I won't be intubated during surgery? I'm scheduled this Friday, June 24th. Post Op lap band patients: Were you intubated? Did anyone else have to bring their CPAP machine?

    Ok This Sucks!!

    I had the same thing done and the only comfortable place was the couch. I would encourage you to walk as much as possible even if it is to the end of your driveway. Once I started walking and released that gas I felt better. It is still sore to roll off that side from sleeping. I found that the muscle milk chocolate and cake batter have 20 g of Protein taste pretty good and make me feel full. It will get better. I was banded on May 17, and now I am at the gym walking on the tread mill. Good luck it does get better!

    Mixed Blessings

    That is great news about your blood pressure! Hopefully you won't need it at all soon! Keep up the great job!
  10. 32 lbs is amazing! Keep up the good work. You are encouragement to us all.



    I tried and it was awful. It was new york style thin crust and I thought I chewed it well. A piece got stuck. I had that sliming going on in my mouth and the pain was unbelievable. I ended up tossing it up but it took awhile before it would come back up. Hope you have better luck. lorraine
  12. I am 53 yrs old and way banded on May 18th. Doing well. I think it is a positive thing for me. I don't think age matters. I'm over 50 too and was banded 6 months ago. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself! I lost about 12 pounds before surgery and about 44 since. Some days are easier than others and the first 6 weeks are tough! Hang in there and you will see the rewards! I would highly recommend the following website for great food ideas: www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com Good luck with your journey!
  13. You too. How are you doing so far?


    why hide lapband?

    I kept mine a secret too! Didn't want the constant questions, talking about me behind my back. The only people who know is my one good girlfriend and my husband. No one else. People are so judgemental didn't want to deal with them. Lori
  15. I am 53 years old and have been all over the place with my weight. Lose 15 gain 25, etc. I've developed alot of health issues which pushed me to try to eat healthier and I am doing this for me. I am a mother of 4 and grandmother of two adorable boys. Starting a new beginning for me.


    Extreme Gas in Morning!

    I have so much gas and pain. It hurts alot. I was banded on the 18th. How long does this last?
  17. Hello I was just banded on Wednesday, got really sick from the anathesthia (sp?) spent the night. I am not liking the protein shake. Need to find a new one. Am excited to make this work. When can should you start exercising?
  18. I also got banded on May 18th. Sore and alot of gas pain. Very tired. What is a good protein shake. THe one I have is awful!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
