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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. Lisa, I'm wondering if there is anyone from church that come and sit with you in the evenings sometimes. Maybe just someone being there even if you don't talk, or maybe you do, or maybe someone just to hold you while you cry or to pray with you. Just throwing this out there. Again my heart goes out to you.

  2. Florida, I love the pics! You look so happy! You are beautiful...your face, eyes, and smile are absolutely gorgeous. I'm sorry you had such a hard time after your appointment. Did the doctor give you any hope as far as meds or anything else you can do to keep your symptoms minimal? How is your mom handling your diagnosis? I'm glad you have jack by your side.

    I don't really care too much about vanity sizing. To me it's just what it is so why worry or be concerned about it? That's just my opinion.

    I'm still fasting 2 days a week. I like it and it makes me feel in control. I'm not as strict on my regular days so I have been maintaining just fine. I still want to get down to 135-140. My current bounce is 140-145. When I decide to tighten up on my regular days I know I can get there bit I guess I'm not totally motivated to do it at the moment.

    So you all remember my dear friend that's been back on drugs. Well she's not doing great and I was able to talk to her on Sunday. She agreed to come here and get cleaned up in the next couple weeks. I was so happy. We had an excellent conversation. Well, today she txt me and said she's not coming yet and that she's not ready. My heart just aches. I don't get it and I am helpless bc there isn't a thing I can do about it. I am hurting. I want to curl up in a ball and not leave my room. I can't but I want to. How can someone with so much good to give just throw away her life like this? Her so called friends mean more to her right now than the ones that truly love her and would do anything for her. I don't know how those of you who have dealt with these issues handle it. It's so sad.

  3. Fiddle, this is an excellent topic! I have had to basically relearn everything as far as exercise goes. It's been a hard and long process but it's also been very rewarding.

    What was brought to my attention was that I wasn't using my glutes (butt) at all while working out or even while doing basic movements that are done on a daily basis. In turn, this caused problems with my lower back and abs and hip flexors. I had an excellent trainer that was able to see this issue. Then I started working with an excellent chiropractor that also is a trainer. She started me on some serious stretches and I learned how to use my muscles the correct way. I'm still a work in progress but I am much stronger now and very in tune to my body and what I need to do to keep it working the right way.

    This is a serious issue for a lot of weight loss patients. For years, most of us were just getting by and learning to compensate for all of the extra weight we were carrying around. Now that it's gone, our muscles are a mess!n I believe this is why there are a lot of injuries.

  4. Flew back from Hawaii last night and " caught " something. I am hoping that the symptoms might trigger a response from someone. I had to go to the ER late last night (2-5am) on way home from the airport because it got really bad pretty quickly. The reason I am asking you is because the ER doctor simply said I had "something", but didn't know what it was. I will be following up with the PCP in a couple days. In the meanwhile, I am resting and on clear liquids today, but will switch to BRAT diet tomorrow for a couple days. Symptoms: *Severe respiratory issues *Nausea- mostly dry heaved on way from airport to ER (45 min). My wife had said something came up that didn't look like food, but like lining. The heaving hurt. Ab region is still tender and achy. *103 fever. It came down this morning. * Tight chest *Very, very cold. Like uncontrollable heavy shivering until ER started pumping me with meds and Water. *Whole ab region aches. It is not pain, but is like a clench and uncomfortable, making sleep difficult. Back feels achy too, but is getting better today. *very weak. Had trouble walking and needed wheelchair to get into ER. Legs and arms felt super heavy and just wanted to collapse . Gaining some strength back today, but still weak and tired. *Elevated liver and kidney enzymes *Amber (light brown with dark gold) urine despite having hydrated with two bags at ER and drinking Water this morning. As for the breathing, I had to REALLY focus on expanding my chest like my life depended on it. It was my single focus on way from airport ER because otherwise things would have deteriorated too early. I did lose feeling in my feet and hands, up my arms and legs, face was white, lips bluish. It took about 3 hours for fingers and toes to return to normal after arriving at ER. I still have a mild respiratory issue today, but it is not anything like last night. Does this sound like a bad case of dehydration or something else? I felt fine until about 1 hour before landing when the chills and breathing issues started. I will see my PCP in a couple days, but I know we have a good set of knowledge here on BP. Thanks.

    Not wanting to scare anyone but did they test for MERS, Fiddleman?

    I was just thinking the same thing. There was someone who tested positive for this in Chicago, I think. "They" are saying this is a new serious thing going around.

  5. Cathy, are you enjoying your new house yet? Are you done unpacking?

    Sheila, good to hear from you! Yard work is a good work out. I am sure you burned a ton of calories.

    Sue, do you break for the summer for school or does it go year round with various breaks throughout the year?

    My boys are done with school the second week of June. I'm looking forward to having them home for the summer! Next year my oldest son starts high school and the youngest starts middle school. Crazy how fast time goes.

    Brown, how is your play going?

    We haven't heard from Dorrie in quite a while. If you're reading, Dorrie, take a minute and let us know how you're doing.

  6. Florinda! I love your love story! Hope it all works out for you both. It's working out right now so that's really all that matters. I want to see a picture.

    Sue, good luck on the 4:3 this week, you can do it!

    I don't know how I feel about the 4:3. I know that when I read about the 5:2 there was talk on some of the 5:2 websites that there wasn't much evidence that there was benefit to fasting more than 2 days a week. This makes me wonder why now is the guy trying to push a 4:3 diet now. Maybe it's more of a boot camp type of a push where you do it for a short time and then go back to 5:2? I don't know maybe I'm not understanding it. I haven't looked into it, I've only read what Georgia and Brown posted here.

    For me, it seems that if I fast on my 2 days a week and eat regular, along with some treats, on the other 5 days that I maintain. If I'm very strict on my 5 regular days of eating and eat very clean with hardly any treats, that's when I can lose. I also exercise regularly so that may make a difference for me. I've been staying between my bounce of 140-145 while fasting 2 days a week.

    I do believe that changing things up every once in a while, whether it be eating or exercise, that it really helps with keeping my body where I want it to be. I feel like this keeps my body from getting comfortable or used to the same thing over and over.

    Things have been going well. It's been busy and I haven't had much time to get on the computer. I've been reading from my phone but I hate trying to type up a long post on that little thing. lol My husband is doing great. He hasn't had any issues at all with eating or drinking so far. We are praying this is going to continue to work in the future. He has been able to sleep all night long and that hasn't happened in months.

  7. I want to reply to so many of you but don't have the time right this moment. I've been so busy lately. I'll get back on later today or tomorrow and reply to everyone. I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about all of you.

    I surprised the family with season passes to Six Flags so we are headed there for the day!

    Enjoy your Saturday!

  8. Fiddle, I agree with what others have said, there are too many other issues to factor in. I am 42, have had 3 children and had surgery 3 years ago. I worked out before surgery and have continued to work out. I have quite a bit of muscle, I posted pics on here a couple weeks ago, but I have a lot of loose skin. Most of it is on my hips/butt. I have been told that there isn't amount of exercise or weight training I can do to take away the loose skin. I have to have surgery to remove it. I will say that, for me, building muscle has disguised some of the loose skin. I think the skin issue is usually worse for women than it is for men.

  9. I'm with you, Kim! I do good to read through and respond to 5/2. I don't want our dynamic to change. Boy, that sounds kinda selfish, doesn't it? But I LIKE this group of compadres and feel like we have "each other's back!" I don't think I could invest this much in another group.

    I feel the same way. Let's keep our group the way it is. Denise said not too long ago she didn't want to add anymore. I'm ok being selfish with this decision!

  10. So I am curious what you all think of the push toward local real life support groups sponsored by bariatricpal? It seems to me that there are lots of support groups in place in urban areas (at least in mine!) so I wonder what niche this will wind up filling?

    There are support groups here but I've never been to one since they are offered by the various bariatric groups and I had my surgery in Mexico. I never felt comfortable just showing up at one. I assumed they only want patients from their specific groups at them.

    I would like to have one here sponsored by BP but I don't want to be in charge of it.

  11. Georgia we haven't heard from Florida since she was sent to Germany . Waiting to get an update from her.

    All I have left of my boobs is loose skin. Seriously I pull the skin up and make a boob out of it and it doesn't even fill my size A cup! I even buy those really padded bras. Maybe some day I'll get those done but the lower body life and tummy must come first.

    Kim, love you! Love reading your posts!

    Brown I feel the same way about you. I read what you write and it makes me smile .

    Sheila good to hear from you!

  12. I agree, form is incredibly important while working out with or without weights.I do work with a trainer once a week and I am becoming a certified personal trainer myself.

    Also, working out is different for whatever goal you are trying to achieve. For instance, if I wanted to become a body builder I would have to add heavy weights frequently and change up my diet accordingly. If I wanted to have the body of a runner, long, lean and thin then I would be focusing on cardio and distance. It just depends on the results we are looking for.

    Oh to be on of those "20 somethings" again!:)

  13. "Sarsar".....way to go and congrats! Lifting really depends on your goals and what you want to accomplish from lifting. Heavy lifting is really relative if you think about it. Some do a weight they can only get 2-3 times a set or max out with one rep....which I would call quite heavy. Some go 10-15 reps a set, which if someone is able to do that many reps, the first half of them (first 6-8 reps) probably require very little, if any, effort, so it's those last reps when they are difficult, when the benefits start to occur. For me, and I can only tell you what works for me, heavy at some point is required. What I mean by that is going to failure and barely able to do the last couple of reps and even getting stuck on the last one. For me, to make muscles grow and/or get stronger, I have to go to failure, whether I get to that point with 1 rep or 20.

    Example, if I normally max out at 460 on the squat...that's a one time rep and is heavy as all get out for me and I can barely get the one rep and it's the highest/heaviest weight I can lift. If I stay in that 1-5 rep range for a few sets, my legs will get stronger or at my age, I can at least easily maintain strength at that rep range. But if I do 8-10 reps, that will also help me build muscle if I take that to failure each time, which is more inline with bodybilding parameters (high reps-more effective at building mass than strength). So I guess the key terms here are what is "heavy" and what is "failure". Going to failure for multiple sets will always help build muscle....even if it's your 12th rep and the weight wasn't all that heavy or difficult to move starting out.

    I'm probably making no sense at all and maybe just confused you as I haven't had any caffeine today and unable to gather reasonable thought patterns at the moment. :blush: But basically, T.U.T. (time under tension), muscles working to failure, regardless of how heavy the weight is....will benefit your muscles and help them grow/tone.

    I saw you are doing great and keep up posted! :)

    That makes complete sense to me! You put it in words much better than I would have done. I agree with everything you have said.

    I think a lot of people who have never worked out before look at people with toned muscle and think you have to go in a gym and work out with all the "crazy" weight lifting people and lift really heavy weights. But, like you said, results are different for each person. I also love what you said about going to failure. I think this is where a lot of people give up. Those last few reps of whatever exercise you are doing mean the most. They are the hardest to do and we want to give up and not push the little extra but the little extra is what really makes the difference.

  14. Sheryl, I was cracking up when I read your posts. Girl, go out and get some new jeans! Oh, and then post pics so we can see.

    Denise, glad you had fun on your trip. Good to know about the fact that the hubs can have trouble with certain foods after surgery. I'll ask the surgeon about this and let my husband know. I think he's going to be so excited to eat normal after not being able to do so for many years. When he eats, or drinks, now the food doesn't go down and he makes weird noises and coughs and all kind of gross stuff.

    Dee, I'm glad you checked in and told us what's going on. Hang in there my friend. Come here and vent whenever you need to! Maybe try to work on one thing at a time since things are so stressful right now, trying to change everything all at once is just so overwhelming. I would suggest to try to aim for one thing a day, going for a walk daily, or not snacking between meals daily. Then add things as you go along. I know you know all of this already but sometimes it's helpful to hear it again. Hugs to you. We are all here for you!

  15. I am 3 years out. I haven't been posting much in the fitness group lately but I've still been working out 4-5 times a week. I've been going back and forth on deciding if I should post these but I decided to go for it. I still have a bunch of loose skin I will have removed but even with the loose skin I've been able to tighten up quite a bit.

    I don't do heavy lifting much anymore, although a couple of years ago I trained with a lady that was a body builder. Most of my toning comes full body weight exercises. I do add weights in with the exercises some, too, just not really heavy weights. Once in a while I still do some heavy lifting because I enjoy it. I change up my routine often and I think that's part of what keeps me toned.



  16. Oh, and Sheryl, glad you're feeling better and sorting things out. Are you still taking the meds? I know for me, I'll never be perfect or have things figured out, lol! If I wait for that time to come I will miss out on a lot of life that's going on around me. This is something I have to remind myself of, though, when I'm having a tough time of things.

    So, my hubs has to have surgery on Monday. He has something called Achalasia. Basically, at the bottom of the esophagus there is an opening to the stomach and his doesn't open correctly, it's tight all the time. When he eats the all of the food sits in his esophagus for days while it very slowly empties into his stomach. His esophagus stretches, it was huge and filled with food when we saw it a couple of weeks ago when we met with the surgeon. He's had this for 12 years. Over the years he would go and have a procedure done to have botox injected to relax the opening but the last couple of times that stopped working. I won't bore you with the disgusting side effects he has from this but it's enough that I put my foot down and said he has to have surgery to fix this. The interesting thing is this week he is on Clear Liquids. After surgery he will have a week of clear liquids, then a week of full liquids, then a week of pureed foods and finally a week of soft foods before he can start eating regular again. So five weeks without real food. This is the same kind of diet we followed with after our sleeve surgery. Then, he can't do any heavy lifting or much exercise for 6 weeks. He has to make sure he doesn't get a leak or a stricture, just like we had to do .I feel bad for the guy. He's 6' tall and weighs just under 200 pounds. He's always been fit and active. Not eating is really hard for him. So the surgery is on Monday morning and will take about 3-4 hours and he'll be in the hospital for a couple of days after surgery. I can't remember the name of the surgery but they will widen the opening at the bottom of the esophagus and then they wrap part of his stomach around his esophagus. He will also have a leak test before he leaves the hospital. We are praying this will take care of the achalasia. I guess the success rate is 97%.

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