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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. I am two months out tomorrow actually from my LBL, medial thigh lift and BBL and I have to save I feel 100% back to normal...So it's not really that long, it's just that a week feels like a month when you are recovering...Just relax, rest and heal...

    YES!! It feels like forever because I'm so used to being active all the time. I will say that for me the last couple days I have been feeling better and better and it's been kind of nice to sit and relax! I know I'll look back on this in a couple months and it'll all be a fleeting memory.

  2. Thanks everyone for the kind remarks! It really makes me feel better, especially right now when I'm not feeling so fabulous! I'm taking it really easy, no lifting anything heavier than a glass of Water and no housework or going places besides my dr. appts!

    I'm 12 days out today from my LBL, TT, Butt lift and Lipo. I know how you feel! Recovery is tough and I'm ready to be back to normal but I know that will be a while yet. You look great.

  3. I forgot to comment on the starving bc you can see bones....nope. I am very small up on top. You can see all my bones up there. Especially around my shoulders/neck area it kind of sinks in. I wish it didn't but it's just the way my body is. I can assure you I'm not starving. I'm pear shaped so most of my weight was in the bottom half. I wouldn't be surprised if my hip bones might stick out a little after the swelling goes down but I'm am not starving. Seeing bones does not equal starvation.

  4. Sarah, I am SO Happy for you!! Have you had that moment when you cry in disbelief how much you are transformed? You look wonderful, as I knew you would. Keep updating us. Ok, I have to ask, do you guys read posts by swimbikerun? She has a link in her signature...wow. As best I can gather she is starving due to the sleeve but nobody believes her because she is normal BMI. She mentions evidence of starvation as being able to see upper chest bones. I am 23-24 BMI and you can see my upper chest bones, ribs front and back etc. which you would expect. I thought had things to learn from her but her story doesn't add up.

    Thanks! Yes I have cried more than once. Tears of joy and awe! The transformation of removing the skin is remarkable and it's emotional! It's very hard to explain unless you go through it. Kind of like having a baby, you have to experience it really get the full grasp of what it's like.

    My 3 sisters, my mom and daughter keep stopping over and wanting to look under the binder. Well, not my daughter, she lives in KY but I'm sending her pics. I have never been naked in front of so many people while we stand there and look at the changes! It's pretty funny when I think about it! Lol I'm sure when my husband comes home today he'll want a peak too!

    Swimbikerun...I have many thoughts about her. Her posts for me at first were interesting to read but now they are almost too much. I've had time to catch up on some reading on the boards this week and I've started to kind of skim past her posts/comments. To me she acts like she knows everything and it's irritating after a while. It's as though she's looking for things to be wrong with her. Sometimes too much research is a bad thing and that's what I get from her. She seems very smart but maybe too smart for her own good. I feel like saying to her, "Woman, step away from the computer, go outside and take a breath of fresh air and enjoy your life!" I may be exaggerating a little but you get the point I'm sure.

    Sheryl, I find your insight into life refreshing and I enjoy reading your thoughts and I take many of them to heart. Hers, not so much.

    Haha...maybe I've had a little too much time on my hands lately!????

  5. Sar glad your doing well. Selfish? No way! I am so glad u and others made the decision to do something for yourself. We deserve it! Cyber hughs to everyone!

    Thanks Wanda! We do deserve it, I know that deep down. It's just so easy to get stuck in the rut of always doing and giving. I know you understand just what I'm taking about!

  6. Oh my, Sar! You look AWESOME! I know you just want to look over and over to see if it's real!!!!! Wow! So you have to wear compression garments?

    Thanks Georgia! I have a binder I wear that goes around my stomach, hips and butt. It actually feels good to wear it bc it feels like it holds everything together. I don't find it too uncomfortable. When the binder is off i keep looking at myself thinking is this really me??! It's crazy to not have my stomach in my lap anymore when I'm sitting down!

    Honestly the biggest difference to me is my outer hips and butt. This is where most of my extra skin and fat were. It's amazing to touch myself and not have anymore stuff there. It's like I went to sleep with all this skin and some fat there and woke up and it was gone! It's really an amazing feeling. Like I said before I'll post pics of those areas soon.

  7. Sarah, how's it going.

    Thanks for asking! Obviously there is a reply up above.

    I forgot to mention that my husband and boys come home from camp tomorrow. It really worked out perfect to have them gone while I was at the beginning of my recovery. It was so nice not to have to worry or be concerned about them and I could totally relax and deal with myself. It's so selfish and I'm not a selfish person so it's kind of hard to even write that but it's the truth.

    Now that I'm feeling better I'm ready for them to come home!

  8. Ok time for a plastics update. Sorry, I know that's all I'm talking about lately but it is pretty much my life right now. I'm sure most of us felt that way after our WLS, it's all we could think about until life became normal again. Well, I'm looking forward to my life becoming normal again. I know this is a long recovery so I'm trying hard not to push myself too soon.

    I really do feel pretty good. I can move so much easier now. I saw my dr the other day and he said that I am healing extremely well. My bruising from the Lipo, he said, looks much better than most do at this stage. He also said the same about my swelling. I feel really swollen although ppl that look at me with the binder off say it doesn't look too swollen but I feel that heavy swollen feeling in my legs and stomach mostly. It can take months before that's gone so I will continue to be patient about it. I knew all if this going into this so I was prepared!

    Ok I'll share a few pics with you.


    This was my belly button/tummy the night before surgery.


    This is a pic of my incision today.

    I had two of my drains removed at my appointment the other day. The other two will come out in 12 days! I can't wait!

    I'll share more pics as my brushing gets better in my butt and back of the legs. I don't want to scare anyone with those right now.

  9. Been reading through but not posing much. Glad to hear most everyone is doing - including Sar! Um really kinda jealous, Sar! Ha! I don't need anything but a Tummy Tuck and oh, and arms not as I'm "older" I don't care. Lol. I would dearly love TT, though. Just not enough to spend the money! And if I don't get back to my 5:2 I'm going to be right back where I started. Truthfully, I have completely fallen off the wagon and INTO THE DITCH! ha! Keep telling myself today I'll do better but too much keeps getting thrown at me. Yeah, I know -excuses. Go for 4 yr visit next week. Missing Coops and others!

    You can do it, Georgia! This is for life. We will all have our ups and downs but you can pull yourself out of the ditch, I know you can! Hugs to you my friend.

  10. I had plastics a week ago. I had a LBL, Tummy Tuck, butt lift and Lipo. I went through a time feeling very selfish spending the money to do this when the money could be spent on so many other things.

    I don't think many people understand how emotional it is for many of us to carry around the extra skin. I needed to do this for me. Personally it didn't have anything to do with me being vain and I find myself explaining this to people who know I had plastic surgery.

    I'm glad I did it. I know as I continue to heal I will feel better and better!

  11. Hi! Things here are going just fine. Every day I feel a little better and can move around a little more. I wouldn't say I have much pain it's more just being uncomfortable more than anything. I have bruising that is a bit painful from the Lipo but that is also getting better. My abs are super tight and I feel that mostly at the top of my abs rather than my lower abs, for now anyway. I was told to hunch over for a week while slowly moving up a little each day. Today I was standing almost straight but I tire easily. It hurts to laugh and cough. Thankfully I haven't had to sneeze yet.

    I feel partially numb especially on my front and sides. It's really a strange feeling. I understand this is from all of my nerves being cut and also the from the lipo on my outer thighs and butt. I'll ask more about this when I have my appointment on Wednesday. Sheryl and Sue, did you feel this numbness? How long did it last if you did?

    I could post over in the plastics area but I just haven't yet. I've been reading over there and, Sheryl, that one lady that had her surgery in Mexico with a different dr than you, is driving me crazy. I don't know why but she's bugging me. It's like she's taking over the plastics board. I understand she's passionate about her plastics but wow it's a little much.

    I don't have an appetite yet so I am forcing myself to eat and drink. It's kind of a chore right now sort of like after sleeve surgery. I keep drinking and getting in my Protein bc I need it to heal.

    Recovery is tough for me. It's hard to not be doing much. I know in the long run it's all worth it so I keep telling myself this all day long!

  12. Sarah, I don't remember, did you have anything upper body done?

    Hi Florinda, any updates on your belongings?

    I just had lower body done. I am so thankful I did it that way because I can't imagine not being able to use my upper body to help move myself!

    I'm not having my boobs done. I don't have any but I honestly don't care, it has never been a concern of mine. My arms aren't terrible so I don't know if I'll ever get them done. Maybe one day I will. My main concern was my tummy and excess skin on my lower parts. I have always been pear shaped so that's where I held most of my weight.

  13. Sar Glad your doing well. Take care of yourself and not everyone else. This is your time to heal. So happy for u!

    Thanks Wanda! It's a really strange feeling not being able to take care of everyone else. That's my job and it's hard not to be able to do anything but physically I can't do much. Getting up to go to the bathroom and walk for a bit completely wears me out. My husband and boys are being a big help with anything I need so I'm thankful for that. I also got everything prepared before surgery so I wouldn't need to ask for a lot.

  14. Sarah!!! Aren't you too excited for words?? You were so lean and fit going in I imagine your results are stunning. I remember when I took my garments off for my first shower my friend cried with joy...tears rolling down her face. I visualize some kind of wow moment for you too. Photos!

    Yes I'm very excited! I can tell a difference already and I haven't taken off my garment to shower yet so I haven't seen my tummy yet. I'm scared to take a shower and wish I could hire a nurse for an hour just to help me with that. My husband will do it but I have to tell him every little thing to do and it's exhausting!

    I will take pics when I get up the nerve to do it. Probably next Wednesday. I have to go for a follow up and have all my dressings removed. I'll ask them to take some pics for me.

    The drains gross me out and I honestly didn't think they would bother me at all but they do. I have four of them and I can't stand the feeling if them inside of me moving around. It's just a weird uncomfortable feeling. My surgeon said he's conservative with the drains meaning he will keep them in longer than most to be in the safe side. Lucky me! I'll deal with it. I can put up with anything for a few weeks to enjoy the lifetime of benefits from the surgery!

  15. Hi Ladies! It's been an interesting few days. My surgeon said my surgery was a huge success. I love how he was excited as I was to have this surgery. He kept saying I was an excellent candidate.

    Surgery took almost six hours. I felt like I was sleeping for only a few minutes. The surgeon took pics of the skin he removed for me. He's going to email then to me and then I'll share it with all of you. He took off 5 pounds of skin and tissue. I'm not sure how much he took out with the Lipo I forgot to ask. We were all surprised at how much was taken off.

    I am very bruised in my butt and legs where he lipoed.

    The pain was pretty bad on Tuesday night and Wednesday . Much better today and the worst of the pain is where they lipo was done.

    I'm up moving around just going slow. He wants me to stay hunched over for the first week...come up a little every day and next week I'll hopefully be able to stand straight.

  16. Well Ladies, today is the day! I have to be at the hospital in 4.5 hours to prep for surgery. My surgery start time is at noon. I will stay over one night in the hospital and then I'll be home sometime tomorrow. I'm very excited! I think when I get to the hospital I may start feeling a bit nervous but so far I'm just excited. I'm not looking forward to the pain but I can handle it. I keep telling myself that I gave birth to three children without using any pain medicine so I will be able to handle this. I have a feeling that many times throughout the next few weeks I will need to use my deep breathing and relaxing methods I used during labor to get through the pain.

    Last night my husband took before pictures of me in my underwear. I'm excited to see what the after pictures will look like. We were talking about how weird it is to see all of the skin when I'm naked. When I put on my shape wear and clothes nobody would ever know what I look like underneath. I can cover it all up very well. Lol

    So I guess today is my official last fast day for a while. A total fast, as in, nothing to eat or drink all day. Not even a sip of Water. For the next bunch of weeks I'm going to need to up my calories for healing and really focus on clean eating. I stocked up the fridge with lots off fresh fruit and veggies all chopped up. I cooked up a bunch of chicken and have lots of cheese for Protein. I also stocked up on my Protein Drink and Quest bars so I can up my protein even more than I do now.

    I will update everyone as soon as I can. Thanks to all of you wonderful ladies for being with me through this crazy weight loss journey and all of it's ups and downs. Say a prayer for me if you are one who prays, if not, please keep me in your thoughts today.

  17. Kim!!!! I am so very excited for you! I loved reading this and now I want to see pictures of that new car. What kind is it? Don't you just love the smell of a new car? Enjoy, you deserve it. It touched my heart when you wrote about not asking your dad for things. What a kind spirit you have. Enjoy that new car!

    I hope your mom continues to improve. I hope she can get more nourishment so she can get stronger. We are going through this with my grandma and MIL. They just don't want to eat and drink enough. To make them do it is hard.

    Dealing with the stress of caring for elderly recently is really making me try to focus on enjoying life in the here and now. Getting old is not easy and I want to be happy and live in the moment while I can. I'm trying to remember this each day.

    Florinda, glad you made it to your new place. So sorry about the movers. Keep us updated with the progress. I don't even know what you do from here. I did see a story on 20/20 where movers will hold into people's belongings because they change the amount to something much higher than the original quote. So happy Jack is with you through all of this.

  18. Hi Ladies. Finally the play is over and was a huge hit! My cast bought my vision to life. I felt like a proud mamma. Laughs in the right places and the songs just came off so well. I wish I had pics. I really tried to get some but the day got away from me and I didn't have a chance once it started. I was in the tech booth manning the music board and making sure the lighting guy didn't miss his cues. Everyone said they really enjoyed it. I am so glad its over. On a down note my mom has lost the ability to walk. I was picking her up Sunday for church as I do every Sunday and she littterly fell in my arms while getting her in the car. I am taking it worst then she is. I know in my mind this isn't true but I can not express how horribly guilty I feel for putting her in their. I feel like if she was still at home she would have been forced to continue to use her walker and not spend so much time in the wheel chair. I honestly thought they would give her more physical therpy but they haven't done much and now she can't walk. Legs and hips are muscles u don't use them u will lose them. I kept trying to make her use her walker more but... We are were we are. Now I must fight to get her rehab to walk again. My next focus is to get her out of there. The place is not bad no one is really to blame. But I will never forgive myself if she dies in there. Kim I have u and your mom in my prayers Everyone have a fun 4th and stay safe!!

    Oh, this made me so sad when I read this. I'm sorry you are hurting. Have you spoke with the manager there to find out just what they are doing with her? How often are they walking with her? Try not to get too upset until you find out what is going on. It's hard for me to try to give you advice because you are the one that I feel is always giving others sound advice and I look up to you for that. Hang in there, pray and pray some more and I will do the same. I'm sending you a huge cyber hug!

    Also so glad the play went well. I wish I could've been there to see it. You are an amazing woman!

  19. The long vertical TT incision is called anchor cut or goes by other names. Gives a nice result with a big scar for women with lots of skin above belly button. I didn't get that. Usually what I heard is lower body lift is a combo of procedures which includes a Tummy Tuck and some version of a butt lift. I did not need liposuction and I heard that is a bit more to recover from. Bottom line I still think you are looking at 4 to 6 weeks recovery. What did your surgeon say? You are so thin and fit you will have amazing results. Dr Sauceda works on alot of women that are still overweight but gets great results with them too.. In some ways more dramatic.

    Yes a six week recovery is what I was also told. I was also told when patients have liposuction it is more painful recovery. I was already aware of that from reading what others have said. He also said WLS patients are at a higher risk of infections and I knew that already, too.

    I like that he automatically includes Lipo if it's needed. Other surgeons I met with didn't do that unless asked and then charged more.

    I will post before and after pics in my underwear, for all of you to see bc I'm not comfortable posting them on the main group. It's not a pretty sight without shape wear! Being pear shaped along with being overweight caused a lot of hanging skin back there even with all of the working out that I do.

    I bought my first pair of underwear yesterday. I haven't bought any underwear since I had surgery. I wear shape wear as my underwear. I can't wait to wear cute underwear! I can't wait to not have my skin in the way while working out!

    I'm getting excited.

  20. Isn't that all lower body lift or is the butt lift something else? I had no trouble using the toilet starting day after surgery.

    Seems it's different with different surgeons. He is doing extra work on my butt with Lipo to loosen the fat and really be able lift it since this is where most of my extra skin is on my body. I'm not sure of a better way to explain what he said.

    It's interesting bc one surgeon I met with told me that I needed a long incision to remove the skin above my current belly button. My surgeon is making the incision low by my pubic bone and lifting up and then pulling down from the top to smooth everything out. All of his Tummy Tuck pictures look awesome. I don't know why surgeons call things by different names.

  21. I have not been digging deep enough in this site lately, I'm sure I am missing a lot! Sheryl, great collage! Always drives the transformation home. Mom is doing better, but her short term memory is pretty shot. It wasn't that great before surgery. every time she takes a nap, then wakes up, we need to tell her she is in the hospital and she has had surgery, and the details of hospital life ( how to poo, what the IVs are, why she has a tube in her nose and such) It is sad. I must say she does smile now and then, and that is precious. Its pretty much my nephew and I spending nights with her, and that can't go on forever. He has been great, he has 4 little kids, and is going to school, but has really come through for my mom and dad. (and I!) We are daily evaluating how we can best take care of mom and dad and still stay healthy and take care of our families as well. Sad fact- We can not do it all.

    I understand! I was just telling my husband the other day that we need to set boundaries and figure out what it is that we can do for our family to be taken care of. It's just too much.

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