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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. I just wrote a long post, and blam, gone! Hello all, long story short, mom went in and out of the hospital, is now in the stroke unit at a care home...not eating or drinking aynthing for 7 days now... per plan. I can't imagine she will last more than 2-3 days, most pass 2-3 days after stopping Water and nutrition through an IV. Mom is bringing us all together one last time...that has been very nice. I had comments for many of you... but not going back through the post to quote you... Chim, the whole rotten school think really stinks! It is a lot of work for sure...I'm off of teaching at the college level as well... I worked 7 hours out of class for every 4 hour class when I was teaching art history. That makes that $XX per hour lecture pay look a whole lot smaller. Sara, you are looking Maaahvolous! Sheryl, that farm equipment is fab! Coops, your daughter is lovely, and I want that dress!

    Oh Kim, I am so very sorry. I wish I could be there to give you a shoulder to cry on and a big hug. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this tough time. Stay strong my friend. Enjoy these last few moments with your mom.

  2. I definitely loss my booty... Its now flat! I can't wait till I can do squats, leg lifts etc. and get my booty back !

    I was cracking up when I read this bc I had my LBL to lose my booty!! I'll post pics when my drains are out. Now that the skin is gone I'm excited to tone my booty up!

  3. You look fantastic!! I feel the same about wanting to go back to the gym! I'm not allowed to start exercising lightly until 6 weeks post op...

    Me too! Not working out is driving me crazy. I love to exercise and it's my stress relief so not being able to do so is hard. I also can't start light exercise until 6 weeks. Every day I feel myself losing muscle tone but I know it will come back quickly.

  4. my beautiful girl! roses? for me... happy anniversary! is this why I weigh heavier than I look? Can't find any of my school's prom photos... I'll upload them to the puter and add later!

    Sue. She looks absolutely beautiful! Her dress is so pretty, I love it!

    Oh. My. Goodness. I would die for your legs and butt!!!! Seriously, you could model those legs. Amazing! How in the world did you get muscles like that in your calves?

  5. I am with swim on the Protein. I don't believe the kidney issue is really that big of a concern. My surgeon recommended 60 grams of protein minimum when i was sleeved. When i was a year out he told me that research indicated it should be 80 for WLS patients. Last I saw he said to do what is working. I think that the point is we don't NEED the super high protein but it makes maintenance easier. Daisy is maintaining fine so I guess she f o under the right balance for her, and I do believe different bodies have different needs.... Truth is there are 3 sources of calories. ..protein fat and carbs. Since carbs fatten me up like a steer for slaughter and I don't want a super high fat diet...well... that leaves protein. I actually think that is why I do well getting lots of protein. . Keeps me from overindulgence of carbs. Not everyone has my same response though.

    This is an excellent post Cgj! You can research till the cows come home but eventually it just comes down to what works for you. I honestly believe this is true for those of us that have been successful this far. Try something and see if it works, if it does, keep at it. If it stops working change things up a little bit and see what happens.

    For me, carbs aren't something I have to keep really low. If I do I feel horrible. I eat more carbs and I have more energy. I also workout a lot so that probably is part of the reason I can get away with eating more carbs. Then again, maybe not. I'm recovering from plastics right now so my workouts are on hold for another month or so while continuing my regular diet (minus the 5:2 which I had been doing for almost a year). It'll be interesting to see if I'll end up having to watch my carb intake more or not. I am keeping protein between 80-100 grams during recovery. Normally I have around 60 or so a day.

  6. Florinda, what terrible news!!! I'll be thinking about you. Update when you get a chance and let us know how you are. I hope they won't be treating you bad, this just doesn't seem right. How can they get away with all of this?

    Sheryl, I'm sorry you are hurting. Hugs to you.

    Kelly, the article you posted was beautiful. I'm so thankful I had a husband that loved me no matter what I looked like. I was skinny when we married, got fat, and now I'm skinny again. Never once has he said a mean thing to me about how I looked. He has always been supportive and has loved me through thick and thin...literally! So thankful for the good men out there!

    Hope you can find some less stressful work. It sounds like that's just what you need!

    Wanda!!!!! You go girl! Great job on the carbs! One step at a time to figure out what works for you.

  7. Sarah, I can't wait to find out where you live and how far you are from Chicago! Do you think you will be well enough to travel?

    I'm in WI about 1.5 hours away. My husbands parents live outside of Chicago so we are there a lot. I think we should be able to work something out in the 10 days you'll be there! I'll send you a pm with my cell number. Do you text?

    What are the exact dates you will be there?

    I'm going to try driving today. Will you have a car to use?

  8. No you were fine! I didn't take it that way at all. I was small pre-surgery, size 0.... I didn't have a whole bunch of excess skin to begin with... But it was hangy and I didn't like it! So any swelling would make my pants not fit! This was pre-surgery.... As you can see I did not have a huge amount of excess skin...

    Yes, you are petite! Your results will be great I'm sure!

  9. post-112250-0-87439700-1405450404_thumb.jpg

    This is what I am taking. I started taking it about a week before surgery. I take 4 tablets under my tongue 3-4 times a day. I don't think it would hurt to start taking it now and see if it works for you. I've read some people use it for any kind of bump or sprain and they start as soon as they get hurt.

    I'm not sure if it helped with my pain. I have a high pain tolerance so I only took the pain pills for a few days then switched over to Tylenol. Who knows, maybe the Arnica helped with the pain too.

    I tried some jeans on a couple days ago and they were actually too big so I know my swelling is minimal although I can still feel some swelling.

  10. Tried on my pants today, and they won't quite button : ( I am sure it's from all the swelling in my belly! Anyone know how long swelling lasts?

    Any chance you're taking Arnica for the swelling? My doctor suggested I take it and it's been working for me. He said in his practice it has worked for about 80% of his patients that decide to take it. I do have some swelling and had some bruising from the Lipo but when I saw him he said mine was much less than most have.

  11. <p>Sheryl, If you feel ambitious, would you post a link to this person's posts? I really don't get around the board much anymore. I go in spurts, where I watch tv and don't turn on my lap top. Then I'll be totally into the computer and not turn on the tv except for the music channel. Anyway, I'd like to read something of hers and see what you and Sarah are talking about.</p> <p> </p> <p>Sue, Cathy Dee, Wanda, and whoever else has not made to goal, concentrate on how much you have lost. Keep doing the best you can. We are in this for life. I know people who have expected the sleeve to do all the work, but we all know once you're past the honeymoon stage, it's a stuggle. I've put back 5 lbs that I lost with 5:2 and now my summer capris are tight. 5 lbs makes a difference. Every pound makes a difference. I haven't been to the gym all summer either.</p> <p> </p> <p>Sat. I go to Chicago and I'm really worried about gaining weight on vacation.</p> <p> </p> <p>Florinda, did you see the post from someone who was recently dianosed with MS? She was looking for someone to talk to who has MS. How are you? How are things going with your BF? Are you in Seattle?</p> <p> </p> <p>Sherly, are you still seeing Tino?</p>

    Chicago!!!?????? You will be so close to me!! Do you want to try to meet up or is your whole tripped jam packed already? How long will you be in town? Where will you be staying? Let me know, I would love to try to make it work that we could meet in person.

  12. Sue, Cathy, Wanda, Georgia, and Dee, I wanted you all to know I'm thinking about you. I wish I had some magic words that I could say to you to turn things around but I don't. I do know that you all can do this. Please don't give up. We've all been here for one another through our ups and downs. Maybe take some time and make it important that you/we post here more often to get that motivation and accountability back?? It's hard, life gets in the way, but, you can do this! We can do this together!

    Hang in there ladies (all of you, even the ones we haven't heard from in awhile). Hugs to all of you!

  13. Did either of you have the patch for nausea behind your ear? I've been sleeved over 3 years and didn't have a problem with focusing after that surgery, I didn't have the nausea patch with that either. I did, however, just have plastic surgery on july 1st. For the first few days I couldn't focus or see much up close. Far away was fine. It turned out it was the nausea patch behind my ear that was causing it. After I took it off I was fine after a 1/2 day or so. The anesthesiologist said that whatever is in the patch is the same thing that they use to dilate your pupils when you have an eye exam. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

  14. Yes I am still wearing my binder around my waist.. I hate it! But he told me I could use Spanx instead, however as much a I hate the binder I am still wearing instead of spanx! It makes me feel secure like it doing something protective to my body. I know it's just in my head! I will be wearing it for a few months I believe. I had my arms drains removed after a week and my abdominal drains removed after 2. Thank goodness they are gone! You will feel much better when all your drains are removed!

    I'll have to wear mine for a couple months too. It doesn't bother me right now. It makes me feel secure also. I like how it holds everything in real tight!

  15. The issue of someone like swimbikerun is truly interesting to me; I believe it points to our underlying insecurities and our almost universal need to seek therapy, when the one thing that has been your focus, your shame, your hope, your everything goes away, what do you do then? I'm not the youngest on these boards but I am on the lower end of the bell curve, so there are a lot of people here (bariatric pal) who have spent 20, 30, 40 years morbidly obese and now "suddenly" aren't, some people handle it better than others and some people are affected by it differently than others. Sounds like she doesn't know what to do with her intensity!

    Wow, you hit the nail on the head with that description!

  16. Lil...do you still wear a binder or garment around your waist? When did you get your drains removed?

    I had two removed the other day and I still have two that won't be removed for 11 more days. My doctor told me he's very conservative about the drains especially in WLS patients. I knew that before I decided on him for surgery so I was prepared for it but I cannot wait until they are out!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
