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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. It is interesting bc Renee and I were at the hospital at the exact same time. I had my surgery the day bf she had hers. Her pain was real, I was there, I saw her. I, on the other hand, hand zero pain. I didn't even have the gas pains that most get. I didn't have any nausea. When I woke up from surgery and I was in the recovery room I asked for pain meds and they gave them to me. I remember the anesthesioligist saying that I should not feel any pain and if I did to ask for something right away. I felt something but it wasn't pain so I asked for something and did so throughout the rest of the day. Maybe this is why I didn't have any pain...bc I kept on top of it? I'm not sure but either way I'm glad I didn't. Also for me, I didn't have any fibro or cfs issues bf I had surgery. I have 100 pounds to lose, I have high blood pressure and didn't want to end up with diabetes which both of my parents have. This is why I had the surgery. I have a severe latex allergy and spoke to everyone about it and spoke in detail to Dr. Aceves, Dr. Campos, and the anesthesioligist about this. It was taken care of, I had to have a special JP drain instead of the usual kind most patients get with Dr. Aceves. I felt great and still feel good other than a little weak and I get worn out easy.

    Renee` did do her homework and she was assured bf she went to Mx that this would be taken care of. It wasn't. That is just what it was. The story needs to be told so people with these issues can make sure that the same thing does not happen to them. If someone is going there with chronic pain conditions....talk to Dr. Campos and Dr. Aceves personally, in detail bf you go into surgery. They will talk to you and spend as much time with you as you need. Bf my surgery I had the orientation talk with Dr. Campos and then Dr. Aceves came around to each room and talked to us alone. When Renee` had her surgery she had the orientation with Dr. Aceves and a neither one of them came to the room to talk alone with the everyone. Every day it is a little different there. I think it just depends on when Dr. Aceves is in surgery and when he isn't.

    It's good to hear both sides and to hear from two people who were there at the same time and who had totally different experiences and went in with different issues. Everything in Mexico is not going to be perfect, everything in the US is not going to be perfect. I had a horrible experience not too long ago with a hospital here in the US when I had some chest pain and had to spend the night. The care I received was TERRIBLE it was nothing like the care I received in Mexico. Does that mean all hospitals in the US are like that? Of course not. I had great experiences in the US when I had my children.

    Do your research, ask questions. It's scary to go out of the country, it's a huge decision. Talk to as many people as you can who went to Mexico and ask their advice and look at the whole picture of each persons experience when you are deciding what to do. Thankfully the majority of the people who have gone to Dr. Aceves have had an excellent experience. This should not take away from the concerns of those who have not had a good experience. It can be a very emotional thing to talk about when there are two different experiences...it almost feels personal, but it's not. Dr. Aceves is a good surgeon, that is obvious. Dr. Campos is an excellent, wonderful doctor! Renee` and I both agree with that even though we had different experiences.

  2. Question for you, and I am not an expert because I just had my sleeve done last week...but are you eating enough calories? I know one thing my doctor/nut said to me was that if the loss slows I should up my calories with Proteins and good fats and that should speed up the weight loss, he was also sleeved a few years ago so he know from experience. Just a thought. As you said, any loss is good, it's 20 pounds lost forever! Congrats!

  3. Renee` I am glad you wrote that, I know you told me that but I didn't want to be the one to put it on here if you weren't comfortable with it. This is where I think there is a difference in Dr. Aceves as the surgeon and Dr. Campos as the doctor who spent most of the time taking care of us! I love them both and even though Dr. Aceves may not believe in a fibro diagnosis I do believe that he will keep these things in mind! It is sadly true that I have heard of many doctors here who feel the same way!

  4. Renee`, thank you for your kind words. I believe any friend would have done the same thing. I felt so bad for you. I do have to say, though, that it was amazing to watch how your turned around pretty quickly once you were able to relax, breathe and get those liquids and then your meds inside of you! I think we were all relieved when you started feeling better, not great, but better!

    I wanted to give a shout out to Lynn, too. She is such a neat person. Not only is her love and devotion to Renee` obvious but she is a true friend to all she meets. She was there for all of us with her words of advice from her experiences. It was nice to have someone right there who could answer our questions and share what she has learned along the way.

    I am happy this is experience was posted. We all need to hear all sides of what happened especially, when deciding where to have this surgery. It is good to talk about both sides of this. When people are going to Mexico to have surgery they need to keep these things in mind, especially when they have health conditions before hand. There is not a doubt in my mind (I assume Renee` and Lynn feel the same way), that both Dr. Aceves and Dr. Campost will keep their eye out and maybe change the way they do things if they see another patient like this coming their way. I strongly believe this from the things that Dr. Campost talked with me about when I questioned him about the differences between hospitals and doctors in the US and in MX. He and I spent a lot of time talking about things because I had never been out of the country before and had so many questions about Mexico. He is a very humble man and has the best interest of his patients and will do whatever needs to be done and change whatever needs to be changed to give the best care possible!

    All of these things need to be taken into consideration if you are deciding to leave the country to have surgery! Things are different in other countries and it needs to be talked about!

  5. I also forgot to tell you that Ernesto, the driver, is so nice. Ask him questions on the way and it's like having your own personal tour guide on the way there and back! He is a sweetie and had the surgery himself. Ask him to show you the pics in the glove compartment! He carries them with him. Also, don't forget to give him a tip! I tipped him when he dropped us back off at the airport when I was going home.

  6. When can I start swallowing my pills again instead of crushing them? I remember asking the doctor but don't remember what he said. My thyroid and sleeping pill are small...do you think it's ok to take them normally right now?

    Also, when can I start chewing gum again? It is a habit for me and I love to chew gum! I miss it.

  7. YES! So very normal. I am sorry and it will go away soon. You are probably feeling the gas that they inflate you with to see your insides. Walk as much as you can. It will suddenly change and you will feel so much better. This happened to the lady that I had surgery right after me on the same day. Hang in there!

  8. Do you work on the computer at home? It will be much easier if that is what you do. I don't think it will take long for you to get back to work at home but you won't know until you have surgery. Each person reacts differently.

    I was fine after surgery and up and walking right away. I even posted on here from my hospital room and felt fine. Others don't have it so easy so you will have to wait and see how you feel.

    I had my surgery on Tuesday and came home on Friday. The only "issue" I have is that I get worn out easy but I just had major surgery so that is to be expected.

  9. I just wanted to give all of you a little update on Renee`. She is in the room next to me and had her surgery yesterday. She is having a hard time and has been really sick. She has been up a few times today and I have spent time with her in her room. She is starting to look a little better. Please send some prayers her way! I keep telling her that she will be feeling better very soon. I know you are all wondering about her so I wanted to let you know how she is but I will let her update all of the details when she is ready.

  10. I am still in Mexico...day 3! I am doing excellent. I am one of the lucky ones who have done really well. I have had zero nausea and very little pain. I didn't have any of the gas pain that I have read about others having and have seen others here have. What I am feeling is more like I have had a really good ab work out. I was up right after surgery and felt good. I am sipping my Water and drinking my delicious chicken broth. I took a shower today and fixed my hair and put on make up and I really feel fine. The doctors here are excellent! Dr. Aceves is wonderful. He has been in to check on me a bunch of times. Dr. Compos is here almost all the time and answers every question I have and is one of the sweetest most wonderful men I have ever met. He was also sleeved a couple of years ago. He is excellent.

    The hospital is very clean. Everyone is very very nice. The only thing that I didn't like is that there is not always someone speaking English here. Not all of the nurses speak English so sometimes it is hard to communicate. During the day it's not bad bc Dr. C. is almost always here or Lucy the nurses at night have not spoken much English. For me it hasn't been bad bc I have been doing so well but I can see how it may be a problem for some.

    So far so good for me. I will be heading home tomorrow so I'll update when I get back.


  11. I'm Sleeved! Yippee. Feeling good so far. Got out of surgery a few hours ago. I've been up to go to the bathroom and walk a little. Legas are a little shaky. I just took some pain meds so I am going to take a nap. So far pain is controlled and not hurting much. Obviously I know that may change. I'll update later!

    Thanks to you all for thinking of me today!

  12. I am here in Mexicali in my hospital room waiting to be sleeved!

    I booked with Southwest and have been booking with them since they began and they are the cheapest I can find, usually! I have never had anyone be rude to me at all with Southwest and I was never asked to purchase 2 seats.

    Pack light. I packed a carry on so I can just take it with me. I took a small pillow for the plane ride home to hold over my stomach if I have to cough or sneeze. I also brought a heating pad and I'll let you know if I end up using it. I have slippers and bring a robe, they don't have them here!

    I also have a wheel chair that will be waiting for me at the airport for the same reasons that are stated above. Our flight will take over 8 hours with stops so I know it will be more comfortable if it is there for me.

    If I can think of anything else while I am here I will let you know.

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