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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. I am still wearing a Spanx thingy. If my stomach has a lot of swelling at night I'll wear my binder to bed, too.

    I also couldn't imagine not wearing some type of compression after surgery. I felt much more secure with it on and I felt like it held everything together.

    MC, I hope your swelling gets better soon. Thankfully, I didn't have anything to that extent but I have read about others who have suffered the same way as you are. It will all be worth it in the end. Don't do too much, take it easy and try to relax and let your body heal.

  2. I'm 10 weeks out from my LBL. I also has Lipo on my outer thighs and the back of my legs. I noticed I have quite a bit of swelling in my calves and ankles, more in my left than right. This happens during the day and is worse by evening after I've been on my feet most of the day. Even if I haven't been on my feet all day they are still swollen. I do notice more swelling around my incision line and lower tummy after I workout. The swelling in my calves and ankles seems to be there even if I'm not working out.

    I did ask the doctor about this and he says it's normal and it could last up to a year. Has anyone else who had a LBL had this happen? If so how long did it last?

  3. Sar, I bet your looking fantastic~ The skin bikini is so strange, I can't picture where it came from... Sheryl, thanks for saying how I feel s normal. That actually makes me feel a lot better.

    I think it looks like a bikini, too. I had to have my doctor explain it to me bc I couldn't picture it either. The top portion is from the front of me, my stomach and sides. In the picture the skin is upside down from how he actually cut it off. The bottom skin is from my butt.

  4. I am irrationally annoyed with theo right now. Actually I am annoyed with the entire dating experience this week. I posted the story in the ladies room but basically everything felt pretty comfortable, low drama and nice balance... seeing him approximately weekly and having a great time. In a single phone call he managed to make me feel undesirable and unwanted. I know that wasn't his intent but I am cranky about it and not sure what to do.

    What did you decide to do? Did you go to the party with him? Let us know what happened.

    I read the post in the powder room. Sounds to me like you need to talk to him more. This doesn't seem like something you should keep inside if it's bothering you that much.

  5. I hit reply too soon...I'm doing ok. I'm 9 weeks out from plastics and finally starting to feel normal. I'm working out again and building back up to where I was pre plastics. Not there yet but I'm taking things slow. I finally did some jogging and jumping and it didn't feel like my bottom half was going to fall off! That made me happy.

    Plastics is really an incredible emotional journey. So many ups and downs. I'm going to post some pics soon. I need to have my hubs take some 2 month pics for me but I've been swollen in the evening when he is around to take them for me. I want some non swollen pics. The swelling isn't terrible it seems to be more at night after I've been up and moving all day. By morning it's back down again.

    I absolutely love my flat stomach. It's amazing how flat and tight it is. I'm also very happy with my outer thighs. I'm not as thrilled with the results so far from my butt. It's still saggy and I wish it was lifted more. When I post pics you all can tell me what you think. I'm trying to deal with this bc it's really bothering me. I feel like I should be happy and not complain. I also know that I'm early out yet and things will still take shape and change some. Like I said, it's very emotional. I will eventually have my inner thighs done so that they match the rest of my legs.

    I haven't been doing 5:2 since surgery but I think I'm going to start up again next week. I like using it for maintaining and I like the way it makes me feel. I feel more in control when doing 5:2. I think I'm far enough out from surgery now to start again. I've been having too many Snacks this week and I need to get that under control! I haven't gained any weight, I've actually lost a little. I'm now at 138. I would like to stay between 135-138. I also have gone down in my pants size. I'm wearing A 4 now in most pants although I did buy a couple pairs of size 2 jeans/capris. With plastics he removed 5 pounds of skin and the Lipo removed almost 2 liters of fat from my hips and legs and thighs. I was surprised I had that much fat to be removed! I'm so glad it's gone though. All the working out I did and that stubborn fat still stuck around. I can't remember if I posted a pic of the skin that was removed so I'll post it. If your squeamish scroll past and don't look at it. :)


  6. Hi everyone. The new app was updated on my phone and I couldn't get logged on. Alex helped with that and all is well now.

    Kim, hugs to you. I'm sorry you are hurting. I'm sure you MIL being there will help take your mind off of all of the negative things going on in your life right now. How is your dad doing? I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose a spouse when you are older and that's all you have known. I hope he is doing ok.

    Sheryl, what happened with Theo? I believe you about your meds. My body is so sensitive to meds. Something as simple as Benadryl can knock me out for over a day. Is being sick to your stomach a side effect listed for the med your taking? I hope your ex will be ok and it's not cancer. Maybe he contacted you bc he didn't have anyone else to talk to and he was lonely and scared?

    Denise, hope you are doing ok. What happened with the house?

    Georgia, can I please come to Disney with you? It's my favorite place. I'm a huge Disney fan! I love going to Magic Kingdom and walking down Main Street! Have a Dole Whip for me while you're there.

  7. Sheryl and Kim, you both have been in my thoughts. I hope you are able to find some happy moments as you grieve the loss of your loves ones.

    Florinda, I've been thinking of you, too. All of the stress you are dealing with...stay strong.

    Sue, congrats to your daughter. I have a 14y/o son and it's amazing to watch his accomplishments lately. They get to a certain age and start maturing and growing so quickly! I love proud mom monents!

  8. Your family is lovely and you and your daughter look alike. you could be sisters!! :). Skinny thing, you!

    It's funny you say that about being sisters. While she was here last weekend we had three different people that didn't know us refer to us as sisters! I guess losing all the weight took a bunch if years off of me. I don't know how much she liked me being called her sister but I was happy about it!

  9. Don't laugh at the way I took the selfie in the second pic. My 23 year old daughter saw it and laughed at me and is now trying to teach me how to take selfies! ???? Also, ignore that I took this in a bathroom. I saw a great mirror and went for it! I'm a few weeks out from plastics in this pic so I had to wear something comfortable to hide the bulky binder that I'm wearing around my stomach.

    The first pic is the day of my sleeve surgery over 3 years ago.


  10. Hi how curious how much is the plastics surgery?

    It really depends what you want done and where you are having surgery. Plastics are a very individualized process so prices vary. I suggest going to different doctors and having consults to see what different doctors suggest for you and see what their prices are. Look on realself.com and you can find some great advice as well as different prices in different areas.

    Some have chosen to go Mexico to have plastics. Prices in Mexico are usually cheaper in the states but do your research. There are excellent doctors in Mexico.

  11. I'm thinking of all of you. So many of you are struggling and going through hard times right now. I don't know the words to say so I have just been sitting back and quietly reading. Please know all of you are in my thoughts.

    I feel bad coming on here and posting pics about my successes because I do not want any of you to feel bad.

    Hugs to all of you.

    With fall quickly coming upon us I am feeling a little overwhelmed. It may sound minor in the midst of what many of you are going through right now, I do realize this, although it is still an intense feeling inside of me and I'm trying to figure out how do deal with these things. Last winter I went through a terrible depression because of winter. I seriously feel like I cannot handle living in this winter climate anymore. The cold and snow depresses me terribly. I am feeling anxiety that it's coming again soon and I don't want to feel the depression I went through last year.

    We are not, at the moment, in a position to move south but this will happen in our future I just don't know when. My husband is in the financial business and most of the money he makes is commission and he has built a large client base in this area over the many years he has been doing this and he has been quite successful in his business. So moving, when we decide to do it, will be somewhat of a challenge although he is good at what he does so I have no doubt he will continue to be successful wherever we go.

    Also, my boys, ages 14 and 11, do not want to move. They are happy here and they are nervous about moving and having to make new friends.

    I seriously just want to get out of Wisconsin and move a little further south. I want to be closer to my daughter, I miss her!

    I'm just rambling but I wanted to write out my feelings and get them off my chest.

    I decided to share a couple pictures of the family. We were all together last week because my daughter came home for a visit. Whenever she leaves I go through a few days I missing her intensely.


    This is all of us when we went out to dinner one night.


    This is my daughter and I.

  12. The paper tape was just micropore tape (its pinky) it was the best one - I tested different types on myself and micropore gave me the best scar results, lol This tape (They say it's brown but i always thought it pink lol) http://www.chopmyhair.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/c6d773281cabadc582c3cd676b3a9b63/1/4/1401b-1.jpg My fleur de lis stretchdd a little bit (not a lot really) but I loooooove my new belly - So amazing even 4yrs down the line I still adore my new belly! This was my belly in 2011 (op aug 2010) I will hafta get a recent pic uploaded... I did not use any special cream - My PS said E45 - But my daughter has exzema so I used her Diprobase cream (Its like E45 just easier to use as not as dry) I am 4yrs post Op1 and 2.5yrs post op5 and I still massage twice a day - Just makes me feel better I guess, lol The reason I still return here is because this was the only site where I could really SEE pictures at that time and talk to people about my fears, and now, to return that gift, I return to help other people on this part of their journeys. Return one kindness for receiving one I guess.... Plastics was one of the most important parts of finding ME. Getting to know the ME I am now. Getting to normal - Though in many ways I guess all the scars make me abnormal, but I have never been this size since I was a child. I have never felt as good in myself - ever! Plastics was a gift I gave to myself, and a wonderful gift given to me by my surgeon, who was amazing (He probably thinks I am nutso - Prolly correct lol - But - I get through the trials and tribulations of life with humour, if I am laughing - Then I am coping, when I go silent - It is time to worry - lol) I am glad to find another person who also measured their scars length - LOLOL

    Scamp, thanks for returning to the boards and sharing your experiences and pictures!

  13. Thank you @Scamp. Your tummy is beautiful. It is nice to see another fleur de lis. Your surgeon did a beautiful job. I see my surgeon again tomorrow. I will be picking up the micropore tape. I am also using compression garments on my arms and tummy and will be for quite some time. It makes me feel much more secure to have the garments on. When they are off for showering, I am very uncomfortable. I feel like my skin is pulling, especially on my arms. Did you feel that way? I imagine the tape will also add a secure feeling. I am glad you understand about feeling "normal." I have always wished I could be a strong and confident woman! How I admire women with those qualities! When I was 300 lbs, I always felt so self-conscious. I thought when I got to goal, I would finally feel normal. But with all the skin, I did not. That is when I decided to have plastics. Am I striving for perfection...no. Just my personal version of normal...even with my 7 feet of scars...lol! It is so individual to each of us, isn't it? Thank you for returning to these boards to lend support. I appreciate all of the advice and encouragement.

    I also felt like my skin was pulling around my incisions without my compression garment on. My surgeon said that's a normal feeling and in time it will go away. I had a LBL/TT/BL so without my garment I felt like the lower half of me was going to fall off! Lol! I'll be 7 weeks out on Tuesday and I'm not feeling that way as much but I still wear my compression, probably until 12 weeks or so. I had a very small seroma in my mons area that had to be aspirated a few times so my doctor is recommending to continue wearing the compression garments.

    I can relate to the feeling of wanting to feel normal without all of the excess skin! I told my doctor and my husband that I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin again. It's such a liberating feeling to not have the excess skin hanging around! Finally, I can see my little body under all of the skin and I am loving it. Like I said earlier it's all very emotional.

  14. Hello. I had my scheduled panniculectomy revised to an abdominoplasty with fleur de lis incision. I was back and forth regarding the risks involved with an old, large gall bladder scar. I sought multipe consults and even discussed with my bariatric surgeon. I finally decided to take the leap with the fleur de lis. My tummy was a disaster with skin. I felt eventough I had reached a normal BMI, I was still wearing the "fat suit" I have heard other people talk about. I am completely okay now with the larger tummy scars as I did not plan on wearing a bikini. I am just so beyond grateful having the skin removed. So here is my issue: I also had a brachioplasty completed. I had the arm skin of a 100 year old. Totally scarred from old stretch marks, causing skin to be incredibly loose, wrinkled. They were just awful. I would always wear longer sleeves. I work out so hard and have nice muscles. Just could never see them thru the excess skin! Because of the excessive skin issue, there was a possibility going in that I would have to have a posterior brachioplasty. The incision goes closer to the back of my arms, rather than the common pics seen of it medial (and hid very well with arms at side). Now, my arms look beautiful from the front and the sides. You can see my muscles/definition now. The skin is that tight. However, looking at me from from the back the scar is very visible and extends about an inch below my elbow. I am not even sure what I am getting at here...I am rambling...I guess I just wanted the scar totally hidden and am struggling because it isn't. I had hopes it would not be as bad as it appears to me now. I am trying to remind myself of how far I have come. Maybe trying to feel proud even though I am still scarred. I just so wanted to be able to wear short sleeves or tanks and feel good about myself. I don't think I have ever in my adult life felt good about myself. I just wanted to feel like a normal woman. Is this the end of the world...no. Am I still blessed...yes. Just struggling right now. Thanks for listening.

    I am 6 weeks out from plastics and it is such an emotional journey so I completely understand where you are coming from! Especially during recovery when there isn't a lot you can do...very emotional.

    Did you discuss scar placement with your surgeon before surgery? If so, what did he say?

    My doctor said it will be a full year before I see the complete results from the surgery and during that time my body and my scars will continue to change and take shape. I didn't have my arms done so I can't relate to the scar on the arms.

    I understand your concern and I have a feeling part of you didn't even want to post this because you know things could be much worse and there are a lot of people out there that wish they could be in your shoes just to even have plastics. Those are some of the things I have felt during recovery! I am thrilled with my results but I still sometimes find myself poking and pulling here and there and saying what if he would have done this?? Then I try to remember what he said about things changing and the healing process taking a long time. Also, as I'm able to do more and get back to my normal life I don't think about these things as much.

  15. I am 5 weeks out from my LBL, Tummy Tuck, and Lipo. I have to say that this week I started feeling really good. Not back to normal but starting to feel more normal. I am up doing my normal things although I don't work outside of the home. I still move slower than normal but it's getting better! Next week I will slowly star adding my workouts back into my routine.

    I would for sure take 3 full weeks off of work and if you can do it I would take 4. This is just my opinion.

  16. I'm doing well with my recovery. On Tuesday I'll be 5 weeks out. Once I hit six weeks I won't have any restrictions. I'll be able to slowly start working out again. I can't wait. My doctor said to listen to my body and go slow and my body will let me know if I'm doing too much.

    I have had some swelling in my pubic (mons) area. I had to go in and have the Fluid removed and it looks like I'll have to call tomorrow and go in again since there is more fluid. It's not a lot of fluid but enough for the doctor to pull out this huge needle and remove the fluid. It doesn't hurt because the area and the nerve endings are all numb. It's just the fact that a huge needle is being poked in a sensitive area that is hard to deal with!!

    Here's a pic I took of myself this morning. Ignore the bathroom part of the pic. Lol


  17. I have said this before and I'll say it again. I am over 3 years out from surgery and this has been the easiest way for me to lose weight. Is it an easy way out? Not at all! I tried everything and worked hard to lose weight and keep it off before surgery. I had surgery and knew what I had to do to lose the weight and keep it off. Removing 80% of my stomach made it a lot easier for me to achieve my goals!

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