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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. Whoops, honest mistake. Oh well, one more day to wait. Ernesto will pick you up from the airport, don't be surprised if he is late. He will be there. When I got there I got nervous bc I waited over 45 and finally called Nina, he was late and came 1/2 hour later. It also takes over 2 hours to get to the hospital so that is one reason you need to get to the airport early enough.

    Keep us posted on your surgery. You will be well taken care of while you are there!

  2. My doctor repaired mine for me during surgery and I never knew I had one. I had been to the ER a couple months before surgery with some pain thinking it was my heart. They never found anything and now I am wondering if it was the hernia. I haven't had any pain after surgery so the hernia repair didn't seem to bother me.

  3. Your feelings are totally normal! You can do this! When I got home from surgery I thought I would never be able to get through the first 30 days. I had 10 days clears, 10 days full liquids and 10 days soft foods (which is where I am now). Guess what, the time has flown by! I have 7 more days of soft foods and I can't believe it went so fast! For me the head hunger is the worst part of it. I know others don't have this but I do. I figured I probably would bf I had the surgery so I knew I just have to deal with it. It is getting better! I know I will eventually be able to have all of the things I love so it's not too bad.

    Also, I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have any nausea after surgery so you may be just as lucky. I still haven't had any. When I try something new I take a tiny sip or bite and see how it sits in my sleeve bf I take more. If it doesn't feel right I don't eat anymore and will try that food/drink again later on!

    Hang in there and keep us posted on how you are after surgery!

  4. Congrats on making a great decision and for doing it while you are young! You will be happy.

    Not sure about the excess skin yet, you do have age on your side, though. I am able to start my regular workout routine at 6 weeks, this includes 10-20 pound weights and each week the weight limit increases. I walk now for exercise, I'm 3 weeks post-op. Check with your doctor and see what his guidelines are for exercise, all doctors are a little different.

  5. I think you need to make this decision for yourself. The first thing you wrote is that you know you don't want to have the surgery. If you already know this then I, personally, don't think you should have it right now. I felt unsure when I first met with the surgeon in the US. The nurse told me that if I am not totally sure then I need to wait. She said I needed to be totally sure I took this major step. Obviously I decided to have the surgery and I am glad I did but it is not an easy thing to do. It's not an easy way out. It's tough but for me it has been worth it.

    Your questions are normal and I we all have them. Again, if you don't want to do it don't. Wait until you are ready even if it means waiting until next summer.

  6. That is great news about switching doctors! I'm glad you didn't give up.

    You have to do your research and make the decision that is best for you as far as which surgery you want to have. Of course on this board you will have pro-sleevers.

    As far as hunger goes, I had my surgery on May 24th, I still have hunger but it is head hunger. I have stomach hunger once in a while if I get busy and need to eat. There is a big difference between the two. I am an emotional eater so it is a struggle for me but it is getting better. I couldn't even eat the food I really want if I tried, I would get sick, it won't fit in my tiny sleeve. I know this will get better for me and it's one thing I needed to get over before my surgery so now I have to deal with it. I would think that this would be the case no matter which surgery I would have had.

    Good luck, let us know what you decide.

  7. Thanks for updating, I have been wondering about you.

    It's interesting how everyone is different. I can't stand room temp. things. I like my drinks and Protein shakes cold with ice and they go down so much better for me! I like my Soup warm.

    If you still have trouble getting liquids in I would still suggest going and getting fluids. I had 2 bags a week ago and ever since then I have felt wonderful and have been able to get in all my liquids and Protein Shakes.

    Take care and keep us updated.

  8. Why the sad face after your title?? It should be tomorrow it is...:D:D:D:D!

    It's normal to be nervous but please be happy!:D Tomorrow is the day you have been waiting for! This is great news. The surgery is later in the day and that's ok. Try to sleep in if you can. Take the time to breathe deeply and really relax yourself. You can do it, you will be just fine. Think happy thoughts tonight. I was nervous the day before and then, I too, had a calm come over me and I was just fine when I woke up in the morning.

    See you on the losers bench!;)

  9. First of all, I am sorry. I know you are hurting. Looking at it from the outside it is obvious she was never a true friend to begin with. You don't need this in your life. You are on a positive track right now and you don't need negativity. I have read of others on here who have had to let "friendships" go after surgery. Not everyone will be supportive, it is sad but it is life. You will meet more friends in the future. Only allow the ones in who are really friends. Don't give up on friendship. There are many good, loving people out there who will love you for who you are. I promise. True friends will support you no matter what is going on. Hugs to you!:)

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