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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. Georgia, so good to hear from you!!! Hugs to you! You sure do have a lot going on. Hang in there. Hopefully the Zoloft will help.

    Florinda, I don't know how I feel about not working out when you have an injury. After suffering from a concussion and other issues with my hips, core, and lower back since my accident in December, I don't know what's worse...working out and having pain or dealing with emotional consequences that come from not working out and feeling my body turn to mush. I just don't know. It's a tough call.

    Your trip sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. What a great thing to be able to do with your mom!

    I also believe that there is some depression/emotional issues that come from being obese. A lot of that I believe is why most become obese in the first place.

    I do know that depression can be beat. My mom has done it so it can be done. She still has times that things may happen in her life that bring her down but she is so strong to not let herself stay there for long and pull herself out of it.

    For me, I know what I need to do but I am just not doing it. I'll get there.

    Good news this week is that my dizziness has been better. Bad news is that I have a chest cold!!! I feel like I'm going crazy. One thing gets better and another gets worse.

  2. I forgot I was going to say that today is my 19th wedding anniversary. We didn't do anything special. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere or do anything.

    I then remembered that on Saturday it was 4 years ago that I was sleeved. I am thankful for my sleeve and I wonder what the next year will have in store for me...

  3. Denise, let me know when you'll be in town and hopefully we can work something out this time! I think I can handle the drive there, it's not that far from me. I hope to be feeling much better in the near future.

    Glad you're having a nice time with Owen. What does he do with his home when he is on his boat and gone for weeks at a time?

    Cathy, great thoughts.

    Kim, that's a lot to lose in 5 days. I have been eating too many carbs and too much junk. I can't believe how much I can eat but as soon as I go back to the Protein I fell right up really quick and my sleeve does just what it's supposed to do.

    For me it's all been emotional eating. Going back to the same old habits because I don't want to deal with life right now. I wish being thin automatically meant that I was happy all of the time! I know that's not reality but I wish it was.

    I've been reading up on intermittent fasting (IF). Not just 5:2 but actually fasting on a regular basis. It's interesting to read about. It sounds like it works long term for some people and it doesn't for others. Same as anything else out there.

    I was also reading that some people have had issues with mood and such but it seems to get better the longer they keep up with the IFing.

  4. Cathy, it's just the physical symptoms that are the issue. I don't mind driving a car too much but I do get a little nervous in parking lots. I'm just worried about the dizziness on the trip. Motion for me causes dizziness although I am seeing minor improvements so that is promising.

    Seriously, who would ever think that an accident in a school parking lot would cause this much trouble. It has put such a damper on my life and the life of my family. I've missed out on a lot in the past 5 months bc of this. No, it wasn't my fault. A teacher was speeding and ran a stop sign right when I turned into the parking lot. Yes, I do have a lawyer. Nothing will be done until all of the symptoms are over or they are as good as they will get.

    Kim, sorry you are down. You have suffered a lot of loss in the past year.

    I hate depression. Depression runs in my family. When I was younger my mom had severe depression. She was even hospitalized to get help. When she was a child she was abused and for years she blocked it from her memory. When she realized what happened she got help. She is a different person now.

    Sometimes I hate it when I look at my life and I try to imagine why I am sad and why I have depression. Other people have things so much worse than I. It's like I get mad at myself because I shouldn't be depressed.

    Today is a good day though. I feel pretty good so I will live in the moment and enjoy this time.

    Here is a selfie I took with my boys today. My 15 year old is taller than I am and my 12 year old is almost as tall as I am now.


  5. Found the info Kim.

    I am coming up on 4 years in a couple days. In the past few weeks I have noticed I can eat a lot more at one time. Of course this is more junk. If I stick to dense Proteins I still find I have great restriction. My problem has been that being down I've just been turning to the junk...slipping back into old habits and I don't want this to continue. I want to put a stop to it now.

    Denise I forgot to say I hope you enjoy you're time with your new guy!

  6. Sue, I feel for you. I've been going through the same thing. Sorry you're having a rough time.

    Since my accident in December it feels like things keep going downhill. I'm trying to remember that I am making progress. Im still having problems with dizziness so that's keeping me from doing the normal things and keeping me from working out on a regular basis. I can't stand it. I feel like I'm turning to mush. My muscle tone is deteriorating.

    I'm nervous about this trip out west that we are taking in a few weeks. We will be spending a lot of time driving. Driving makes me dizzy.

    Kim, what's the pouch test that you are doing? I haven't been on the boards much so I didn't see anything.

    Sheryl, how is the hip? Any better?

  7. @@BethinPA I was hoping you were going to say you were all healed by now. I really hated the drains, too. But I think you are right, it won't go on like this forever. It will eventually heal. Even knowing that, I do know how frightening it is when it doesn't take the usual path. Hang in there buddy! I am sure some day you will get to enjoy it.

    My wound is completely healed and the incision doesn't look too bad. My left foot and lower leg is still swollen. Not terrible, and I think it is some better, but I'm really worried that it's lymphedema. It's been 6 weeks, and I've been on a diuretic and wearing compression hose, but it's never gone completely down. However, the fact that it's some better, and responds to diuretics and elevation is promising. If it's not better in a couple of weeks I'm going to see if I can get a CT or something to look at the lymph nodes behind my knee.

    So, good luck to you. I do hope you start feeling better! The weather has suddenly and dramatically improved in Michigan, and that's working wonders to get my mind off of all this. I hope you can also get some temporary relief until you are totally healed!

    I also have swelling in my left calf and ankle. Some in my right but mostly my left.

    I had my LBL, Lipo, and Tummy Tuck 10 months ago. My surgeon said that the swelling can last 1-2 years and he doesn't consider it permanent until the two year mark. I'm also scared of lymphedema. My PCP gave me a script to get an eval with the lymphedema clinic to see if that may help. It is a lot worse when I have been in a plane or in a car for a long time.

    My mom has lymphedema so it concerns me. I didn't have issues with this before plastics.

    I also am planning on getting a full thigh lift and I hope to have that done this fall but my surgeon won't do it until the swelling goes away.

  8. Who lives in Seattle? I know there are a few of you. I will be in Seattle in June. I don't know the exact dates yet. It would be fun to meet some of you!

    My husband is planning a trip out west. He's been wanting to do this for a couple years so we are doing it this summer. I think we are leaving the 14th and will slowly make our way to Seattle while stopping some places on the way. My BIL and SIL live in Seattle so we will be spending a few days there before we head back home.

  9. Sheryl, how are things going with the boyfriend?

    You asked about the depression. It's gotten bad enough that I have been in bed all day some days. There have been times that I have also skipped social events because I just didn't want to be around anyone. So it hasn't been good.

    I do feel a little better. Lately I've been having more good days rather than bad days so that is encouraging.

    I'm so used to working out to deal with my stress and when that was taken away after the accident, it made things worse.

  10. Hi everyone. I've been around reading but not posting.

    I'm also not getting any notifications when people post so i usually try to pop in every couple days and see what's going on.

    I'm still recovering from my accident.

    I've had some serious depression over this. I still get headaches and dizziness. I am also having memory and concentration issues still. I can't workout like I normally do bc it makes me sick and dizzy and I end up with a Migraine. The doctors keep saying it takes time and that I will get better. In the last couple weeks I have had some slight improvement so this is promising to me. I started physical therapy and I am doing a lot of work with my balance and trying to eliminate my dizziness.

    That's basically what's been going on with me...not much!

    I'm doing good with my weight but I have lost so much muscle! I hate it but I know it'll come back when I get back to my regular workouts again.

    I have to watch my food intake a lot closer since I haven't been working out. If I eat junk I can eat a lot of it. If I stick with the basic sleeve diet...dense Protein and veggies...my sleeve still works fine.

  11. I wanted to catch up bc I love reading about everyone's lives and I don't like that Ive missed so much. I'm caught up now. :)

    Denis, oh my, this has been just horrible for you. I am so sorry. I hope you are finally on the road to recovery. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you.

    Sheryl, as always, I love reading about all of your adventures. You and Kim seem to live such fun lives. I am such a boring person. Lol keep us updated on the dance lessons.

    Thanks, Cathy, this has been really rough. The hardest part of it is dealing with my FIL who refuses to realize she is not getting better. He still thinks she is ok and should be doing the same things she has always done. She's in the end stages. She can walk at times but is unsteady. She can still feed herself if she is awake and someone gives her food. She messes her diapers and can't bath or clean herself up anymore so she is constantly getting UTI's. She is now having seizures, too. My FIL yells at her and she just cries bc she doesn't understand anything anymore. She doesn't even remember who ppl Are a lot of times.

    One BIL also doesn't think she is as bad as she is. So he feeds his dad with telling him she is going to get better. It's all just terrible. She is 87 years old and still living at home. The state has had to get involved bc she is not getting the care she needs. Doctors keep telling my FIL and BIL how serious things are but they will not listen.

    My SIL is almost 50 and living in the house with the inlaws and she is mentally unstable herself so it's not good. Last week my SIL was trying to change my MIL diaper when she had a seiZure and fell into my SIL arms. She thought her mom was dying in her arms. Along with the fact that the house is seriously like an episode of hoarders. I'm not exaggerating. We have brought my SIL here for a while so she can get a break and I'm trying to work with her to get into a dr and get on some meds. It's exhausting dealing with her bc she is paranoid and depressed and has severe anxiety and her mind cannot think clearly.

    My grandma has also been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. She is in beginning stages so it's not as bad. Plus my mom and our whole family are working well together to all help out. She will be moving into assisted living in the next couple weeks. My mom wanted her to move in with her but my grandma has a boyfriend and will only move with him. He needs more care than my grandma and my mom can't take them both. So for now they will move into an assisted living place that is right up the street from my mom. I think it's so sweet that at 89 my grandma has a boyfriend!!

    My accident and concussion have taken a toll on me. It has been a long recovery. My concussion has caused short term memory loss that I am praying will come back. It's getting a bit better so I'm hoping I will have a full recovery.

    Not working out as I usually do has been driving me insane!!! Last week I was just cleared to start 15 min workouts every other day. I'm used to working out 5-6 days a week!!! I love working out. It's also my stress reliever. I'll get better I know but it's been rough.

    I just started physical therapy also. Apparently the impact of the accident also shifted my hips which has been painful. Also frustrating bc after I lost weight my hips were a mess and I had to learn how to use them the correct way again. I was where I needed to be with all of that and now it's like I'm back to where I was, thankfully not weight wise. Part of the problem was that my accident was only 5 months after plastics so my body wasn't wasn't even completely healed from that yet. I know it could've been much worse so I try to keep that in mind.

    The good news is that I haven't gained any weight. I've been between 137-140 and I'm ok with that. I haven't been doing 5:2 bc I need all the nutrition to keep my body healing.

    I've lost a lot of muscle tone but it'll come back quickly when I'm back to working out on a regular basis. I like to have a lot of muscle. I just like that look for myself.

    So that's been my life lately!

    I'm glad to finally catch up with all of you. Cathy I need to post pics. The last ones I had done were a few weeks ago with my plastic surgeon. He takes the pics and then shows them to me right away while I'm there. He puts it up next to my Preop pic and it's so cool to see the difference I'm going to email him and have him send me the pics so I can post. I am so happy with my stomach especially!

    Going a shout out to everyone else that I didn't mention!

  12. Hi Ladies! I have been missing from the group for quite some time.

    I'm ok, life has been insane for me right now. Still trying to recover from the accident I had a couple months ago. Many family issues going on especially with my MIL who has Alzheimer's.

    I'm going to go back and try to catch up and then I'll fill you in more.

    I'm sorry I haven't been around to give support. I'm still here but I haven't even been reading posts for the last few weeks.

  13. Florinda, are you doing ok? What did it feel like when you got the tube out? Were you starving? Did you want to eat right away?

    Cathy, thinking about you this holiday season. It'll be hard without your mom in law. You too Kim, first Xmas without your mom. Hugs to you both.

    So I'm trying to hang in there myself with this stupid car accident. I was picking my son up from high school. I pulled into the parking lot, still had my foot on the brake, and one of the teachers was leaving. He was speeding through the parking lot and ran a stop sign and hit me. HARD! We are waiting on the final word but pretty sure our minivan was totaled. I ended up with a pretty bad concussion and whiplash. I'm still having concussion symptoms and I'm not even supposed to be on here now. I'm supposed to be resting my brain. Hard to do this time of year. I have had a little memory loss. But it's more when a bunch of things are going on at one time or if the kids are asking me a million questions at the same time. It's like my brain goes into overload and I can't think anymore. The headaches and dizziness are frustrating.

    The whole accident is just a pain as they are for anyone. The guy will not return calls from his or my insurance company and he is at fault. So that means we have to pay whatever out of pocket until he decides to cooperate. You would think that since it happened at his place of work, it was his fault, and he has a chance of having my son for a student in the next 3 years that he would cooperate and be a respectful human being. Oh well. Yes, we have a lawyer. This has put a damper on getting ready for Xmas. No baking and you all know how I love to bake.

    Tomorrow my daughter will be home and the house will be full again!

    Merry Christmas to all of you if I don't get back on bf Christmas.

  14. Denise!!!! I am so sorry you are having a hard time healing. Try to up your Protein. I'm thinking of you.

    I know when I had plastics the surgeon said numerous times that patients that have had WLS have a higher chance of having infections and wound issues. I would think its the same for any surgery. Hang in there!

    Sheryl are you doing ok? Usually your the one who pops in on a regular basis. Hope all is well.

    Lynda, glad you had a nice trip. Sorry we haven't been very active in here lately. Hopefully that will change after the holidays. I know I'll be ready to jump back in after the holidays and get back into the swing of things. Anyway, tell us a little about yourself when you have some time. I know the rest of us know about each others lives fairly well. Are you married? Kids?

    Sue, I know just what you mean about the holidays and family. For the past many years we have had some family issues and have not all celebrated together. Long story, I won't bore you all with the details but this year my whole family is going to be together. I am so happy. So very happy!!

    Kim, hang in there! I know what you mean, I keep munching here and there and every where. I haven't been able to exercise since the accident and usually exercising allows me a few extra snacks!

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