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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. Ok, one more post. :)

    About letting people in the group, I agree it should be a group decision and we all have to feel comfortable. If not, it could seriously jeopardize the trust we have with one another. With that being said, I'm thankful you all agreed to let me in and that you all made me feel so welcome.

  2. Fasting today. I am thinking about doing double classes tonight at the Y. There is a step class from 6-7 and a body pump class from 715-815.

    Sheila, I know you double it up sometimes, have you ever done it on a fast day?

    I will have eaten by then so I think I'll be ok. I think I'll take a tangerine to eat in between classes.

    Happy Monday, all.

  3. Excellent thoughts, Jane! And don't forget to add to the list of things we post...naked pictures! I love how your confidence comes through in your posts!

    Oh, and I'm not offended, it takes a lot to offend me. I would rather people be open and honest and say what they need to say.

    Yes, please talk about the abuse if you feel it will help. I opened up about myself a while back. It was hard but it felt good to talk about it. I really believe that most people that are obese have had some sort of abuse in their lives. Not everyone, of course, but the majority.

  4. I think it was probably one of those knee jerk reactions and feeling left out. Unless you are in here with us reading all of this you can't really understand what goes on in here and why so many of us felt uncomfortable with it being opened up for all to read. This is a safe place for us and it's not all about 5:2. People on the outside don't have a clue. Remember a while ago when we wanted a vet group started and people got all upset about that? I think it's the same kind of thing...feeling left out. But I don't feel like we are trying to leave people out, we are trying to help them in other places.

    I get that.. I can see how she got offended. Well I posted another link there to the latest 5:2 thread so hopefully she will check that out if she's interested. But something tells me she just like reading our sagas :P

    Hahaha...who wouldn't???

  5. I'm not sure why that woman was upset? She hasn't been doing 5:2 and in fact before today hadn't signed on since October..

    there are two 5:2 threads on the vets forum.

    I could be better at posting on them but it looks like the rest of you are helping out there.

    I think it was probably one of those knee jerk reactions and feeling left out.

    Unless you are in here with us reading all of this you can't really understand what goes on in here and why so many of us felt uncomfortable with it being opened up for all to read. This is a safe place for us and it's not all about 5:2. People on the outside don't have a clue.

    Remember a while ago when we wanted a vet group started and people got all upset about that? I think it's the same kind of thing...feeling left out. But I don't feel like we are trying to leave people out, we are trying to help them in other places.

  6. Sounds like tracking will be good to get you where you want to be.

    I don't write down everything I eat and count calories. I do keep track in my head. The last couple of weeks I have added more Snacks than usual so I know my calorie count is up on regular days. Fast days I am doing just fine. I know after the holidays I will tighten things up once again. It's usually all of the little things that add up...a little bite of something here and there. I also work out a lot so I can get away with eating a little more and having more carbs in my daily diet.

    Great job on the steps! That is a start! Good incentive to keep at it, too...$300...I'll wear anything they want me to wear!

  7. Ladies, do you think we should change the name of our group to something else so people don't get offended? I saw someone got upset that it's a closed group. I can understand where they are coming from because I would want to know what was going on in here, too! :)

    One of us could start another open group for 5:2 that anyone could be a part of if they choose. I don't mind starting it. I won't post things like I do with all of you girls but then at least people won't feel left out.

    Thoughts? Denise, what do you think? I know you started this group so I don't want you to think I'm stepping on your toes...I think maybe you were the one that suggested that we change the name??? (I could be wrong, I can't even remember how old I am, lol.)

  8. Georgia!!!! Look at you and the hubs! Adorable, I love it! You could pass as brother and sister.

    Yes, the sweater is too big for your tiny self! Try a cardigan, it wont keep you as warm but it will look nice. Cardigans are my answer to everything!

    Globe! Glad to hear from you, you had us worried. I'm sorry about the loss of your dad and the emotions that come from it. Hang in there.

    Kelly, I loved reading about you! Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you live an interesting life. I think that's great that you changed careers like that! Good for you. I would love to hear more stories about your celebrity clients! How cool is that?? The pic you put up is beautiful!

    Dorrie, when you move to Oregon will you live close to your daughter...isn't that where she is moving? We will be moving one day, too. While it scares me because I have lived in WI all my life, I am so ready to get out of here.

    Kim, glad the brownies are gone. I love how your positive attitude comes out in your posts! I'm always looking forward to what you have to say!

    Here's a funny for today...I realized today that I keep telling everyone that I'm 42 but I'm not I'm only 41. The hubs heard me tell someone I was 42 and he looked at me and said, "No you're not, why do you keep telling people that? You're 41!". I had to laugh at myself. I know it's only a year but why do I keep forgetting how old I am?

    Hopefully Cheri will be back with us soon!

    Susan, are you still here??

  9. Sheila, I was just thinking today it would be nice to add where people live to the list! Thanks for doing this. I'm from Wisconsin.

    Ms. Skinniness= Dorrie ~ Fullerton Ca
    Feedyoureye= Kim
    Sarsar = Sarah-Wisconsin
    MG2= Sheila - Centennial CO
    Ccjane = Sheryl
    Georgia = Georgia :P
    Uk Cathy = Cathy
    Swizzly = Dee-Switzerland
    Brown= Wanda
    Globe= Florinda?? ...GT help!
    Susan= Susan

    Laura-ven= Laura

    Chimera= Kelly-Seattle

    Supersweetums= Sheila

    Coops= Sue - Pontypool, sunny South Wales UK

    OrgeonDaisey= Denise

  10. Sounds like most of our days ended better than they started!

    Dorrie, so happy you and your daughter were able to talk and cry and bond. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

    Laura, retail therapy is the best. Thinking of you tonight...you have had a rough bunch of years with your daughter. The ache that a mother feels when their children are in pain is hard to handle. Keep hanging in there.

    Kelly, our lives get busy at times. You are welcome here whenever you can get here. Can't wait to see the pic of the ugly sweater family! We wear pj's with our family at Christmas. Well some do, some don't, it's optional but I love it!

    I was able to step away from the food and get busy today. Felt so much better.

    Gnight all! sleep well...

  11. Sar I am sorry you feel bad but thank you for sharing. I have online horsey friends I have known for 10 years, met in real life and felt so close to until recently. Whenever I post something genuine like that,well they seem to think weight loss has made me crazy and sad. No, crawling out from under the fat and no longer abusing food means I FEEL things so much now. Like a deaf person who can suddenly hear,sometimes it is too loud and too much...but I am much happier and better now it just doesn't always look that way. I feel like you all understand and don't leap to judge. I hope you all feel that from me too, I think you are all amazing ladies even with the ups and downs.

    Yes!!! I have to feel now that I try not to shove food inside me so I don't feel.

    I know all of you here get that feeling and know just where I'm coming from!

    I am also much happier now, even though I will still have my sad times. Now I just have to learn to get out the feelings and move on from there and not get stuck! For the most part I am doing that, but it's still hard at times.

    So happy I have all of you in my crazy life!

  12. Rough day over here, I am totally procrastinating again. I have so much to do, yet, I feel anxious and sad. So I am sitting here trying to numb these feelings with kit kat bars and reeses Peanut Butter cups. I don't even know how many I have eaten. I just keep putting them in my mouth. It's like I'm stuck and I can't move and I don't want to feel anything. It's as though I'm stuck and I see the whole world moving around me and I can't get up and go... I'm usually not a procrastinator, usually I just do things and get them done so I don't have to think about them anymore but, lately I just don't want to do anything! Just wanted to write out how I am feeling. I will be fine. The holiday season is tough for a lot of us, wish it didn't have to be this way. Blah...

    Do you have any idea why you are feeling sad??

    I know that feeling so well, paralyzed.

    Girl after last night I have no right to tell anyone to step away from the food..

    But, step away from the food!!!

    We nned to get up! Yes me too. I've got things to do. I hate this, but I'm going to make a list of things that have to get done this weekend.

    Would that help you to do that to?

    Yup, different stuff with the holidays and family that makes me sad. It's like the holiday season is when I really see how messed up my extended family is and my husband's for that matter. It just brings me down every year. It's like I try to put a smile on my face and keep going for the kids but deep down inside I hurt because I wish it could be different.

    I got away from the candy and started cleaning and doing sheets. Then, I decided to turn our Tempurpedic mattress around on our bed, king size, I was laughing at myself, trying to turn that crazy thing around!

    It just feels good to be able to type out my feelings...thanks for listening.

    Yes, I have a list.

    We can do this!!!

  13. Rough day over here, I am totally procrastinating again. I have so much to do, yet, I feel anxious and sad. So I am sitting here trying to numb these feelings with kit kat bars and reeses Peanut Butter cups. I don't even know how many I have eaten. I just keep putting them in my mouth. It's like I'm stuck and I can't move and I don't want to feel anything. It's as though I'm stuck and I see the whole world moving around me and I can't get up and go...

    I'm usually not a procrastinator, usually I just do things and get them done so I don't have to think about them anymore but, lately I just don't want to do anything!

    Just wanted to write out how I am feeling. I will be fine.

    The holiday season is tough for a lot of us, wish it didn't have to be this way.


  14. Jane, didn't realize I still had a page to read before I posted asking about your date.

    You look so cute...love the shoes, the pop of color looks great. You are so tiny! Oh, I can't wait to have plastics and remove all the excess skin! Seeing you brings me hope of what changes plastics will bring in me.

    I really wouldn't worry too much about the comment. Just go out with him and have fun and enjoy. You never know he could just be the one you are looking for. You could end up falling in love and being happy and getting married again. If it happens, it happens. For now just take one date at a time and see where it leads. Have fun!

  15. Laura, sending you a HUG...wow...you have been dealing with a lot. Wow! I cannot relate but I hope that some day you two will get to that friendship point. There is still hope so don't give up.Don't give up on her but also don't give up on yourself! She is old enough now that she needs to figure some things out on her own. That is the hard part of parenting. Is she bipolar by any chance or does she just have so much anger and rage built up inside of her?

    I deal with that anger and rage at times myself, it was much worse years ago and still comes out sometimes. It's such an awful feeling inside that I feel bad for her that she has to feel it. But, the thing is we all have to learn how to deal with our emotions.

    Glad you opened up about it and told us about the binge. Today is a new day. One foot in front of the other...keep on marching. Hang in there Laura!

    Dee, you look great! It's like you look like a totally different person but the same person??!! Does that make sense? lol I love your smile, too!

    Sheila, YOYO!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!! Never heard of that before but I will be using it at our house now!

    Wanda, good to hear from you. Thanks for sharing your story about your son. I love reading parenting advise from those that have been there, done that!

    Jane, how was your date? What did you guys do?

    I am also an "old school" parent. The hubs and I have worked hard teaching our boys to be respectful and hold doors open for ladies, open doors for me when we go places, bring in the groceries, ask if they can help older people hold things...stuff like that. It's something you don't see much of anymore these days.

    Happy Saturday, all!

  16. I find myself watching obese people sometimes.. It could probably look like staring. But not judging..

    I see a person and sometimes I see their sadness. And I feel like I know them. I fell like I am them just living in a different body now. It's funny but I feel like if they see me they judge me in a different way..

    I want to say I know how you feel! I was you not that long ago! But of course I don't, we are only strangers to each other and to them I'm just some "normal" person possibly judging..

    Yes, yes, YES! This describes me to a T...nicely put, Laura.

  17. Sheila, I copied and pasted the list into my "notes" on my phone!!! LOL. THANKS! I have a 5 min fudge recipe that uses a box of powdered sugar instead of marshmallows, stick of butter and vanilla, I believe is all it takes. I'll look it up. Now, I REALLY want fudge!

    Look at this for lower carb no bake chocolate Cookies.< /p>


    Yes, please post the recipe when you find it. Thanks!

  18. 2.5 years out, 119 pounds lost and I finally feel like me again. A different person? Not sure but I know I'm the person I had been wanting to be for a long time.

    No, I honestly do not discriminate against big people. I remember where I came from and I remember how I felt and I don't plan to forget it. I do look at big people and feel bad because I remember how I felt. I feel compassion for them. I've been in their shoes.

    I don't eat only healthy but I do eat healthy a lot of the time. I don't look down on those who don't. They will change their life when they are ready. I don't let how other people eat bother me. I choose not to let it bother me. Instead, I am thankful that I was given this chance in life and that I can't eat like that anymore.

    Some things that are different are the usual things you hear...I'm happier, more confident. I can do more, I feel like I am living life now instead of sitting on the side line.

    Now, I can say these things as someone who is far out from surgery. Right after surgery, my emotions were going crazy and I'm sure I felt a lot of different things. It takes quite a while to settle into a "normal" life and figure things out.

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