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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarsar

  1. It would be great to have rules for this forum as a stickie. They don't show on the ipad app. I wasn't aware they had changed because my computer is need of repair and I access the site almost exclusively from my ipad now.


    That's a good idea Lynda. Can someone post these rules as a sticky so everyone can see them?

  2. Florinda, I am so sorry to hear about your team leader. You have been through so much, and now losing someone in your team. is just too much.

    My thoughts are with you.

    You can pm me if you're ready for me to start another care package.

    Honestly I don't know how everyone is able to remember everyone's posts to comment on them. I am definitely going to have to take notes. I wish there was a way to view the thread while you're posting. I don't know how to open two screens but I know it can be done.

    Went out dancing last night with some girl friends. It was really fun. The band at the Casino was really good. I can't even believe I am still at 135 after the holidays. I have not been to the gym. I've been trying to be careful but I've definitely eaten a lot of junk.

    I had to break someones heart that I met online. He lives pretty close and we met and I knew after meeting him there was no way I wanted a date with him. He sent me a message telling me how he could not wait to see me again. That is just as hard as when I really like someone and they don't have any interest in me.

    Well the holidays are almost over so I hope that everyone feels better when we start the New Year.

    Hugs to all!

    Denise, when you read a post, at the bottom of it there are two boxes. One says "MultiQuote", the other says "Quote". You can click on those and the post you are going to reply to will show up in the box when you are ready to type your reply.

    Click on Multiquote when you are done reading each reply and this will show you more than one reply at a time. Or click on "Quote" like I did and your post showed up above what I am writing.

    Does this make sense?

  3. Florinda, I am sorry for you loss. This is just wrong...so many things happening to you. Life is unfair. Thinking of you...

    Sheila, I am also sorry for the loss of your cat. Pets are like family members. I hope your girls are doing better. I'm glad your family gave all of you some time to yourselves to grieve.

  4. At 2.5 years out I eat fries once in a while. Potatoes fill me up fast (unless it's a potato chip) so I only eat a few of them.

    I forgot to add that other fried foods don't taste very good to me. I can have a bite of fried chicken or fish but it just makes me feel gross . chips, on the other hand, are a different story. They slide right through me and I can eat a lot of them.

    I stick to a pretty clean diet so I don't eat things like this often.

  5. I've been feeling better today, just knowing all the holiday stuff is done. My daughter even helped me take down the tree, and I just put it up last Sunday. I just wanted it down and done with!

    I ate terrible today, but didn't do too bad the rest of the week. I only did one fast day this week and will be back on track next week with my regular days. Still at my low weight, so all is well with that.

    Laura, isn't it funny how you can "feel" so big and then step on the scale and "feel" skinny all of the sudden?

    I went shopping Thursday and finally bought myself a pair of size 6 skinny jeans! The other ones were just too big and were starting to look ridiculous. Now I need to find a couple of other pairs. I hate, hate, hate jean shopping. It's so hard for me to find ones that fit nice. My hips/butt are much bigger than my tiny waist. The waist in almost all of my pants are too big where everything else fits fine.

    Brown, I loved reading about the feast your hubby does! Fun for him and the guys. Now, does he do all of the cleaning up after the cooking or is that your job? :)

    Georgia, a few days ago I remember reading about your son coming up on his 2 year sobriety anniversary. I think that is so wonderful for all of you. I pray that he will continue on the right path! What heartaches you must have went through with him. I have a friend I met a few years ago and we instantly became like sisters. She had drug problems in her past and I helped her get off of the drugs. Recently, she has started again, and my heart literally hurts. I don't know how to deal with all of it because I have never had someone close to me with these problems. It is a big reason I had a hard time this Christmas season. Her and her hubby were supposed to be with us again this year.

    Hope everyone had a nice Saturday. I am thankful my family is all under one roof for a couple more days!

    I started a thread in the veterans group. I thought is was only for those a year out or more, meaning that nobody under a year should create or comment there??? Maybe I'm wrong. I hope it doesn't start an uproar.

  6. This forum is dedicated to veteran Sleevers who are one year or more post-op to discuss issues specific to those who are further along in their journey.

    Please note: You must be one year out to post or create topics here.

    Am I correct that with forum is now for vets only, meaning those a year or more out? So in order to post/comment or create a topic here you are supposed to be a year or more out?

  7. Coops! New low???!!!! I hope so! Exciting! What does cwtch mean? I guess I can google it to find out. lol

    Kim, it's a quick bread. I saw a recipe for it on Pinterest. My oven isn't working right so I hope it turned out ok.

    Georgia, yes, happy not to have a double chin anymore!

    Denise, I can't even imagine what you have been through. Losing a spouse at such a young age. Hugs to you.

    Thanks to all of you for being here for me. It's so nice to be able to get on here and say what I need to say, feel what I need to feel, and just be me.

  8. Just got caught up, again...lol. Still feeling blah, trying to figure out why and deal with these emotions.

    Today is going to be our big Christmas. My daughter got here yesterday morning, she had to work on Christmas. Honestly, I'm just ready for the day to be over so I can be done with it this year. And then there is another part of me that is trying to just enjoy the moment with my family as I remember that the boys will grow up so fast and soon enough they will be gone like my daughter. I was reminded of this again yesterday when I went and had the kids' pictures taken! I hadn't done that in years with the three of them together. It's crazy to see just how grown up they are!

    So many emotions....sorry I've not been much support but it's just where I am at this moment.

    I was cracking up reading the comments about weight on the driver's license. I need to look at mine and see what it says but I'm pretty sure I weigh less than what I have on there now. I had mine renewed a couple of years ago and even after the weight loss I had I'm sure I still put a lower weight than I was.

    SherylJane, glad you are having fun skiing. Sometimes I think I would like to try it, but I hate snow and I'm also scared I would hurt myself.

    Ok, I'm going to get out of bed, I need to bake something for today. I'm thinking Eggnog bread, I found a recipe that looks good so I think I'll try it.

    Happy Friday, friends.

  9. Kim, cool picture! Looks really neat, I would love to see it!

    Denise, congrats on your new granddaughter! Have fun on your date...I think some of these guys should come to you. That, to me anyway, would be a true gentleman.

    Dee, your meal sounds delicious! Enjoy.

    Florinda, thinking of you today.

    Christmas Eve...I'm going to do some baking with the boys today. My youngest wants to make cut out Cookies. Not sure what else I will bake. Our tradition on Christmas Eve is to open presents at night. My sister and her son come over and spend the evening with us. We always order Chinese food from the same place every year and then we go out and look at Christmas lights.

    The regular Christmas with my extended family won't be until Friday this year because my daughter has to work on Christmas so she won't get in town until Thursday morning.

    My fast day yesterday was fine. It will probably be the only one I get in this week and I am fine with that. Holding steady at my new low weight so I hope that will continue through the week.

    Trying to stay happy today, so hard for me this year.

    Thinking of all of you today.

  10. Hey everyone. Just wanted to check in and say hi. I've been around reading but haven't been much support lately. Just feeling down, trying to get through the holidays. I am going to workout in a little while, hopefully that will give me some much needed energy and cheer me up. Also, I'm fasting today. I'll try to come back and post more later.

  11. Trying to catch up here! I have been so busy the last couple of days trying to get things ready for the holidays. Still have lots to do but I'm making progress.

    Wow, wow, wow, to the artsy ladies...your work is incredible. Seriously, I have said before, I can hardly draw a stick person so when I see what people create it absolutely amazes me! I so wish I had just one creative bone in my body but I just don't.

    SherylJane, you seem to have a good attitude about the dating stuff. Sounds like he maybe wanted someone who wants more and really wants to be taken care of. Who knows. Hope you are feeling better today. I understand the sad feeling...lots going on right now in your life. Hang in there.

    Dee, that stinks about work. One more stressful thing for you to deal with. You hang in there, too.

    I am trying to remember what everyone wrote about but my brain is just mush today. I didn't take any notes either.

    Kim, I'm sure that weight will be gone quickly after the new year when things settle down.

    Ok, that's all I can remember right now.

    Fasting today. I also just made some fudge, the recipe that Sheila posted. I am going to now look for the one that Georgia posted and try that, too. Then I'll have the hubs do a taste test and see which one he likes better.

    Oh, I forgot to tell you all that last week when I stepped on the scale I was down another 2 pounds. I weighed again today and it's the same so my total so far with 5:2 is 16 pounds! I would like to lose 10 more and then I'll stop.

    Happy Thursday, ladies!

  12. My update was missed... so adding in.

    Ms. Skinniness= Dorrie ~ Fullerton Ca

    Feedyoureye= Kim- Sacramento CA

    Sarsar = Sarah-Wisconsin

    MG2= Sheila - Centennial CO

    Ccjane = Sheryl - NorthEast of Seattle WA

    Georgia = Georgia - Conway, AR

    Uk Cathy = Cathy- Cheltenham, England, UK

    Swizzly = Dee-Switzerland

    Brown= Wanda- New York now Cincy

    Globe= Florinda

    Susan= Susan

    Laura-ven= Laura- Los Gatos, CA

    Chimera= Kelly-Seattle

    Supersweetums= Sheila

    Coops= Sue - Pontypool, sunny South Wales UK

    OrgeonDaisey= Denise-Coos Bay , Oregon

    Denise, done.

    Oh, and Laura, what were you testing? Did it work?

  13. Florinda, tough decisions ahead for you! I don't know what to say. There are pros and cons to both. The medical care seems like a biggie for now. I don't know what I would do. Do any of your coworkers know about the MS?

    Dee, hope things are going well for you. Any news on the apartment situation? Are they getting all the work done that needs to be done?

    Coops, when I had a consult the surgeon also said the scarring is worse for that kind of incision. I have still thought about going that route because I will never wear a bikini anyway so nobody would see the scar. Hey, Coops, did you wear the dress for your party?

    Jane, a trip for turning 50 sounds like fun. I'm not sure where I would go, I have to think about that. You could come to WI...lol:)

    Denise, maybe you aren't quite ready to date yet since the break up wasn't that long ago?? I don't have a clue since I'm not in your situation but I certainly can understand how dating could be frustrating! Hang in there.

    My fast day yesterday only came in at 400 calories. I had bit intentions of working out last night, a double workout, but around 5 I started feeling sick again with the chills and sinus stuff. So, I just went to bed. I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat anymore. Still feel like I am fighting something today, hope it goes away soon.

    Happy Tuesday all!

  14. Yesterday I only came in at 400 calories. Normally I am around 550 but I wasn't feeling good and I went to bed early.

    Susie, be careful eating today. Try to stick to your plan if you can. I believe what makes 5:2 work is sticking to a good diet on your regular days.

    I'm interested in finding out if you feel more restriction than usual today.

    Great job Susan!

  15. Ms. Skinniness= Dorrie ~ Fullerton Ca

    Feedyoureye= Kim- Sacramento CA

    Sarsar = Sarah-Wisconsin

    MG2= Sheila - Centennial CO

    Ccjane = Sheryl

    Georgia = Georgia - Conway, AR

    Uk Cathy = Cathy- Cheltenham, England, UK

    Swizzly = Dee-Switzerland

    Brown= Wanda

    Globe= Florinda

    Susan= Susan

    Laura-ven= Laura

    Chimera= Kelly-Seattle

    Supersweetums= Sheila

    Coops= Sue - Pontypool, sunny South Wales UK

    OrgeonDaisey= Denise

    Cathy, done.

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