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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. I am leaving tomorrow morning for Mexico. I will be sleeved on Tuesday! It's funny because I don't really have any feelings right now. I'm just kind of numb. I am excited but I don't feel nervous or anything. I'll let you all know how I do after surgery! Thank you everyone for all of your support so far! Talk to you on the other side!
  2. I am here in Mexicali in my hospital room waiting to be sleeved! I booked with Southwest and have been booking with them since they began and they are the cheapest I can find, usually! I have never had anyone be rude to me at all with Southwest and I was never asked to purchase 2 seats. Pack light. I packed a carry on so I can just take it with me. I took a small pillow for the plane ride home to hold over my stomach if I have to cough or sneeze. I also brought a heating pad and I'll let you know if I end up using it. I have slippers and bring a robe, they don't have them here! I also have a wheel chair that will be waiting for me at the airport for the same reasons that are stated above. Our flight will take over 8 hours with stops so I know it will be more comfortable if it is there for me. If I can think of anything else while I am here I will let you know.
  3. sarsar

    I'm In Mexico!

    Come over and see if I am here or not! I'm in room 22. STop by if I am in surgery my mom is sitting in the room!
  4. sarsar

    In Mexicali!

    Awww, thanks Renee`...I'm in my hospital room waiting to be taken back. I will see you tomorrow. There is another guy here looking for you too not sure who he is but I heard him ask for you at the front desk.
  5. sarsar

    My Suitcase is packed

    Exciting! I know how you feel...I am leaving for Mexico tomorrow, too but I am going to Dr. Aceves. Hope all goes well for you. I'm not packed yet, working on that now.
  6. Wow you look great! You seriously look like you have lost 100 pounds! You must carry your weight really well! Congratulations!
  7. sarsar


    I am so excited for you! What great news! Keep us posted on how things go!
  8. Have faith, it will happen....I like that! Congratulations on your weight loss and new found enjoyment for life!
  9. sarsar

    My Fav Compliment so far

    I love that! Thanks for sharing!! Congratulations!
  10. Sounds like you are doing well, that's good to hear! Keep us updated!
  11. sarsar

    Hi- here is my story.

    Hi, welcome and congratulations! I don't have a spouse who needs WLS, he is actually the perfect weight, always has been! I think it's really great that you are both going to be healthy and happy!
  12. sarsar

    A visual NSV finally!

    Wow, you look great!
  13. sarsar


    Great news!
  14. sarsar


  15. sarsar

    My One Month Out

    Thanks for sharing your experiences! I can't wait until I am a month out and can see things from a different point of view!
  16. I am happy for you! See, you're not crazy after all!
  17. sarsar

    Me and My Pills

    I love this update! Congratulations!!!!
  18. Why is it that the week I am on my pre-op diet is the one week where I have 4 events that I have to be at that involve food?? I will make it through...last night I had a meeting and drank a Protein drink before I left so the food didn't tempt me at all. I can do this! I will do this!!!
  19. I just realized I put this in the wrong place. I wanted it in pre-op not post-op. Can I change it?
  20. sarsar

    -40 lbs!!!

    Wow! You look great!!!
  21. I just realized that with all the questions I have been asking everyone here and elsewhere that I forgot to ask how long the surgery takes! So, how long does it take?
  22. sarsar

    Off Work

    I haven't had my surgery yet so I don't know if that will be long enough. I just wanted to say enjoy your day off tomorrow and have a wonderful surgery!
  23. Not sure what to say except that I would call his doctor and ask him. Is he really ready to have this surgery? Does he really want to have this surgery? If he is doing this now what is to say that he will not do the same thing once he is sleeved? The sleeve is only a tool in his weight loss. If he continues to eat empty calories once he is sleeved he won't lose the weight. If he eats things bf he is supposed to after the surgery seriously hurt his sleeve and there could be a leak. He could die from this! I would ask him to seriously think about this and try to understand why he is doing what he is doing and also call the doctor! Good luck!
  24. sarsar

    Going Alone to Mexico

    No, you are not crazy. My mom is joining me while my husband stays home with the kids. I would have gone by myself if my mom didn't want to come.
  25. Exciting! Just think 51.5 is the highest you will ever be! It will only go down from here!!

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