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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. I also had a great experience with Dr. Aceves. As everyone says, you have to do your research and decide what you feel is best for you!
  2. I am almost 5 weeks post op and I am also one who didn't have any pain or nausea. I didn't even have the gas pain that a lot of people talk about from having your stomach pumped up with gas. I felt like I had done a really hard ab workout but it wasn't painful. I was up and walking a couple hours after surgery. I didn't have any pain by my drain site. I'm not saying that I didn't feel anything at all but what I did feel wasn't painful .I also haven't been nauseated at all since surgery. That is something I was really scared of so I am very thankful it didn't happen! I have been eating slowly so I haven't felt nauseated from eating either. I haven't once questioned why I did this to myself. Since the surgery I have been doing well. I get tired out more than usual but I have quite a bit of energy. I rest when I need to and try not to over do it. I am not supposed to be lifting heavy things for the first 6 weeks. This has been the biggest adjustment for me. I am used lifting and bending and pulling most things myself so having to get the family to help with these things and not being able to just get it done myself has been the hardest part. Everyone has different reactions after surgery. This was my first surgery and I didn't know what to expect. It wasn't bad at all for me and I hope you will have a great experience like I did!
  3. sarsar

    A silly nsv

    That's not silly at all! I love this nsv!
  4. Wow! You look awesome! Thanks for sharing the pics! You look like a totally different person! Great job!
  5. Yay! August 1st will be here before you know it! Congratulations!
  6. sarsar

    11 wks post op- 60lbs down!

    Great job! How exciting! :clap2:
  7. Thanks for updating! I am glad you got fluids that should help a bunch. Please keep us posted when you see the GI doctor and let us know what he says.
  8. sarsar

    Now I did it

    Oh no, I am so sorry! Please keep us updated please.:hug:
  9. It's hard to stick to a plan, and, I agree 5 weeks seems like a long time. The doctor must have a reason for what he is saying and has his way of doing things. I agree with the others about sticking to the plan he gave you. Your sleeve is tender and healing and you need to give it time to do so. The hardest part for me is the mind. My mind was always thinking about food. It's much better now that I am on soft foods. My suggestion would be to try to keep yourself busy with something and that will help you get through the next month! Soon 30 days will be gone and you will be thinking about how fast it went by, I promise!
  10. sarsar

    4oz. is hard

    Keep sipping! I know it's hard. It's all you think about the first week two after you get home from the hospital, or in your case, while you are still in the hospital! Does it hurt when you drink or are you just not getting enough in? Ask for some popsicles or ice chips....some people do have trouble with cold things right after surgery but I loved them so much better than room temp or warm drinks! Hang in there and keep sipping, walk and sip and sip and sip and sip! You can do this.
  11. Good to know, thanks for the update. Hope you are feeling better soon!
  12. Didn't you meet with a nutritionist or at least get paperwork from your doctor explaining these things to you? If I remember correctly you said in an earlier post that you are on full liquids for 5 weeks, is that correct? If so I would stick to the full liquids. Refried Beans and cottage cheese are on my soft foods list. You should have a detailed list stating what you can eat and when and what kind of diet you should be on. I still have my list from the surgeon/nutritionist that I met with in the US and I was also given paperwork and met with a nutritionist in Mexico that explained all of this to me before the surgery. I had to be on Clear Liquids for 10 days, full liquids for 10 days and soft foods for 10 days and then could resume regular foods. (I am currently on soft foods). All doctors have different requirements which is why it's best to check with your doctor and see what they require for you specifically and then stick to it.
  13. sarsar

    Shopping NSV!!

    Wow! Great job, you look awesome! The pants even look a little big on you in the pic! Your hair looks cute with bangs. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  14. Please update when you get back so we know what happened and how you are doing. I will be thinking about you today.:hug:
  15. sarsar


    It will get better! I was the same way, especially the first couple of weeks. I wasn't prepared for how much effort I had to put into the post-op part of the surgery. I was thinking about everything constantly and it drove me crazy. I wanted to eat real food so bad. Now that I am almost done with my 30 days that my doctor requires for clear liquids, full liquids and soft foods, it is so much better. I don't think about food all the time anymore. I know I can have a bite of something and feel fine. For me it was more I couldn't have it so I wanted it even more! Now that I can have tastes of things I am good. Just remember it does get better and you can do this! Soon you will be able to eat again!:hug:
  16. sarsar


    Wow, you look great! You are so pretty! Thanks for sharing the pics!!!!
  17. Have you had this ever since the beginning? For four weeks you have not been able to keep anything down?? If so I would go right to the ER. You are probably very dehydrated and need fluids. I wouldn't wait until Monday when your doctor will be in the office, I would go now! I was dehydrated 1 week after and I needed 2 bags of fluid. After I felt so much better and have been fine since I was juiced up. Please keep us posted.
  18. sarsar

    50 pounds gone..PICS

    Great job, you should be proud!
  19. sarsar

    So Much Conflicting info

    I am only a few weeks out so I am not by any means an expert here so you can take or leave what I have to say...lol. I am wondering if you losing weight for a couple weeks and then not for a week is just the way your body works with losing weight? I have read on this board that it is not a true "stall" unless you go for 3 weeks without losing. Idk if that is true or not. I have also read about others who lose one week don't lose the next and this is just the way their body works. Maybe that could be the case with you?
  20. sarsar

    I did it!!!!

    Great news!:clap2: Good to hear from you, I have been watching for an update! Get those fluids in so you can go home!
  21. sarsar

    I'm Approved

  22. So exciting! Great job!:clap2: :hug:
  23. It won't even take a year to see the changes! I am 3 weeks out and can already fit into things that I couldn't wear last summer! Another great post, Mama S.!
  24. sarsar

    Hair loss

    Have either of you had your thyroid checked? I have low thyroid levels and the first sign that I need my meds tweaked is that my hair falls out like crazy and I lose my eyebrows. I do know hair loss is a symptom of surgery so it will not surprise me if it happens to me bc of that but I just thought I'd ask if you have had your thyroid checked bc it seems far out to be losing hair.
  25. Thanks for sharing. I am glad you had a good experience, sorry about the gas pains! Hope you continue to feel good! I think it's so interesting to hear that you perform surgery and went to Mexico to have surgery! Are you a doctor? Would you recommend others to Dr. Aceves? I wasn't sedated before I had the IV. I had it put in while I was in the operating room with Surgeo (sp?) holding my hand! I wasn't nervous about that, though. I was out cold a couple of minutes after they put it in!

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