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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. I think that upping your calories will do the trick. If you are working out so much then you need to be eating more. I try to get in 1100 calories a day and I am 3 months out. I work out with my trainer 2 days a week and workout on my own 3 days a week. Also, you need carbs and fat! Fat free, in my opinion, is not the answer. I know many don't agree with that but it is what works for me. You need fat in your diet, good fat. You also need carbs, especially when you are working out. So I would suggest upping your calories, fat and carb intake.
  2. sarsar

    Seven Month Update

    Wow! Seriously, wow! You look amazing. I love the dress, I love the shoes, too!! Thanks for sharing.
  3. I have a Juiceman juicer. I bought mine at Kohls.com over a year ago. I waited until they had a 30% off sale and found the coupon code online and ordered it. I don't even know if they still sell that brand. It works great so far. The ones you are looking at look wonderful! I probably wouldn't spend that much money on one unless you know for sure you will like juicing and want to keep doing it.
  4. I have never watched the movie you are talking about but I love my juicer! I juiced before surgery and now after. I obviously can't drink as much now as I could before surgery but this is a great way to get in fruits and veggies. I use it for my kids too. My favorite is to always add raw beets to whatever I am juicing. It's interesting because as long as you add some fruit to the juice it takes away the veggie taste. My kids even love it!
  5. sarsar

    Tomorrow Is The Day!!!

    Interesting. I had he young one and he never said anything about it. I didn't have any pain either. I was one of the lucky few who didn't even get the gas pain in my shoulder or sides. Each day you feel better, I promise! If you seem to be doing well with cold things ask for some crushed ice. It is so good, I loved it when I was there.
  6. sarsar

    Tylenol after surgery

    I was told the exact same thing by Dr. Campos just for regular gas not the gas they pump into you. In face, when he saw them on my bedside table he also told me that if you use too many they can cause do the opposite and make you more gassy.
  7. sarsar

    Tomorrow Is The Day!!!

    Glad you are doing well! Ask Dr. Campos about the spine meds, he will talk to you about anything and take as much time as you need! I am interested in hearing the answer bc I have heard of this with others too. I didn't have anything in my spine that I know of, I would think that I would have known if I did because I asked a million questions.lol Did you have the young or the old anesthesiologist?
  8. I thought I'd jump in here. I know Suzanne will answer as soon as she sees this, she always does! If you are having problems with the soft foods you can stay on full liquids a little longer. Once you start foods, it is very normal to for it to feel tight and to get full quickly. Make sure you are taking tiny bites at a time and chew, chew, chew the food before you swallow it. It seemed to me like every few days things would go down a little easier. It takes time. Your tummy is swollen and you just had major surgery. Don't push yourself too hard. You have to get to know your sleeve and figure out how to make it work for you. I promise it does get better, just be patient and take things slow. So many people eat too fast or too much when they can start eating regular foods and then get frustrated bc they feel sick and some then even stop eating all together. This does not help! Go slow! It will come. Try to really focus on getting liquids in right now and your Protein drinks. Don't worry about the food part of it too much since you are just starting to eat again. Little bits at a time like I said before. I wouldn't worry about getting 2 ounces in at a time just do what you can. Shortly after I came home I stopped taking the Nexium and started taking Omeprazole which is a generic form of Prilosec. The pills are little and I was able to swallow them. I still take one every morning before I get out of bed. I wait an hour before eating or drinking. Hope this helps until Suzanne comes to the rescue!
  9. sarsar

    Tylenol after surgery

    Dr. A. suggests using liquid Tylenol. I was able to take pills pretty quickly after surgery, small ones. They will send you home with some pain pills that dissolve under your tongue. I didn't need to use them or any Tylenol but everyone is different. I am surprised you didn't find the strips at Target, I got mine from there. Try WalMart or Walgreens.
  10. sarsar

    How Long?

    Just an fyi...you can get back into the US without your passport. You just need the paper showing that you paid and applied for the passport and a drivers license. My passport came just in time but there were two other ladies in the car with us that didn't have theirs and we all got through just fine.
  11. Glad you got an answer! Thanks for updating. Take care and hope you are feeling better very soon!
  12. Thinking of you....please update when you get a chance. I hope you went to the ER. A fever is something that needs to get checked asap.
  13. Can you go to your PCP? My PCP has seen me for any issues that I have had and will continue to do so in the future. She is very supportive. Also, my doctors from Mexico are very supportive and are willing to talk to her about any questions she may have.
  14. Mix your protein powder with water. That is all I have ever done bc I also can't stand milk. You can't live off of water only until your surgery. Also, after surgery you will be on clear and full liquids so you need to be able to tolerate those things. Keep us posted.
  15. sarsar

    60lbs down pic

    Hottie! Nice job. The little guy is adorable, too!
  16. You poor thing! I am so sorry you are going through this. Hang in there. I have a feeling this will all clear up bf surgery and you will be just fine. :hug:
  17. sarsar

    I have a friend who's a trainer

    I like Body Pump but I also enjoy lifting weights. It takes some getting used to and figuring out what weight works for you during the class. If you have a good instructor it is a good class.
  18. It's hard, I know! I was the same way after surgery. At first, I wouldn't even prepare food, I just couldn't be around it, it was too hard. Then I started making dinner but still left the room when they ate. It wasn't too long until I was able to prepare the food and sit at the table with them while I ate my Soup. You'll get there...I promise. 16 weeks seems like a long time to wait for steak or roast. I am just about 8 weeks and started eating steak last week, I didn't eat it much bf surgery but I really like it now and so does my sleeve, just little bites at a time. I know all surgeons have different plans.
  19. sarsar

    so discouraged

    You probably need to up your calories if you are working out a lot.
  20. sarsar

    very sick!

    The ER will most likely do a scope to see what is going on. Your surgeon should have done this already and you need to have it done. I understand that you don't want the bills, but you need to find out what is going on. Your health is more important than any bills you may end up with. If you keep waiting this could end up getting worse and you would end up with bigger bills and more time off of work. I am sorry you are going through this, I really feel for you. Hang in there and please get some help.:hug:
  21. sarsar

    very sick!

    I would go to the ER tonight, especially since your doctor isn't taking your concerns seriously. I wouldn't wait till Monday. I'm not trying to scare you...you are 4 months out and this is not normal. It's not healthy for you to not be eating for so long and if everything is coming out of you, you may be dehydrated. Have you had blood work done recently? Was it normal? I hope you are able to find out what is going on quickly! Please keep us updated.
  22. sarsar


    I love watermelon! It's my favorite fruit, sometimes it gives me diarrhea and sometimes it doesn't, so be aware that it might happen. One of my favorite ways to have watermelon is to make a slushy. I put watermelon in a blender along with ice, add a little lime juice (maybe 1 Tbs. or so) and some stevia to taste. I blend it up and drink it, it also counts towards your liquids for the day.
  23. I know just how you feel! It was so hard for me to leave my kids, actually, it was the hardest part for me. I do everything for my family, I put them first and take care of them. It was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I was leaving and doing something for me and feeling ok with that decision. Deep down inside I knew I had to do it and I am so happy I did! I posted on the board about my concerns and had so much support from certain people! It's only been 7 weeks but the weight loss has already made such a difference. This summer I am able to do so much more with my boys! We are busy all the time, I have energy and I am happy. Seven weeks later and being gone for surgery is old news around here! You can do this and you will do great! Hang in there.:hug:
  24. sarsar

    One year anniversary

    Wow! You look great! You look so much younger now!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
