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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    Fast Food Drinks

    Do you like watermelon? One of my favorite things to drink it a watermelon slushy. Take watermelon, ice cubes, a little lime juice and some Truvia and blend it up. Tweak the amounts of each ingredient depending on your taste.
  2. I don't like milk so I have always mixed mine with water. I still drink one every day for breakfast mixed with water.
  3. I would start by going to your PCP first. It may be something he/she can help you with.
  4. sarsar

    Relationship Troubles

    Sounds like you did the right thing. Hang in there. As far as dating goes, I say go out and have fun. Just remember you came out of a long relationship so don't jump into another one too fast. Enjoy yourself!
  5. Yes! I am almost a year out and my water bottle is always with me. I drink at least 120 ounces of water a day plus the water I use in my protein drink and my green tea.
  6. sarsar

    Relationship Troubles

    Sounds to me like you know what you need to do. It's not fair to him to keep him hanging on when you sound like you don't really want to be with him anymore. It's not fair to you either. If you have these issues now all I can say is DO NOT GET MARRIED. Don't do it unless you are sure that you are willing to make a commitment for life. If you have questions now and there are things that repulse you about him now, they will not get better after you get married. They will get worse. Honestly, I think you need to tell him that you are not ready to get married and will not be getting married on the trip. If you feel you still need some time then get some counseling with him and see if things can be worked out but let him know the marriage is not happening on the trip. It sounds like counseling may do him some good with his insecurities. If you don't enjoy having sex with him now and never really did, that most likely won't change. I have been married for almost 16 years. I can tell you that the things that bothered me about my husband before we got married bother me even more now. Some things I seriously can not stand anymore. I do love him and I made a commitment to him that I am willing to make work and he feels the same way so we both do what we need to do to try to keep each other happy. That doesn't mean that things are always wonderful. They are not, we have had really tough times. Like I said, we make it work no matter what. There were not things that I questioned about him bf we got married. I knew that he was the one I wanted to be with forever.
  7. sarsar

    Torini Syrups

    I buy mine on Amazon and Netrition.com
  8. I don't see them! Where did they go? I remember when I was getting nervous about going to Mx for surgery and you gave me the "crosswind promise" that nothing would happen to me!
  9. I wouldn't have taken a trip 4 days after surgery. It's all too new and you will probably be really tired. How about going on your trip and enjoying yourself and reschedule the surgery for when you get back?
  10. sarsar


    You are not doomed. It will get better the more you do it. And, yes, when your core and your legs get stronger you will be able to balance easier. I have done a ton of balance work with my trainer and it has helped so much. I love it! To me it is empowering to balance in different ways!! One thing that is key is to really work on your breathing while you are doing yoga/balance exercises. Concentrating on your breathing and learning to relax will be key in making this work. Take a deep breath before you start an exercise and really try to zone out. You can't be thinking about the other people in the room believe me they are so focused they aren't paying any attention to you. Focus your eyes on something and breathe and this will help you relax and focus, when you do this everything else will fall into place. Keep working at it and you will be amazed at the progress you will make!
  11. sarsar

    Protein Bars

    I LOVE Quest bars. I have been eating them for months. They have 20g protein per bar. I like the all natural ones that they came out with a few months ago. I buy the variety box bc I love all of the flavors. You can go on the website and buy one bar at a time so you can try different flavors.
  12. I'm sorry that should be 3.5 months not 4.5 months.
  13. Thanks! You will love Dr. A! I just check my weigh in dates, I keep track every week of what I lose, and I hit the 50 lb mark in 4.5 months. Just remember that everyone loses differently. You can't compare to how everyone else loses. You will figure this out as time goes on.
  14. My longest stalls lasted 5 and 6 weeks. During my stalls I lose inches. I have learned not to freak out about stalls. No matter how long they last, they will always end! My body has been weird with how I lose weight. I will lose a bunch then stall for 5 or 6 weeks and then lose again. During the stalls like I said, I am losing inches and it seems as though my skin tightens up also. This is the way my body works and I am fine with it.
  15. sarsar

    New Clothes...later

    Thrift stores!!!!! I love them. I have found tons of clothes, brand new clothes with tags still on them. Now that I am very close to where I want to be I have started purchasing more things that will stay in my wardrobe. I love to shop the deals so I usually buy end of the season clearance for the following year. Any store I go into I head to the back where the clearance racks are. I have done this for years with my kids and now I can do it for me, too!
  16. What is happening to your body is not right. Sounds like a blood sugar problem and you need to see your doctor asap for that. It's very serious. Have you talked to your doctor about this yet? If not please call him/her today and let them know what is going on. Keep us updated.
  17. As others have said, this is probably mental for you right now. At first I had a hard time dealing with this because I wanted to feel satisfied and I didn't. I was mad about it and had to learn how to deal with those emotions. Now when I eat I am very satisfied. Do I ever wish I could have a few more bites of something because it tastes so good? Yes, but I know that I can have a little more again whenever I want to and that makes me satisfied. This was a huge learning process for me and now it's a part of my life and I am fine with it in fact, I am happy with it!! I am happy with the fact that food no longer controls my life and that I can actually enjoy food. There are so many other wonderful changes when you start losing weight and become thin that you learn that food is just not that important other than what you need to be healthy. 11 months out and there are some things that I can eat a lot of, like popcorn and goldfish crackers. I am careful and I have to limit myself but once in a while I have them and have as much of them as I want. With most foods, though, I still have a lot of restriction. I love my sleeve and I love my life now with my sleeve, in time I believe you will too!
  18. sarsar


    I take Biotin. It doesn't help with not losing hair but it seems to help me with regrowth. I started losing my hair between 2 and 3 months. I lost A LOT of hair, it would come out in clumps. Good thing I had a lot of it to start with but it still got very thin. I stopped losing between 7 and 8 months. I have a lot of regrowth going on now. I was also scared about the hair loss but I knew it would probably happen and I would do it over again for all of the positives that come out of having the surgery! My hair was very important to me when I was heavy but once I started losing weight it suddenly wasn't as important to me anymore, too many other things to be excited about and I didn't have to hide behind my hair anymore!
  19. sarsar

    Bougie Size?

    Looks like it links automatically!
  20. sarsar

    Bougie Size?

    Let's see if this works. I'm not computer savvy so I don't know how to link this but you should be able to copy and paste it and you will see a picture showing the difference in bougie sizes. Not much of a difference at all. http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/carmelita/blog/2011/03/31/-2/ If someone else knows how to link this please feel free to do it. Thanks. As for eating 4 cups of food at a time, it would depend on what you are eating. I could probably eat 4 cups of popcorn if I wanted to but I couldn't imagine eating 4 cups of any Protein.
  21. At the beginning I drank one in the morning and one at night. I mixed 3 scoops of Protein powder, each had 10 grams of protein, with 14 ounces of Water. When I was on soft foods I would add a scoop of the powder to pudding, or yogurt to get more protein during the day. Now, 11 months out, I still drink one a day, in the morning, with 3 scoops of powder and 2 Tbs flax seed. I do this because my sleeve doesn't like food in the morning and it tolerates the drinks well and because I am one of the rare people that actually like my protein drink!
  22. sarsar

    Hot Vs Cold Drinks

    Everyone is different...Cold drinks were much easier for me to tolerate right after surgery. All my drinks had to have ice in them or I couldn't drink them. I still like cold drinks and I am almost a year out. I also enjoy drinking hot tea so both hot and cold are fine for me. Take it slow and one day I am sure cold drinks will work for you again.
  23. I had Verizon and called bf I left to see if I would be covered. They told me I would but it would cost extra to talk and text. Turns out when I got home my bill wasn't any higher. I assume I was able to get connected to a tower right outside of Mexico.
  24. sarsar

    Passport question?

    Yes, you will get back in the US without the passport. You just need the receipt showing that you paid for it and your DL. There were 2 people in our group that didn't have their passports yet and we got across just fine.
  25. I didn't have my first stall until my 9th week. It lasted for 4.5 weeks. It was rough but I got past it. I did lose some inches during the stall, I just didn't lose any weight, in fact I went up and down the same 2 pounds.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
