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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    Night Sweats

    This happens to me, too. I will wake up sometimes and have to change...gross! We have a tempur-pedic mattress and I assumed it has been because of that. I've heard it happen with other people, I guess the mattresses hold in body heat. Anyway, I am now wondering if it's something else. My husband doesn't sweat so maybe it has something to do with the sleeve?? I am 40 so I guess it could be the change for me too.
  2. sarsar

    Itchy skin? Am I weird?

    Did you ever have your thyroid checked? This is one of the symptoms I have when mine is too low.
  3. sarsar

    High Protein Quest Bars

    Also, I buy the , I think they are called, all natural ones. They are the ones pictured above. I found that those are softer and more chewy and taste much better than the other ones.
  4. sarsar

    High Protein Quest Bars

    I love them! I eat them a few times a week. I like the cinnamon roll, strawberry cheesecake, lemon meringue, coconut, and chocolate peanut nutter. I buy them directly from the Quest website. I ordered the automatic shipment so I get them sent every month. It's a little cheaper that way.
  5. Sounds like it's normal for you. Everyone is different and that's why you can't compare your weight loss with anyone else. I lost the same way. My first stall was 5.5 weeks long. The stalls continued throughout. I would lose weight, stall, lose inches and lose a bunch of weight again. I weighed in weekly and kept notes of my losses and this was my pattern. At first it felt like I would never get to where I wanted to be but when you are over a year out all of those pounds and inches add up and you are thin! So, yes, this is normal for you!
  6. It took me about a 1-2 weeks to lose the, I believe it was, 8 pounds that I gained. It will come off!
  7. sarsar

    Frozen green smoothies

    I have a Ninja and I love it, I use it all the time. I love green smoothies, too! My husband and kids even drink them.
  8. I bet before you leave that she will let you know how much she loves you and supports you! It is a shock and she probably just needs a little time. She loves you, that is obvious by the way she reacted. She is worried about you and once that passes and she realizes this is your decision I think she will be on board. Before I told my family (and that's all I told except for a couple of close friends), I said, "I have to tell you something, please don't freak out...". Everyone was supportive after the shock died down and they understood that I am a smart, grown woman that knows how to make an informed decision.
  9. I have heard this is very common in the US...the dr's here don't want to deal with complications from Mexico. I don't think it has to do with the fact that they are upset you didn't go with them to have your surgery. This is one of the risks you take if you go to Mexico, also some insurance companies won't cover complications if you went to Mexico...this is what I have heard. I did all of my follow up care with my PCP. I asked her not to write in my notes that I had surgery in MX. She made notes that I had surgery but not which dr. it was with. She was supportive of this. The only "complication" I had was that I became dehydrated. My PCP sent me to the hospital to get fluids. While there they asked why I was dehydrated I told them I had surgery and left it at that, got my fluids and went home. You can call around and ask other surgeons if they will cover you if a problem arises. I can't imagine there wouldn't be anyone at all that would help you if there is an emergency.
  10. Absolutely amazing! You look like a different person. I love your shoes, too!
  11. Almost 2 years out and I have, not once, ever regretted my surgery. I am thankful to God that I had this done and I thank Him every day for giving me the opportunity to have a small stomach. When I decided to have the surgery I did enough research to know that I was ready for this and that it was going to work. I made a decision never to look back and waste my time thinking of what could have been. Where there times that were/are hard? Of course but that is just life. Once you lose weight and start really living your life, surgery isn't the main thing on your mind anymore. You are actually living again like a normal person and you feel free. You have a new way of eating and drinking and it is just normal for you. You will get there, I promise. This surgery has changed my life in more ways than I can count. I am so very thankful! I am happy, I am alive and I am ME again!
  12. ER now. Fever plus infection....you need to get to the ER. You can pay off the bill a few dollars at a time and they will most likely give you a discount but please don't worry about the money now. Your son needs you, get to the ER.
  13. My nose runs when I am full. Very normal!
  14. My first stall was 5.5 weeks long! It was tough but I knew that the weight loss would eventually start again. Try switching something up that you are doing. Do a different workout, drink more water, just try something different. Also you may need to add some calories, when you are working out your body needs more calories.
  15. For me this has been the easiest way to lose weight. Much easier than all of the diets I tried and failed. I didn't have complications and recovery was easy for me. Mentally, it was hard and still is but being obese was much harder mentally than this is. I would never say that surgery is an easy way out, it's not, but like I said it has been the easiest way to lose the weight. I might also add that when I decided to have surgery I knew that it would work. There was never a question in my mind. I had tried everything else for years and was sick and tired of being obese. I knew that I would have this surgery and would do what it takes to make the changes for life.
  16. sarsar

    Mexico Complications?

    I think the reason you see most of the complications from US surgeons is bc most of the people on these boards have their surgery in the US, not in MX. I had my surgery in MX and didn't have any complications. If you contact any doctor anywhere and they say they haven't had any patients with complications they are most likely lying. It's just not possible. Complications will happen anywhere.
  17. Very normal...I couldn't drink plain water for months, and I loved water before surgery. I can drink it just fine now. Yes, you can drink water cold. Whatever works for you is fine, I also liked my drinks very cold after surgery. You could try adding some lemon or lime to the water that might help. You could also add just a tiny bit of crystal light or MIO to the water and see if it helps. It will get better!
  18. sarsar

    Blender Bottle

    I have 4 of them and still use them! Totally worth it.
  19. sarsar

    Water Makes Me Sick

    Plain water made me sick until 8 or 9 months out. After that I could drink it again and now it's totally normal and I drink a lot of it. This was really hard for me bc before surgery I drank a lot of water and I loved it, I was worried that I would never be able to drink it plain again. Thankfully that was not the case for me and I love water again!
  20. Very normal, I had this too and didn't know until after I had surgery and the doctor told me he repaired it. My recovery was quick so this didn't have any impact on recovery.
  21. sarsar

    Old Trainer/new Trainer

    I say start exercising before you are sleeved! Even though I was heavy I always worked out and I believe this is why I had such an easy recovery. Plus, I had a lot of muscle already built up under all the fat! I also agree with you that working out at any time is a plus. Have fun with your new trainer!
  22. I just found 2 unopened containers of unjury that I will not be using. If you want it, let me know. All I ask is that you pay shipping. One container is chicken Soup flavor and it expires 11-4-2012 One container is unflavored and it expires 11-12-2012 If you want it, let me know and I can put it in the mail tomorrow.
  23. sarsar

    Unjury...you Pay Shipping

    This is taken already. Thanks.
  24. sarsar

    Another Hair Loss Thread...

    It will stop, it really will. I lost probably more than half of my nice long, thick, curly hair. It was so sad and I would almost cry every time I washed my hair. My hair was long and I went and got it cut a little above my shoulders. It did stop around 7 or 8 months. I have new hairs growing back all the time but it will take a long before it grows back to the shoulder length that my hair is now. So it will stop and it will grow back.
  25. Ahhhh, the dreaded work trip....I remember those days! I can totally relate to what you are saying! I hated going on the work trips that my husband earned. I would go and smile and pretend I was having fun but deep down inside I hated the way I looked and I was so embarrassed to be there. I know my husband didn't think anything of it and he was thrilled to have me by his side yet that didn't change how I felt about myself. I just looked at my notebook and my 3 months out I lost 48 pounds. I agree with what some others have said that any weight that any amount of weight you lose will help boost your confidence and you will feel so much better. I also agree that if you start now you will have have a great head start before your surgery. My husband earned a (work) family trip to Disney last year and I was down over 50 pounds and it was wonderful! I felt so much better and I know a lot of people didn't recognize me on the trip. This December we will be going on another (work) trip and I have lost almost all of my weight and this is a trip I am excited about! I don't have any of the fears I used to have. It will be fun to pack and to get dressed every day on this trip! I can't wait.... I completely understand how you are feeling. Just know that you are not alone. You have so much to look forward to in the future, a whole new life is ahead of you!

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