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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sue, on my phone it says the video isn't available in my country. Boo! I was looking forward to watching them!
  2. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sheryl, what you said about Kevin made me smile! About getting all the hair removed...my sister and I were just having a conversation about this the other day. I wouldn't like to be completely bare, it makes me feel childish or something without any hair at all. I know it's what a lot of ppl do right now but I don't care for it. I have more of a landing strip. I don't have any hair issues since plastics. The only difference for me is everything "down there" was pulled up with my tummy tuck and its visible again. Lol. The hair line seems to be fine for me. Swiz, sorry it's still rough for you. Glad you are checking in some and keeping us updated. I wish I could say something to make it better. Today I'm going to finish my shopping and put up the tree. I feel kinda blah. I have my period and its bad this month. I had terrible cramps last night so I took one of my left over plastics pain pills. It took away pain from the cramps for a while but I woke up today feeling groggy. I'd like to go right back to sleep!
  3. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Florinda, he is not the guy for you. Men are so ridiculous sometimes. Isn't part of a relationship about taking care of one another? Sheryl, congrats on 3 years!
  4. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sheryl, is there such a thing as a perfect man? That's the question. Lol If anything ever happens to my husband, I would be very picky, too, if I decided to find love again. I understand you being concerned about your back pain especially with all of the loved ones that have had cancer in the past. Hopefully the back pain isn't something serious. Georgia, I feel so bad for your daughter! One point!!!! What a blow. There's got to be a reason it turned out this way, though. In the future hopefully that will be made clear for all of you. Congrats on another grand. My "little" sister, 8 years younger than me, is having her first baby in February. I cannot wait. The last baby born in the family was my youngest who is 11. I love baby snuggles. She's having a boy. We were hoping for a girl but a boy is just fine. Denise, enjoy your time away from Bill. Oh Sheryl, I forgot to ask do you still have any sensitivity around the incision across the top of your butt? That area is very sensitive to me especially while lying down doing different ab work or floor work. It feels like nerve endings. I know it can take a couple years for those to grow back but I was just wondering if you had that issue. Yes, Florinda, tell us more about the man! Maybe even a picture of him? How about a picture from you Sheryl? My fast day yesterday went fine. I like the day after fast days bc my sleeve feels tight. I think getting in some real vitamin D on vacation really helped. I do take vitamin d daily. 5000 whatever's of it but I think the real stuff has lifted my mood a little. Tomorrow I'm spending the day with my mom shopping. Hopefully I will get my shopping done. Christmas is such a chore the last couple years with different family stuff that has happened. I would rather it just be another day but bc of the kids I will continue on. Hopefully we will get the tree up this weekend.
  5. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Florinda, I believe I saw something like this on Dateline or a show like that. Can you eat anything or are you only allowed the protein through the tube? Sheryl, sorry to hear about your friends horse. You can always fast tomorrow. Can you explain more about your back pain? Is it your lower back? Do you feel like it may be a disc? I'm curious bc I have had a lot of back pain that I've had to work through since losing weight and I've done a lot of research on it so it's very interesting to me. I think I've talked on the board in the past how our bodies are so used to walking around with the excess weight that once it's gone we have to retrain our bodies how to move again. Anyway, your pain may not have anything to do with that, I'm just curious.
  6. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Fasting today...wish me luck! On fast days I usually try to make something I don't like for dinner so I'm less tempted to indulge. It doesn't always work out this way but today I'm making chili and I don't like chili. I never have liked it. My family loves it so I make it for them.
  7. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I know a lot of ppl don't drink protein drinks far out but I still do most days. I actually enjoy my click coffee protein drink. So on days that I am traveling I usually take my little blender with me and I will make a protein drink each day. I also pack quest protein bars and eat one of those a day. Then I eat a couple string cheese. This way I make sure to get in a bunch of protein while I'm traveling. This seems to help keep my eating somewhat controlled while I have to be away. I am 3.5 years out and this works for me. Even on our trip to Mexico I took my protein bars and had one a day. The rest of the time I didn't worry about what I ate but this was a vacation and I knew I would be eating this way.
  8. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Still thinking about this so I'll add more... When I see movies of ppl being in that fairytale kind of love, that to me is a fantasy. To have someone truly love you through everything isn't a fantasy. It can happen with the right person. The love where someone respects you through all things is possible. Where the person wants to take care of you and you in turn want to do the same. That kind of love is so much more than just a feeling. You have done so much growing and figuring out yourself over the last few years. Try to keep yourself open to love. It's real and it can happen for you!
  9. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It can happen with the right person! It's not a fantasy. Although, it's not always easy and there will be ups and downs but it is possible! I hope you will find it one day.
  10. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Here is one more of me. My hubs took this pic and it's not my favorite but I decided to show it to you. It doesn't show off my new body since plastics. I'm all covered up in this pic, I should've had him take more. Lol
  11. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    No I don't think we should close this thread. I like that it just continues on! I think we should just keep doing what we've been doing. Keep us updated on Bill. I'm so glad he was there for you. You needed someone to take care of you. And, yes, next time you're in Chicago we will meet. It would've been way too much for me so soon after surgery. I thought at that time that I could do more than I really could. Plus we will have more time to plan and you can figure out what to say to your brother! The hurricane that came through Cabo a couple months ago destroyed so much and affected many ppl. Our resort was one of the few that opened up and it wasn't even running at full capacity. Ppl were working on fixing things non stop while we were there. It's humbling to think about and see what the locals are going through. It's such a poor country to begin with and then to have this happen to them is very sad. Many have been out of work for months. They all are pitching in and doing whatever is necessary to get things cleaned up and going again. The maids are painting, the servers are doing plumbing and whatever else they can do. It was really an amazing sight to see. It's not like here in the U.S. where companies will come and quickly fix things. There you will see groups of people working on things but the are sawing the wood by hand while another person hands them the wood and they hammer it in place. It's a very slow and tedious process but yet every one of the workers were happy and thankful and polite. We could all learn a lot from them. These are pics of the sun rising. These were taken on the patio from our room. Another view from our resort. I'll add one more. My husband surprised me with a private dinner on the beach under the moon light. Absolutely beautiful! Hearing the waves from the Sea of Cortez was amazing!
  12. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim, how nice that they asked you to model for them! I also am not open to the public about how I have lost weight. Some ppl know but I'm not one who shares it with everyone. Cathy, oh no! That stinks. Like you said, they are just things. Still hard to deal with. You had asked if I am happy with my plastics results. I am very happy with my results. I am over 5 months out and in the last month I finally feel really good. Finally I can do all my normal workouts and I am getting more and more used to my new body. It has changed a lot and continues to take shape as time goes on. My dr told me my body will continue to change in the first year after surgery. My favorite part is my completely flat stomach. I love it!! I need to do my inner thighs next. My dr wouldn't do them with the LBL. I'm sure I could've found a dr that would but as soon as I had my consult with him I knew he was the one for me so I stayed with him. I really need to take some pics and post them. After surgery I was so sure I would take pics every month to see the changes but this recovery has been very emotional for me and I didn't want to take pics all the time. Denise, I'm so glad you are feeling better. You've had a rough road. Did Bill stick around and help you or were you on your own all the time trying to deal with this? Sheryl, I can understand why you are hesitant with moving into a serious relationship with someone. Sounds like Kevin is feeling the same. Do you want to be loved and in a loving relationship for the future? I know you didn't have that with the ex. But, the future can be different for you. Don't feel like you have to rush into a decision. I, too, don't understand how some ppl can fall in love quickly. Take your time and you will know what to do when the time comes. Just don't let the fear of being and giving love hold you back from allowing it to happen. It can be a wonderful thing! Mexico was beautiful. We were in Cabo for a trip my husband earned through work. It's hard to come home to WI after being in such was weather and beautiful sunshine. Oh well, back to reality! I'm looking forward to 5:2 this week after eating whatever I wanted whenever I felt like it for 4 days. I don't drink alcohol so thankfully I didn't have any of those extra calories to contend with! The food though, delicious food anywhere and everywhere whenever I wanted it. Thankfully I could only fit in a few bites of everything. But a few bites all day long adds up. It's all good though I'll be back on track this week.
  13. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hi Lynda, welcome! You can post anything you want here. If you ever decide to go back and read what we have posted you will see that we talk about anything and everything in this group! It's much more than just 5:2. We have all gotten to know one another and feel comfortable sharing our struggles and successes and whatever else.
  14. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I just got back from Mexico! You were all busy chatting while I was gone. I'm going to go catch up now and see what I missed.
  15. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sheryl, have you talked to Kevin about these feelings? If so, what does he say about it?
  16. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I just noticed my post I made yesterday never showed up on here. I hope that those of you in the states are having a nice Thanksgiving. We actually went out to dinner this year. We have only done this one other time about 6 years ago. So much going on around here I just didn't feel like cooking. Anyway, the food was delicious. I'm thankful for my sleeve! I could only eat a small amount. My sister also has the sleeve and the manager even let us pay the child's price for our meal. My daughter is in town till Sunday and that always makes me happy. We are headed out to go shopping soon. It's a tradition we started a while ago. We just go out and have fun and shop all night. Denise, so sorry to hear about your troubles with surgery. That is really scary. I hope you are getting stronger every day.
  17. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I would hate to delete them all too. It's like they are a part of us. I know that might sound funny but that's how I feel. I read recently that Denise wasn't comfortable with Queen joining. Not sure how she felt about Lynda. I'm fine with Lynda joining and I don't have an opinion on Queen bc i don't really know her or remember reading too many of her posts to get a feel. If it is decided that we add a few,it's probably a good idea to let them know we have a past in this group and its more than 5:2. I think someone else may have mentioned that. I would also hate for them to be reading about us "talking" about them. Not sure of what can be done about that. I hope everyone who hasn't checked in for a while is doing ok. I think my only 5:2 day I am getting in this week will be Wednesday. My SIL is in town visiting for a few days and then my daughter is coming for Thanksgiving. I can't wait! I miss having her close by. Next week my husband and I are headed to Mexico (Cabo) for a few days without kids!!! It's a "work" trip but there is mostly just one meeting he has to attend for a couple hours and the rest of the things planned for us are all fun and relaxing. I'm looking forward to getting away from this crazy thing called life! Once we get back from our trip I will get back into my regular 2 days of fasting.
  18. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy, i forgot to say I'm sorry for your loss. I'm so happy you were able to spend time with her before she passed.
  19. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't been posting and keeping up very well. Things have just been absolutely crazy around here. Stress with the inlaws, my MIL has Alzheimer's. She is getting worse. My grandma also now has Alzheimer's and we are looking for an assisted living place for her and her boyfriend. A few other things are going on and it's been a lot of major stress. I haven't been doing very well with 5:2 and really need to get back into it. I've been doing one fast day a week. This week I didn't have one. I feel a bit out of control and I do not want to gain weight. I haven't gained any yet so I'm thankful for that. I'm exercising and feel pretty much normal with that since I had plastics. I have come to realize that I have to exercise to keep my anxiety in check. So that's my update. I need to make time to get on here for support and to give support to all of you! Sorry I haven't been doing that. Denise, recovery from a major surgery is really hard. It was very emotional for me, more than I expected. Thinking of you. Sheryl, I'm glad things are going well with your new guy. It's always fun for me to read about your relationships. I don't know why. Maybe bc I've been married for so long it's fun to read about your adventures. Kim, I know what you mean! So many things coming up in the next month or so. I don't want food to be the focus but it's so hard to not get excited about all the goodies. So very thankful for my sleeve that keeps me from eating like I used to. I try to keep that in mind even though I am fully aware that it's easy to gain even with the sleeve. I know I wanted to respond to more but I can't remember everything bc I just got caught up!
  20. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kelli, thanks for sharing the pics. You are absolutely adorable!!! Your hubs is a cutie too!
  21. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I didn't fast today but I got through my day with clean eating. I don't track calories on my non fast days, I just eat well. That has worked for me in the past so I will continue with it. My other goal for today was to do a double workout. This is my first double workout since plastics. It felt good! I usually do it once a week. I feel a little swollen but good!???? I'm so happy everyone is coming back together and cheering one another on! Hugs to you, Swiz. So sorry you're having such a rough time. Take one thing at a time in your list and work at it. Sometimes, for me, when I'm in a rough spot, looking at the whole picture is just too over whelming. One step at a time. You'll get there. I love what Sheryl said about being happy in life and it making us a success. I'm still not there yet. I look at my life and I should be happy but I'm not. I'm happy about certain things but I still feel like something is missing...I'll figure this out eventually! Rest well everyone, or for those on the other side, have a great day!
  22. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Congrats to everyone getting back on track! I was hoping to start back in 5:2 a couple weeks ago but that didn't happen. I decided, instead, to focus on my workouts and getting back up to where I was before plastics. I've been doing that the last couple weeks and have been feeling much better. I can do just about everything I could bf plastics. I haven't tried my 2 workouts a day which I normally do on Mondays. I may give that a try tomorrow. I said all of that to say I'm with you all on getting back on track. Just not sure if I'll start 5:2 this week or next. But, I will be eating clean! Gotta stop the carb monster. Sheila, so good to hear from you! Glad to have you back checking in with us. I've been wondering about Wanda, too. Hopefully we will hear from her soon. I'll be posting pics soon. I promise. I still haven't had my husband take any for me yet. That'll be on my to do list this week. By the time he gets home from work and things get settled its the last thing on my mind! This phone app is still freezing up on me! I'm still having a hard time getting on here. It keeps freezing up while I'm trying to type this so I'll stop for now.
  23. I'm 10 weeks out from my LBL. I also has lipo on my outer thighs and the back of my legs. I noticed I have quite a bit of swelling in my calves and ankles, more in my left than right. This happens during the day and is worse by evening after I've been on my feet most of the day. Even if I haven't been on my feet all day they are still swollen. I do notice more swelling around my incision line and lower tummy after I workout. The swelling in my calves and ankles seems to be there even if I'm not working out. I did ask the doctor about this and he says it's normal and it could last up to a year. Has anyone else who had a LBL had this happen? If so how long did it last?
  24. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok, thanks. I thought I read somewhere you took something natural but I guess I'm wrong. Lol You've got this Sue!
  25. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ahhhh, I'll have to check him out! Sheryl, please tell me again what you take for acid. Ik you've posted it bf but I can't find it with this app acting up.

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