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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    Looking deflated!

    You know, it's interesting to me that even over 2 years out my body is still changing! I am 40 and I exercise a lot, always doing different workouts and changing things up. I have a lot of skin and I don't like how I look naked but with clothes on I don't think anyone else can tell. I plan on having some work done in the future but I am happy that my body is still changing and tightening!
  2. sarsar

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    I am over 2 years out and I have never vomited since I have had the sleeve. Not even right after surgery. I have never been one to vomit easily anyway so this may be why I haven't gotten sick. In the 17 years that I have been married I have only vomited 2 times, when I get sick to my stomach everything comes out the other end but I don't vomit. It's strange. Sorry if that's TMI, lol.
  3. sarsar

    You cant be serious!

    Sounds to me like you need to up those calories. 300 calories a day is not nearly enough! Increase your calories and I am sure that scale will be moving again in no time!
  4. sarsar


    I really like it. I have used the regular flavor and chocolate flavor. I keep it in my freezer. I use it in my protein drinks and I also have added water and eaten it with apples.
  5. sarsar

    weight gained back

    My comment...tell your friend to find another doctor!
  6. sarsar

    Personal trainer

    I found mine a few years ago on CL. You could also go to a gym and find one, although, they will be pretty expensive though a gym. Also, Groupon and Living Social have some great deals on trainers. This way you could try them out for a great price and see if you click.
  7. sarsar

    My first 5k!

    Great job! I just ran my first 5k race last week! I was on a high for a couple days!
  8. sarsar

    My first 5K!

    I ran my first 5K race on Saturday! I have been running since last summer and have ran 3.1 miles before but this is the first time I ran in a race. I didn't do it to see how fast I could run the race, I did it just because I have always wanted to be able to say I ran a 5K. My time was 37:40 so I am not fast by any means, but I did it!! My husband ran with me at my pace. He could have ran much faster but he wanted to do it with me the whole way. He has always been a runner so now we have something we can do together! It was an amazing experience and I am so happy I did it. I will continue to run races here and there and eventually get to a faster pace. I love my sleeve and am so thankful my life has changed for the better!
  9. 2 years out and my sleeve is still tighter in the morning. I still drink a protein drink every morning for breakfast. I probably could eat a little something but I just don't like to force myself to eat in the morning. I also notice that when I am stressed out my sleeve is tight and that can happen at any time during the day.
  10. sarsar

    100 pounds down

    Congratulations! I love this post...how exciting for you and your husband!!! Please update and let us know what his reaction is when he sees you.
  11. Two years out and I still drink a Protein drink every morning for breakfast. I now add 2 Tbs. of ground flax seed and a couple of handfuls of spinach to my drinks. Most days I eat a Quest protein bar for a snack usually after my morning workout. Sometimes I eat it in the afternoon. Some days I just don't feel like eating and on those days I usually drink another Protein Drink around dinner time. That happens maybe once a week. As you get further out food will probably taste better to you. I try to eat lean protein first whenever I eat and that still fills me up but only for 2 or 3 hours so I eat small "meals" every few hours. This works for me as long as I eat my protein first. When I don't then I get hungry very quick and this is when the grazing can start for me. It's a learning process and you will figure out what works for you as time goes on. What works or you may not work for the next person so I suggest experimenting and see where it takes you. Also, make sure you are drinking water! I drink 4 or 5 liters of Water a day.
  12. If you are working out a lot you probably need to add more calories and carbs.
  13. Yes, I wear these under everything. While working out and while wearing regular clothes. I actually by the Assets brand which, I believe, are made by Spanx. They are a little cheaper. They do hold all of the extra skin in so it's not bouncing all over. I like them because they are light and flexible.
  14. 2 years out and I can't even see my scars anymore. If I really looked hard I could probably find something but nobody else would ever find them. My stomach was taken out through my belly button so that main incision can't be seen at all.
  15. We own these: Weider PowerSwitch 100 lb. Weight Set I like them. They were hard to get used to at first and they are a little uncomfortable to hold until I got used to them. The handle is kind of big. Probably not a big deal for a guy who has big hands. I do like that these are compact. Personally, I like individual dumbbells better. I have been keeping my eye out on CL and am hoping to find individual dumbbells for a good price. I am currently studying to become a certified personal trainer and would like to have them when I start training clients. I know that probably wasn't much help bc I don't have experience with the specific ones you are talking about but I thought I would give my 2 cents anyway.
  16. I wish I could have understood that the mental part of recovery was going to be much worse than the physical. Physically I didn't really have any issues after surgery. Mentally, that's another story. It was so hard to actually have to deal with my emotions rather than eating to cover them up. It was hard to watch other people eat at first when I couldn't. It was hard when I could eat to only eat a couple bites and then be full when I really wanted more. It was hard to not drink while I was eating. All of these things took a toll on me emotionally. I'm fine now but it was a challenge at first. Although, I will say that even with all of that there was never a time that I regretted having surgery.
  17. I wanted to add that now being thin is even better because I am a healthy thin. I don't have anorexic tendencies like I did when I was younger. My whole attitude has changed. When I was younger I just wanted to be skinny even though I always thought I was fat. This time around I wanted to be thin but more importantly I wanted to be healthy. I had to deal with a lot of mental issues to get to this point. Still deal with them at times, probably always will but I am healthy!
  18. When I was a child I wasn't fat but I wasn't skinny either. When I hit puberty I thinned out and was skinny. I stayed skinny until I was in about 24 then I started to gain weight and became obese. Even when I was skinny I had a weight problem though because I thought I was fat and I had anorexic tendencies. I am now 40, had surgery 2 years ago and am very happy where I'm at. It was hard being obese having grown up thin. I knew what I was missing and I hated myself for being so fat.
  19. sarsar

    Incorporating more vegetables...

    Every morning I have a protein drink and add a couple big handfuls of spinach to it. I don't even taste the spinach.
  20. That should say Weight Machines up there... Which do you prefer and why? I train with a pt a couple of days a week. She has me use free weights and body weight when we train. About a year ago I bought a groupon for some sessions with a pt and she is a hard core body builder. She has huge muscles all over. I train with her once a week.. I also work out on my own 2 or 3 days a week. Now, when I train with the body builder she has me using a lot of machines. We also do squats and romanians with the bar and weights. When I work out on my own at home I use free weights. My favorite kind of working out is the kind I do with my regular trainer which is more functional training. I feel like this has made a big difference in everything that I do, the way I move and the way I feel. I do enjoy the weekly work out with the body builder because I love lifting heavy weights and it makes me feel strong and powerful even though I don't have the desire to look like my trainer. I am wondering what the difference is between using heavy free weights and using machines and which is better or is it just a preference?
  21. sarsar

    More on Gov. Christie...

    Ummm...I worked out with a trainer for 3 years before I had my surgery. I worked out on my own even before that. Having a trainer does not make a person lose weight. With my trainer the most I would lose was 30 pounds and I always gained it back then lost it again. I was great at working out but had so many emotional issues with the weight and that wasn't something my trainer could fix. I tried everything and for me surgery was the last resort. I couldn't be happier with my results and I am still working out with my trainer. As for the governor having the lap band, I wish him luck and say good for him deciding to have the surgery and deciding to change his life for the better. It is not the surgery I would have chosen for myself but it is a personal decision and only he can make it for himself. I don't knock anyone who decides to have any of the different gastric surgeries. Now, if they ask my opinion I will share it but other than that it's their own decision. The good news is that if the band doesn't work for him he will be able to have the sleeve.
  22. sarsar

    Is that your leg or a marble column?

    How sweet is that?! What a nice compliment! My suggestion to you would be to start working out now, if you aren't already. Walking is an easy way to start. You can even be lifting weights. Your recovery will probably be better if you are already exercising, and it doesn't hurt to get that muscle to start developing now, it will make a difference once you start losing after surgery.
  23. sarsar

    Rumble Roller

    Also beats going to the chiropractor! My whole body cracks when I roll. Your wife needs to get this for you! Send me her number and I'll tell her. Seriously, you will love this.
  24. sarsar

    Shapewear question

    I have never heard of shapewear shaping your waist or doing anything for sagging skin. Now it will help with the appearance of sagging skin and making you look smoother and smaller by holding in all of the sagging skin. I have lots of skin and wear shapewear all the time. My favorite is Assets, you can look online and see the different ones they sell. As far as keeping it from falling down, this is really just trial and error. What works for one person won't work for the next. I have a bunch of skin on my stomach but I have a small waist. I was bigger on the bottom half, still am, so I wear one that goes from my mid waist down to right below my knees. This is a problem in the summer bc I can't wear that one with shorts. If I'm wearing shorts or a shorter skirt I wear one that goes from mid waist to mid thigh.
  25. sarsar

    Rumble Roller

    Oh my goodness, I just got this exact roller and it is WONDERFUL! I love it! I foam roll every day with a regular firm foam roller and I thought this would be a nice addition. It really gets into the areas that need some digging. It feels so good. I highly recommend getting this roller. I would also recommend getting the longer one, I did, as i am used to rolling with a longer roller. I do not recommend this for first time users or if you are not athletic. It is a firm roller I think it would hurt too much if you aren't used to rolling.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
