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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    I suck at lunges!

    My trainer has me doing these and the other day I was finally able to do them without a pause after each jump! This was exciting for me!!
  2. sarsar

    I suck at lunges!

    For a long time I was having issues with my lunges and squats and I couldn't figure out why. I had a trainer that was watching me and was able to pin point what was going on. Apparently I had been so used to using my lower back while exercising instead of using my glutes and hip flexors. I guess this is just how I learned to adapt when I was obese and it continued when I lost weight. With the help of a chiropractor who is not your typical, crack your back, type of chiropractor I have been able to spend a lot of time working on those areas. I have done a lot of ART to get things moving again and tons of exercises and foam rolling to loosen things up. It's been a lot of hard work but I am finally seeing results and lunges and squats are now working for me and are quite, dare I say, easy to do! I know I can make them harder by adding weights, and I am finally at that point. I would suggest looking up videos that help with getting those hip flexors loose. I think Fiddle may have even posted some videos about this not too long ago. I will try to find what I'm talking about.
  3. I am a pear, too. I lost the weight the same way, top to bottom. This is also where I have the most skin that I need to have removed (lower body lift). You will lose it down there, it will just take a little longer!
  4. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    So true! I need to edit my post and add loser and looser.
  5. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    You're welcome! I have seen posts about this before but it was time for another one.
  6. As far as the Protein goes, you could check out this site: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/06/my-favorite-protein-shake-recipes.html. She has a ton of protein shakes that might work for you. It sounds like you could very well be dehydrated. Work hard on making sure you are getting in all of your liquids, this will help you feel much better. A lot of people have a really hard time with eggs and meat when they are first cleared to eat them. This is not uncommon at all. I wasn't cleared for solids until I was a month out. Some people can tolerate them early, some can't. Go back to the foods you know are working and stick with those for now. In another week try something solid again and see if it works. Take it slow. You are having a normal recovery, not a slow one by any means. As time goes on it gets easier. Hang in there and congrats on the weight loss!
  7. Vets...do you still burp? I had surgery 2 years ago in May and ever since then my burps have changed. It's like I hardly burp, it's a really tiny amount of air that comes out. It's not even anything that anyone else can hear, I can just feel it happening. I physically cannot burp a normal burp no matter what I do. Wondering if this has changed for any other vets. The little tiny burp that I have is also my sign that I am full and it's time to stop eating even if I don't feel totally full. My nose also runs. It has been this way from the beginning. Do you still have a sign of fullness? I am wondering if having a sign of fullness will eventually go away or if it will be with me for the long haul.
  8. sarsar

    Burping and sign of fullness

    So it sounds like some burp and some don't, but we are fart...lol. Seriously though, I am wondering why I can't burp. I guess it doesn't really bother me. Even if I swallow some air the air comes back out but it's not really a burp like it used to be. I'm not trying to be gross or funny, just trying to figure out why my body doesn't make a noise and let out a good burp. The noise in my stomach isn't nearly as loud as it used to be. That seemed to calm down for me about 6 months ago. Once in if I eat something that doesn't sit right it will start rumbling in there. Still no burp though!
  9. If anyone had surgery with Dr. Aceves you can call/email Gaby or Nina and they will send you a letter for the surgery. At least that was done for me a couple of years ago.
  10. sarsar

    starting to get some arm muscle

    Fiddle...that is so cool!! Nice job!
  11. Yes this can be done, under the right circumstances, as were stated above. Our accountant did this when he did our taxes. It doesn't matter if you had your surgery in Mexico or the US.
  12. sarsar

    medicaid while married?!?!?!

    Not get your husband involved? Having this surgery is a commitment for life. It's not a quick fix, you lose weight, and then life is perfect. My husband was my rock during recovery. I couldn't even be around food for the first month, it was emotionally too hard for me. He took over the cooking. He helped care for the kids while I needed to rest. He helped lift heavy things for me when I couldn't. Still to this day, over two years later, he is involved. He helps work his schedule so he's home with the kids while I work out. Most importantly he's there for me emotionally. I can't imagine my husband not being involved.
  13. Yes, I agree 100%. I didn't include the US when I wrote this statement because it's in the Mexico forum and the OP was specifically talking about Mexico.
  14. Stephanie, I think it's good that you made this post on here. People need to read the real truth. Not everyone that goes to Mexico has a happy ending. It's good or people to know that you can do all the research, feel great about their decision, get to Mexico, not feel right and turn around and come home.
  15. I am not saying the OP did this... Having been on this forum for over 2 years, it's been interesting to see how many people now jump into having VSG without much thought. This happens much more than it did a couple of years ago, it's obvious by the posts people make. It seems they think this is a quick fix and bc it's easier for some to go to Mexico and get this done without going through all the hoops they just do it without much thought. It's really a shame that this happens. This is a life changing surgery, life long changes need to be made. Personally, I started with insurance and went through ALL of the pre op testing required by US doctors. Towards the end of my 3 month diet my insurance requirements changed and I decided to look into going to Mexico. I am very happy with my decision but it's not for everyone.
  16. I'm sorry you left Mexicali without a sleeve! Although, I do believe that if it didn't feel right to you that you made the right decision. I was sleeved over 2 years ago with Dr. Aceves. I'm not sure, but I am assuming Nina is still the only one that coordinates the surgeries? Correct me if I'm wrong on that please. I don't think she would have the time to come on the board and pretend she is someone else to drum up business for Dr. Aceves. His reputation speaks for itself. If you would have contacted me I would have been glad to talk to you and share my experience. It was very scary going into the hospital with everything in Spanish and being in a foreign place and not understanding what most of the people where saying when we walked in! Part of me, for a few minutes, wanted to run out the door. I was able to get my emotions under control, speak with the doctors, and felt 100% at ease with my decision. My surgery went great, I had a great recovery and over 2 years later and 110 pounds lighter I couldn't be happier! I do wonder why you didn't talk to Nina about complications? That was one of the first questions I had asked and she was upfront and honest when we spoke about that. I also talked to Dr. Aceves and Dr. Campos about that at the hospital and, like you said, they were honest in their discussions. I do wish it could have turned out differently for you and that you would be home and recovering right now. I hope you are able to find peace with your decision and move on from here.
  17. I think she meant you are a week out from your injury, not your surgery. I would go to the doctor if you are in a lot of pain, just to make sure everything is ok and it's just a pulled muscle.
  18. sarsar

    I need Advice!

    I read this post first last night and have been thinking about it ever since. I feel for you op, the heartache you must be going through trying to make this decision for your daughter. I can honestly see both sides of this. I didn't become obese until I was in my 20's so I didn't grow up fat. I can't imagine going through high school obese, it would be one of the most horrible things a child would have to deal with. I'll just say my different thoughts here... I know for sure I would not do this surgery at the same time as anyone in my family that I need to care for. Like others have stated, after surgery it is a full time job just trying to get in all of your fluids and Protein, and, for months, just trying to adapt to this new life style. Mentally, it is the hardest thing that I have ever gone through in my life and I am 40 years old. I cannot imagine you trying to deal with all of the post op issues and having to be there for your daughter at the same time. With a teenager, you would need to be at your best to be helping her through this, if you decide for her to have this surgery. You can't be there for her 100% while you are healing from this, there is no possible way. I had a wonderful recovery, physically, really no issues except for becoming dehydrated once. But, I was tired. This is major surgery. I am a SAHM and I have to say that for me to do this for myself was tough, I am used to giving and doing for everyone else all the time. It's my job and I actually enjoy it, so having to decide that I had to take some time off and focus only on me during my recovery was tough. It needed to be done and I am a better person, better mom, better wife, and better friend for it now at over 2 years out from surgery. Please think about this....I strongly suggest you having the surgery first so that when your daughter has it you can be there for her 100%, you can know what to expect and you can be there or her to help her along in her recovery. I am sure that your daughter wants this surgery more than anything. She is almost 15 and most likely the only thing she has on her mind is wanting to fit in and be pretty and be thin. She isn't mentally capable of seeing her life 20 years from now having had this surgery. It is a life change, if she can't change her habits she will end up gaining weight back, there is no doubt about it, it will happen if she can't make a life long change. This is why as her mother you have to make this decision for her. My other thought is that if your daughter is being bullied at school, I wouldn't even send her back in the fall. If it were my daughter (and I have one who is now 22), I would pull her out of school in a heartbeat and home school her. There are plenty of virtual schools online now that provide a computer and all of the teachers are there for support at all times. They even have field trips and things like that that your daughter could get involved in. Just something to think about aside from the surgery. How heart wrenching for you...all we as moms want are the very best for our children and we would go to the ends of the earth trying to give them the best life possible. I don't know what I would do, I just don't know (other than for sure having the surgery first and after healing making the decision for her). I do know that I won't look down upon you for your decision, whatever it is. Mothers need to stick together and support each other even if we don't agree. State your opinion and realize that we may not agree but we all have the same goal in mind and that's to do what is best for our children. Motherhood is too tough to go at it alone, we need eachother. Hang in there, my thoughts are with you.
  19. sarsar

    Best toning workout!

    Kettle bells are an excellent way to tone your body! I highly recommend them as long as you are doing them with a trained instructor or have been trained how to use them the correct way! Also I would start out with a light weight since you are not very far out from surgery. Just the other day I was on YouTube looking up kettle bell routines. There are some great ones on there and some awful ones.
  20. sarsar

    Best toning workout!

    Are you new to exercise or were you working out before surgery? The easiest thing to do for exercise is walking. I know that you talked about a toning routine but you need to be doing cardio also. Do you belong to a gym? Once you start doing cardio eventually you can start adding weights to your workout. Start out slow. If you belong to a gym you can ask someone that works there where to start. If not, you can look online for different routines or even purchase a video. Just remember, you can't spot reduce. Cardio and weights are the way to go.
  21. There is a new veterans board, you'll see it if you scroll down. There is a lot of information/tips on this same topic.
  22. I am pear shaped. My hips and butt are still the biggest part of me but I do look normal now. While losing weight I lost from top to bottom so my hips and butt went last. I do have quite a bit of excess skin even though I do exercise regularly. I hope to get a lower body lift eventually.
  23. Dr. Aceves did my surgery over 2 years ago. I had a wonderful experience. My main reason for choosing him was that I stayed at the hospital the whole time and that was important to me. It was a big decision to go to Mexico and after surgery I wanted to feel at ease knowing I would be in a hospital in case anything went wrong. I didn't want to go back to a hotel for a few days after surgery.
  24. sarsar

    I am giving up on chicken.

    I wouldn't give up on chicken all together. Give it time. You are only 9 weeks out so chicken might not work for you right now. Try it every few weeks and see if it eventually gets better. I would guess that when you get closer to a year out and the swelling in your sleeve goes down that you will be able to eat chicken again. I can eat just about anything. Some things don't taste the same for me anymore and I just don't care for them but there hasn't been anything I truly can't eat.
  25. sarsar

    Recommend me a few cook books

    I rarely buy cook books anymore. There are so many recipes online that I can find everything I need with the touch of a button! Eggface has a lot of good recipes on her site. I am sure there are others out there but that is a great place to start.

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