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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. I am a SAHM, three children, daughter 22 (she no longer lives at home), son 13 and son10. I am currently studying to become a certified personal trainer and hope to do this part time in my home.
  2. That is wonderful! Have fun!
  3. sarsar

    Why is this forum even here?

    I never noticed the dots either...lol Rules are rules and that's why some topics get locked. I started one here last week that was locked. I honestly never meant any harm by it and it was my own fault for not looking at the rules of the forum before I started the topic. It doesn't matter if it's a rant or rave that many people agree with. There are rules here to protect the members. We agree to follow the rules when we sign up on the forum. If I felt someone was receiving "special treatment" I would report it to the administrators and see what they had to say. Then I would probably decide if I wanted to leave the forum or just ignore it. Personally, I think they are doing their best to keep things running smoothly on this forum, it can't be an easy job and I'm glad it's not mine!
  4. I respond to posts all the time without looking to see where it's posted. I am trying to get better about that but when I joined this forum, the area on the right where the most recent posts are shown, wasn't there. Old habits are hard to break.
  5. sarsar


    Did anyone else wonder how gross it must be under that patch its taken off? Imagine all the yuck from the drinks that is stuck underneath the patch! I would think it would be an infection waiting to happen.
  6. sarsar

    Need Ideas! :)

    I look at it as being the icing on the cake at the end of the party, so to speak! How exciting for all of you!
  7. sarsar

    Feeling complacent

    Love this advice!
  8. sarsar

    Huge PRE-Vacation NSV!

    Good for you! I was always so uncomfortable wherever we went that I didn't truly enjoy myself. I put on a happy face, and had some fun but didn't enjoy it because of my issues I had with myself. I completely understand walking into a store and seeing something you like and knowing it will fit. This is one of the best feelings in the world!
  9. sarsar

    Need Ideas! :)

    You could give them pink and blue carnations or bags with pink and blue m&m's in them when you give them the cards.
  10. sarsar


    I watched this today and was shocked at first. Then, I was thinking back to the years of being fat and remembering the desperation I felt and how I would do almost anything to lose the weight. Who knows I might have done something like that years ago. I may have even tried the feeding tube thing. As crazy as it sounds, and it those things do sound crazy to me, the desperation of wanting to be thin takes over and I can understand why they did it. I was crazy enough to go to Mexico to have surgery!
  11. sarsar

    Huge PRE-Vacation NSV!

    Congratulations! Just wait, when you get there you are going to have a wonderful time. The stresses of being fat will no longer be there and you will actually enjoy the vacation!
  12. sarsar

    Little things you never would of done.

    I hated family pictures. So much so that I wouldn't do them for years and years. Finally about a year bf I had surgery I had lost about 30 pounds and I agreed to family pictures. I hated every single minute of it. I found the picture recently. It's funny because the pants I was wearing in the pic were the pair of fat pants that I kept. I put them on and showed my family while I was holding the old family picture. I actually had tears in my eyes. We were all shocked at the difference and the pants fall off if I don't hold them up. I have love/hate feelings for that picture now. I love looking at it and seeing the changes. I hate looking at it and remembering all of the years I wasted being fat and thinking about everything I missed out on. Needless to say even though I still don't like getting my picture taken, I don't run from the camera. We finally have pictures of the family all together doing different things, lots of them in the last year. For Father's Day this year I put together a collage of different pictures and gave it to my husband. I made him take down the one fat picture of me he had in his office and replace it with the skinny pictures of me!
  13. LOSE is the word to use when you are trying to LOSE weight. LOOSE is the word to use when your clothes are getting LOOSE while you are losing weight. LOSING is the word to use when you are in the process of LOSING weight. LOSER is the word to use when you think you are a slow LOSER. LOOSER is the word to use when your pants are LOOSER than they were before you lost weight. No, I am not the grammar police. Yes, you can search my posts and I am sure you will find many grammar errors. Seriously, this is a weight loss forum and it drives me crazy when people do not know the difference between lose and loose. Ok, my rant is over...
  14. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    No worries, I understand! No need to apologize. It's always good to have a reminder or view it from a different point of view.
  15. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    Hmmm...not even going to respond to this one. Lauging out loud. (I would normally type LOL but I am honoring your request, since it is your birthday!)
  16. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    Love this one! See even Mark Twain can make fun of himself! That's what life is all about. Ok, I am off now to do those lunges! Have a great day everyone
  17. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    I couldn't help myself. I do wish you a happy day!
  18. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    You know, after thinking about this a bit I can understand where you are coming from. If you knew me in real life or even from this forum, you would know that I have a good heart. I make fun of myself more than anyone I know. You can look in the fitness section and see what I'm talking about. I am terrible at grammar and am thankful for spell check. In fact, when I first started looking into surgery over 2 years ago and joined this forum, I had to figure out how to spell lose and loose because I didn't know which one was correct! Also, everyone on this forum is at a different stage in their journey. When I first joined if I would have read this post it may have offended me because I was at a very emotional state. Now, not so much. I don't dwell on it if people use the words lose and loose wrong. I didn't even have any certain person in mind when I posted this, just something I have seen a lot on here recently. We are all in this weight loss thing together, doesn't matter if we want to lose or loose the weight!
  19. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    Going great, off to do some with my trainer in an hour...gotta keep my hip flexors lose... For those who don't know, that was making fun of myself not anyone else!
  20. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    LL, HB2U! hope u have a gr8 day!
  21. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    Which is why I put this in the Rants and Raves section of this forum: Vertical Sleeve Talk Rants & Raves Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!
  22. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    So true! I just did it in another post where I replied to someone. I did lol at myself. I didn't proof read it, I was tired and was typing fast and wrote lose instead of loose! I understand those things happen. I rarely rant and rave, usually I let things slide and not get to me. I must have been in a bit of a snarky mood yesterday when made this topic.
  23. sarsar

    The difference between lose and loose...

    Yes, I am with all of you on those, too!
  24. sarsar

    I suck at lunges!

    Sorry, that should have read...getting those hip flexors LOOSE, not lose. I didn't reread my post well enough. Especially after posting about the difference between lose and loose in the R&R section I should have proof read!!! lol
  25. sarsar

    Looking deflated!

    Ummm...what gray hair. Your pic looks like you have beautiful dark hair, I don't see any gray!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
