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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    My protein bar rankings

    It will probably be many months before you can eat a whole bar so I wouldn't be too concerned about the fiber. I can eat a whole one now (over 2 years out) and it fills me up.
  2. sarsar

    My protein bar rankings

    I also love Quest bars. I don't find them addicting either. I like to eat them after a workout and I am fine with one a day. They are the best tasting ones I have found. High in protein and fiber.
  3. sarsar


    I love Click protein powder. I buy decaf mocha. When I make mine I use about 4 ounces of milk and 10 ounces of water and blend it with ice. Sometimes I add a little sugar free syrup. I also add spinach and flax seed to mine but don't do that if you aren't far enough out yet.
  4. sarsar

    exercise & weight regain

    This is probably what is happening. Fat and muscle actually weigh the same. 10 pounds of fat and 10 pounds of muscle are both 10 pounds. The difference is that muscle takes up less room than fat so you may still be getting smaller in inches because you are losing fat but can be putting on a few pounds of muscle. Try not to worry about the scale too much when starting an exercise plan. Take your measurements and go by those and by how your clothes fit instead of the scale. Your clothes should be getting bigger if you are gaining muscle. You will notice your body start to tone up and tighten in different areas. I also suggest drinking more Water when you are exercising regularly. I workout a lot and I drink at least 160 ounces of water a day. You may not need that much depending on what kind of exercise routine you decide to do but I would up your water intake. I also enjoy water so that is part of the reason I drink quite a bit. Also, I would up your calories a little and see if that works. The BMI chart is the devil, especially if you workout a lot. I am 5'6'' and weigh 160 pounds. I am still overweight on the BMI chart. I wear a comfortable size 8 and wear size 6 in some things. I wear a size small shirt and some of those are getting too big....my body is still changing at over 2 years out. I believe for me this is because of exercise. With exercise you can always have more goals and change your body in different ways. You have done a wonderful job with your weight loss! Congratulations. You will get to where you want to be, it will take time and things will happen slower now that you are farther out.
  5. Oh how I wish I could have my post-op taste buds back. You know, the ones that make everything taste blah or even bad. My family and I went to the state fair in our area over the weekend. I had a little bites of a bunch of different foods. The difference between this year and last year is that the food actually tasted good this year. Last year I would take a bite of something sweet or fried at the fair and it was just gross so I didn't bother. This year quite the opposite, it was all so yummy. Why can't this surgery change our taste buds forever? I am still grateful for my sleeve. I was able to enjoy myself and eat like a thin person...a bite of this and that. BSL(before surgery life) I would have gone to the fair and eaten myself sick, it would have been all about food. This time, I was able to go and enjoy myself and my family. I could walk around without sweating like a pig. I could actually walk and walk without being uncomfortable. Now, if those surgeons could just figure out a way to change those taste buds for good, and while they're at it our brains, too!
  6. No, I can't imagine how they would. They are so thin and crispy.
  7. Yup, I have made Kale chips but I don't really think of them as chips because they are so thin. They aren't bad. I put them on a pan, sprinkle them with some EVOO, and sea salt. I bake them at 425 for a few minutes till they are crispy.
  8. sarsar

    Does it really matter?

    above being said, when i was an early early newbie - i made a response to a post someone PM'd me and made a comment about what i said i interpreted as something "mean" Grammy, Who called you mean...that is just wrong. You are nothing but a sweet, little Grammy! Although, when you were an early newbie I suppose you weren't little but you were still sweet!
  9. I shouldn't have liked this comment because I don't really like it. I can also eat tons of tortilla chips. I have to stay away from them they go down way too easy and don't fill me up...slider! Once in a while I do like to have nachos. I make them with chicken and that way I only eat a few chips with black Beans, chicken taco "meat", cheese and homemade pico!
  10. Same for me with the bread, pasta and tortillas. I'm ok with it, glad it fills me right up. It doesn't taste like I'm eating flour anymore so that's good. If I want a sandwich I eat a couple bites with the bread and then pick it apart and eat the insides. I am also a picky eater now. Picky meaning I pick my food apart and pick out the parts that I really want to eat. I also agree about the baked goods. I have always liked to bake, now I LOVE to bake.Baking is a hobby for me, a stress reliever (I know it sounds funny but it's true) and as long as I'm not eating much of it I figure it's an ok hobby to have. I do it a few times a week. We also have a couple pieces and then seem to end up throwing so much out. But, I have been sharing it with everyone... neighbors, people at church, sending it to work with my husband, etc. I don't feel as bad about the waste as I used to, I have kind of learned that living with my sleeve means there will be waste.
  11. They will be happy to take US dollars!
  12. sarsar

    Really? Really, youve got to be kidding me!

    I had my surgery in Mexico. I met another lady there having surgery the same day, same surgeon. After we met she looked me up and down and said, "Girl, you don't need to have this surgery, you just need to do a little Zumba!". I just about fell over, 270 pounds, yes I did need surgery. Her and I share a bond and to this day she is one of my dearest friends. I think the lady you spoke with crossed a line but try not to let it bother you. You know what your reasons are for having surgery and it doesn't matter if anyone else agrees with you or not. Deep down she probably wishes she could have the surgery, too.
  13. Yes, for me it was junk food that tasted bad at first, probably for the first 18 months. Cakes, Cookies and donuts had a terrible baking powder taste to them. I loved them before I was sleeved but after, yuck. I did, too, mourn the loss of them for a short time but then I was thankful that I didn't care for them anymore because I didn't desire them. Bread, tortillas, Pasta and rice just tasted like it was pure flour in my mouth. I couldn't stand eating them. Water took over a year before I could drink it plain again. That one was really hard for me. I loved water bf my sleeve. Thankfully, that came back for me and it tastes great again. One thing I find is that I now enjoy spicy foods. I didn't before my sleeve but now they taste so good to me. So, I wish that the junk food still had a bad taste to it when I eat them then I wouldn't want any. I should have just left it alone, instead, I kept trying them to see if they had a better taste and eventually they did.
  14. I'm sorry Laura! I wish you could have experienced those things...I can understand the jealousy. Maybe it's a good thing though. When you go through those things at right after surgery it gives you a false sense of security thinking this is the way it will always be and as you know from reading on here that is just not the case. You have the real deal right from the get go! Trying to look at the positive with the hand that you were dealt. It is interesting how everyone is different, kind of like being pregnant. I had awful pregnancies, I was sick for months, I would lose 25 or 30 pounds and had zero energy. I so wanted to be one of those people that felt great and loved being pregnant but I wasn't. I wanted to have one more but while I was pregnant with the third I told my husband I just couldn't do it again.
  15. Fiddle, check this out: http://www.activerelease.com/ I highly recommend ART. This works much quicker than a deep tissue massage and really gets right to the muscle(s) that need working. If you find a good therapist that knows what they are doing this should do the trick. I found out about this from going to a chiropractor. Not the usual "crack your back" kind but one that uses massage and physical therapy to actually fix the problems. ART along with foam rolling, stretching and area specific exercises have relieved me of much pain and made me stronger. Be aware that it does take a lot of tedious work to get these areas back to working order and it can take a while, it's not a quick fix but it can be done you just have to have some patience.
  16. sarsar

    Gratuitous ONEDERLAND Post!

    Congratulations, welcome to wonderland! Sounds like you had a great vacation! You will be trotting around in those 14's before you know it, without a wedgie.
  17. sarsar

    Is this a sign of overtraining?

    Fiddle, looking around I found some more elaborate answers for the "I'm going to puke feeling", you may have already read all of these but here you go... High or maximum heart rate and uncontrolled breathing, which elevates the blood pressure to heights that can give a 'sick to the stomach' feeling. The nausea that one feels is a result of burning so much glycogen out of the muscles that the body attempts to continue muscular contraction by manufacturing more glucose out of the lactic acid that has been building up within the muscle. <Long chemical process explanation> The upshot of this complicated biochemical process is that when a trainee runs out of glycogen in his working muscles and his body liberates lactate into his bloodstream, his pH levels drop off markedly, producing a strong lactic acidosis and feelings of nausea. This effect causes a drop in blood pressure (often perceived as light-headedness), and the inadequate blood flow to the abdomen produces the feeling of nausea. A couple ways to combat this feeling: Increase rest time between sets to allow the body to keep up with the demands that are being placed on it Consume a bit of sugar immediately upon feeling the symptoms (or beforehand if you are certain that this will be a problem). If you feel nauseous during or after your workouts, it may be a sign that you overdid it. People often report feeling nauseous when they over-train, according to R.W. Fry and colleagues in a September 1994 article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Ensure that you do not get sick from over-training by verifying that your heart rate is not above 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. If you do not want to stop to measure your pulse, a good rule of thumb is that if you have to stop repeatedly to catch your breath, you are working too hard. Nausea during or after exercise may also be a sign of a hormone disorder called pheochromocytoma. Symptoms of pheochromocytoma include a high heart rate along with headaches, sweating, chest pain and feelings of anxiety. People with pheochromocytoma often feel nauseous and vomit after exercise. Consult your doctor if your nausea and high heart rate during exercise persists despite lowering the intensity of your workout and waiting three or four hours after meals to work out. So, it seems that the nauseous feeling after a workout can be from over training or it can be from just pushing yourself to the next level.
  18. sarsar

    Is this a sign of overtraining?

    Interesting. If I don't eat bf a workout I feel nauseous when I start. I just can't do it without being having something in me, especially when I am pushing myself as hard as I can. Usually it's a Protein drink with some fruit for carbs, also I have been trying an energy type bar that is supposed to be good before a workout. It is a challenge for me because if I eat too soon before a workout I also feel nauseous, I have to time it just right with my sleeve. I was reading on here somewhere about people fasting prior to working out. BB, it may have been you that I was reading about, I just can't remember. I did find that subject very interesting and I am planning on looking into that more as I have been playing around with the 5:2 plan but haven't fully committed to it yet.
  19. sarsar

    Kind of an NSV!

    Ummm...this is totally an NSV, not kind of! Great job, what a wonderful feeling!
  20. sarsar

    Is this a sign of overtraining?

    Fiddle, I have found that I push hard with my workouts with my trainer or at boot camps, harder than I do while working out on my own. During these workouts I usually have a few minutes of the "I'm going to puke" feeling. I have been told and have read (I'm studying to become a PT) that this is normal when you are pushing beyond what you are used to doing. To me, this is a good sign that I am pushing above and making strides in my workouts. I don't feel sick after the workouts, just for a few minutes during. Do you take water breaks during your workouts? I try to drink during my workouts but can't get enough in during...my stomach is too tight and then going right back to the workout after a water break the water is just sitting there and feels like it going to come back up. Prior to my sleeve I could chug and chug during a workout and I needed it (I loved to workout even while I was obese). I can't do that anymore. I am wondering if the water thing could be part of the problem. Like you, I also drink a ton of water leading up to my workouts. I was also thinking that maybe you need more fule right before your workout...maybe a protein drink with a banana and some spinach? It's hard to say because I am a strong believer of what works for one person might not work for the next. We have to learn to listen to our bodies and I know from reading your posts that you are on top of that!
  21. sarsar

    Sneezing when full

    When I am full my nose runs and I get a little air burp. I have heard of a lot of people sneezing when full.
  22. sarsar

    July 26 plastics... Updates:)

    Thanks! I will look into those groups. It's interesting that many don't complain of pain. I need to have a LBL and can't imagine not being in pain being cut open all the way around. I'm not scared of the pain, I handle it pretty well. I have heard that in Mx pain management is different than here in the US. I had my sleeve done in Mx but I didn't experience pain from the surgery, I was sore but not in pain, so managing the pain wasn't a concern for me while I was there.
  23. sarsar

    July 26 plastics... Updates:)

    Thanks for posting all of this information and pics! How was the pain handled with the doctor you went with? Did you have a pain pump? Also, how long were you in the hospital and how long in the hotel? Who did you contact if you had concerns while you were in the hotel?
  24. sarsar

    Anniversary Blood test anxiety

    Try not to have anxiety, it's better to get it done and know if something is going on or not. You have done such a great job and are so in tune with your body. I would think that you would want to know why those things you mentioned above are happening. Especially the bruising too easily, I would want an answer for that. Also, if you are taking too many supplements wouldn't you want to know? Being the health nut that you are, I imagine you only want what's best for your body. I have a feeling you will come back from getting those results and realize that all of the anxiety you had was for nothing!
  25. sarsar

    heartburn after two years?

    I have taken a PPI since surgery because this is what the doctor required. Every week, usually Saturday, I skip taking it to see if I have any issues. Every time I don't take it for a day I can feel my heart burn acting up a bit. It's not anything major but I don't feel like I can completely stop taking the PPI. I have noticed lately if I have a day where I snack more than usual that the heart burn feels worse than it did before. I'm not a big bread eater but it doesn't act up when I eat bread. It does act up more when I eat Pasta and any kind of spaghetti sauce. I don't eat a lot of either of those. I'm assuming it's the acid in the spaghetti sauce.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
