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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    Tummy tuck today!

    Butter!!! You look incredible!!! Wow...seriously, wow! The incision line is perfectly straight, too. I can only imagine how much better you must feel already. Thanks so much for sharing these pics!
  2. sarsar

    Its almost winter!

    My problem in the winter is that I get depressed. I hate winter here in WI. I can't stand snow, the cold I can handle, but the snow just isn't for me. I don't enjoy any snow sports. So I have a problem staying as active in the winter as I am the rest of the year. The food isn't as much of an issue for me, although I do love to cook those warm, wintery dishes. For me it's a battle to just keep going in the winter...to get out of bed and to keep moving.
  3. sarsar

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    4 miles yesterday, walking and sprinting. I have an injury with my hip that I am trying to resolve. It has seriously slowed down my workouts and it's driving me crazy!
  4. sarsar

    Big Pants

    THANK YOU Butter! Thank you! That would just be too much. I gotta figure out how to get a pic on here so I can share my "big pants" pic. I am so not good at computers. I'll ask my 13 year old, I bet he can figure it out...or even my 10 year old for that matter.
  5. sarsar

    Cruises and eating

    Pdx, out of curiosity, did the rest of the people that were with you on the cruise know you had surgery? I'm just wondering how they reacted to you not eating a lot.
  6. sarsar

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Let me guess your first name...Lipstick??? Did I guess correctly?
  7. sarsar

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    I'm in...last month I had a couple of trips planned so I didn't join in. My name is Sarah.
  8. sarsar

    First Mile in 40 Years

    How exciting this must be for you! Great job. Keep it up!
  9. Today is my 3rd fast day...starting my second week of doing 5:2. I am starving this morning. I won't eat until lunch time. I just had some green tea. Hoping the hunger passes quickly.
  10. sarsar

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    My shakes are sweet, too. For some reason you don't taste the spinach when it's mixed in with something sweet. It's true, give it a try. I even make them for my kids and my husband. They don't taste the spinach either. You just have to get past the green color.
  11. sarsar

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    You could try adding spinach to your shakes. I do that with my protein drinks and I end up getting in a lot of spinach that way.
  12. sarsar

    Magnesium and muscle growth

    Do you take a multivitamin? Are you getting magnesium in that?
  13. I loved my liquids very cold after surgery. Most people tolerate warm liquids better but for me it was the opposite.
  14. sarsar

    Way behind the 8 ball

    Happy Birthday!
  15. Oh, ok...I dvr the afternoon one. The morning one was probably a rerun.
  16. I watched the Oz show from yesterday and there was not anything on there about fasting to lose weight. I worked out with my trainer this morning on an empty stomach. I had a cup of green tea. The workout went great. It was a hard cardio workout. I felt fine during and after the workout. The only thing I noticed that might be different is that I was starving at 4:00. I had a protein drink around 3:00. I'm feeling fine now.
  17. sarsar

    Qwest Bars 30% off at GNC today

    I just came on here to post this deal! I just ordered mine. I have Shoprunner, too, so shipping was free. I love Quest bars!
  18. sarsar

    Way behind the 8 ball

    Wonderful! 220 will get here before you know it!
  19. I will. I'll check it out later today when I have some time to watch it. His show drives me crazy because every single day he's talking about another way to lose weight or different vitamins to take. Today is my fast day and I'm going to workout with my trainer in a few minutes. I'll let you know how it goes...
  20. I dvr his show so I can watch it if something looks interesting. I'll have to check it out.
  21. I have read the same thing from other people. I will see how it goes and play around with exercising on my fast days. I'm afraid I might pass out if I work out hard on those days. I'm pretty sure I am going to need to eat closer to 1500 calories. I'm anxious and excited to see how this works! Thanks for the response.
  22. Ok, makes sense. I am going to do a light workout here in a few minutes. I workout hard, too, so I will have to play around with this a little and see how things work. My fast days are going to need to be light workout days. Stopping my workouts isn't an option for me. I enjoy exercising, I enjoy pushing myself. It's my stress relief and I like how my body looks and feels from it.
  23. sarsar

    Way behind the 8 ball

    You can do this! Like everyone else said, go back and start eating clean. Protein first, then veggies. Stay away from the sliders. Getting hooked on sugar is the worst. A couple weekends ago I went on a long girls' weekend. We packed lots of Snacks to eat. I decided since it was a girls' weekend I was going to not worry about what I ate. I still made sure to get in my protein but in between I snacked a lot. Well, I came home and that sugar addiction was rearing it's ugly head. I hadn't had this strong of an urge to eat sugar and keep eating the junk since before surgery almost 2.5 years ago! Finally a couple of days ago I told myself I had to stop. I gained 3 pounds and I don't want to end up where I was before and I hated how I felt. Now I'm going through the withdrawals from the sugar but they should be gone in a couple of days. Having this surgery only works if we make the changes for life. We can't lose some weight and go right back to what how we were eating before. Hang in there, we are here to support you!
  24. Thanks! Looks like you work out quite a bit, I do too. I was wondering how this will work with the calories. Do you subtract the exercise calories from your daily intake and eat more? I am concerned that my workouts may be compromised from not eating enough. This is why I didn't completely stick to the 5:2 plan in the past. Thankfully I am not one of those who are carb sensitive (don't hate me ). I don't go crazy with carbs but I don't need to keep them low to lose weight or maintain.
  25. A big THANK YOU to all of you who responded with what you eat on feast/fast days! I appreciate you taking time to do type it out for me. Another question...do all of you wait 18 hours after you last eat on your feast day before eating on your fast day? From what I have read it seems that this is the key to this working? Is that right? So far so good on my first fast day. I have just had Water and green tea. Feeling fine so far! Hope you are doing good today, too, Sleeveofsteel.

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