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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia, sounds like you are having a great time! Enjoy the weekend. Daisy, have fun at your daughter's baby shower. I can't wait to hear the reaction from the guy when he hears you used to be obese. I can't stand it when I am around people who talk bad about overweight people. It is so uncomfortable. Fye, sorry about the struggles with the blood work. That has to be frustrating when you are doing everything you can to be healthy. Hang in there. Coops, I am sure that loss will stick! You will get there. Congrats on being married 20 years! Today I am just not feeling it...I feel off for some reason. I slept in today (which was nice since I usually get up between 5 and 5:30) but I think the sleeping in made me hungry and I got up and ate a couple cookies. Yuck! If I stray off my usual protein drink for breakfast it seems to throw me off for the whole day. I'm going to get back on track and not ruin my whole weekend. I can do this, I will do this... Happy Saturday Ladies!
  2. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Laura, you doing ok today? You can do this. What an emotional day for you. Don't touch the candy!!! Jane, I'm wondering if that scale could be wrong for body fat. You have a lot of muscle. I have a lot of muscle too and quite a bit of skin in certain areas, not as much as you had but a bunch. A month ago my trainer tested my body fat again and I was 23point something %. Maybe having it tested would give you a more accurate measurement. Also, 28% body fat on a woman is not a lot. I'm sure you already know that but a lot of people don't get that. Congrats on getting under 150!!! So exciting! Wow, that's a lot of calories for one cookie...crazy! Maybe you should make your fast day tomorrow? I wish cookies didn't taste good! When I first had surgery all that stuff was so gross to me. Now it all tastes good again. Cheri, thanks for your kind words. It's funny because it seems like I think I deal with issues and then other things come up and I wonder if I really did deal with those things? That might not make sense. lol Maybe what I do is deal with things a little at a time and then when I'm ready deal with a little more? Who knows, I'm a work in progress. We all are! I spent the day with my mom today and we tried a Thai restaurant. It was my first time for Thai food. My mom loves Thai food but I did not like it at all. It was all sweet tasting to me. Yuck. It didn't sit right in my stomach either. Gloomy and rainy here today. I'm off to boot camp in a little bit...
  3. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Globe....I am so sorry. What s huge, huge burden you are carrying right now. Especially along with everything else that has happened over the last year. Thanks for sharing with us, we are all here for you. If you want to come back to the states you are welcome to come to WI and stay with us. I don't "know" you but am serious about the offer, we have a place in our basement that is fixed up. Hugs to you. I am also a believer in prayer so I will be lifting you up in prayer, too!
  4. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sorry you are having a rough day today, Daisy. It stinks and sometimes life just sucks. How about a little happy news today? I spent part of the day calling around for the part we needed for the washing machine. I found it, picked it up and put it in. Success! The washing machine is working again. I also stopped and picked up a battery for the scale. I decided to step on it and see what it said. I got all naked again...freezing my butt off...stepped on the scale and I was down 2 more pounds! This was even an evening weight and usually I weigh only in the mornings without anything in me. I won't really count this loss yet until it sticks for a week or two. So far so good on my fast day!
  5. Thanks so much for sharing these pics! Absolutely amazing! You look so good! So happy for you!
  6. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Multiple boob jobs???? Wow! This is so sad. I am glad that you were strong enough to see through all of that when you were young. I have a feeling you had to grow up and mature real quick when you should have been able to have just been a kid growing up and enjoy kid stuff. Instead it sounds like you were having to mother your own mom.
  7. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    It's funny bc after I wrote all of that I was thinking about this same thing. Usually you would think that something terrible happened to me growing up but that wasn't the case for me. I had loving parents who are still married to this day. What I believed happened is that I didn't get that much attention from my dad. I don't mean this in a bad way. My dad loved me growing up and still does. I knew it but he never really told me that much and he didn't really know how to show his emotions. I guess that when that guy started giving me attention I liked it. It didn't take too long for the relationship to become controlling and abusive and by then I was sucked in and I couldn't get myself out of it. I was young and stupid. I can still picture myself standing by my locker in high school and the idiot coming up to me telling me I looked fat...he had complete control over me. Before he was in my life I was such a happy go lucky type of person. Full of life, enjoying myself and having fun. See, part of the reason (remember this is my teenage brain at the time thinking) I believe I couldn't get out of it is that I started to have sex with this guy. He was my first and I grew up believing you don't have sex until you are married. So I had guilt with that, too, I thought I had to marry him because I had sex with him. I know it's crazy! Anyway, while our daughter was growing up my husband and I talked a lot about him letting her know she is beautiful and wonderful and she didn't need to hear it and believe it from some horny teenage guy. My husband would take her out on dates. He always told her she was beautiful and she was special. This worked! She grew up knowing her dad thought she was all of these things! One day when she was a sophomore in high school a guy she had some classes with came up to her and said, "I wanted to tell you that I think you are beautiful." Guess what she said??!! "I already know that, thanks!". It didn't even phase her that a guy was telling her she was beautiful because she already knew this in her heart and she believed it!
  8. sarsar

    Visiting my Brother after 2 years!

    This is so exciting! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story when you see him. Enjoy every minute!
  9. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So now I have all these crazy emotions flowing and it's a fast day for me. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing, lol, probably good. I normally fast on Thursday but I am spending the day with my mom tomorrow so I decided to make today my fast day. I'm feeling a bit vulnerable today. I rarely share stuff like this with people. I have learned over the years to not trust and to stay in my own little box and not let many people inside. Feeling nervous and freeing at the same time that I put this all out here for the world to see. This is why I asked the other day anyone could read what we write in this group. I was afraid to say too much with so many people able to read this. But then today, for some reason, when I started reading I just felt like I had to share what I wrote. I know there is a reason why I did this but I haven't figured it all out yet. Sorry for all this rambling, something is going on inside of me and I feel like I just have to go with it today. Laura, glad you made it through yesterday without killing your mom! That must have been tough confronting her on her drinking. I hope she is able to get a handle on that demon again. Just wondering, is she overweight? Glad we are all in this journey together. I'm glad I found you ladies! Hugs to all of you as we continue on with our struggles and our triumphs!
  10. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Lots of emotions going through me right now after reading these posts. I totally get the fat suit thing. I did it for years. I believe even until recently that I was still holding onto some of that fat suit. I don't think I'm fat anymore but I was holding on to that little bit of extra weight for the same reason I was holding onto 110 plus pounds for many years... I was mentally and physically and emotionally abused by my daughter's biological father. I weighed 105 pounds and the idiot told me I was fat. This was when I was 15 so I started down the road of anorexia. I got pregnant with my daughter when I was a senior in high school. Oh, the dreams I had to leave this freezing cold state and go to school in FL and start living like any college age girl would want. Well, when I got pregnant everything changed. Fast forward a couple of years and I finally was able to break free of that controlling abusive relationship. I don't know how I did it other than all I did was live every day trying to give my daughter the best life she could have and I couldn't do it with him in my life. Soon after I found out my daughter was being sexually abused by either her biological dad or one of his friends or both. The terrible guilt I had from this was almost unbearable but I didn't deal with it at the time. I had to stay strong for my daughter, I had to take care of her and make sure she was safe. We went through years of going to court and counselors to get supervised visits. During this time I met my husband and we got married. Long story short, he adopted our daughter. She is 23 and my husband has been in her life since she was a couple of years old so he really is her dad...the only one she knows. After we got married the weight started piling on. I think I finally let my guard down and started to "deal" with all of the emotions I had kept hidden all those years. I dealt with this by eating. Eating any time I felt any twinge of guilt for what had happened to my daughter. I then started to use food for every emotion. Happy, sad, scared, anxious, tired, everything. I just ate so I didn't have to feel. Today, it's still a struggle sometimes but thankfully I am able to keep food under control most of the time. Not all of the time but most of the time. I still have moments where I know I am eating to not deal with an emotion and sometimes I allow myself to do that. I'm not perfect so I allow this only sometimes. It will always be a struggle for the rest of my life I am sure. I try to remember every single day how thankful I am that I was able to have this surgery. It can't fix my mind but it has helped me to shed my weight and to learn to deal with so many demons I have kept hidden over the years.
  11. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Coops, have a nice week off! We don't have a fall break here. My boys don't have their first full week off until Xmas break. They get 2 days for Thanksgiving and had a couple days off last week for conferences. Cheri, glad you are feeling better. Hope it stays that way. Sometimes around here it seems like we are always sick, it keeps getting passed around. Globe, I agree with what you said about "gains". The scale moves up and down close to 5 pounds for me. I don't look at it as a gain. After a couple weeks when I finally see the number go down and stay down I count it as a loss. This is part of the reason I don't weigh in every day. Oh, and, a couple weeks ago for the first time, I finally took a laxative. I couldn't stand it anymore. When I was young I abused laxatives so I haven't taken any in many years but I seriously couldn't handle being blocked up anymore. It worked and I felt so much better. Made it through my fast day yesterday just fine. I came in about 450 calories. For some reason, when I tried to eat my tilapia my sleeve wouldn't have it, so after a few bites I stopped. I just had my protein drink and my night time popcorn snack. I need to order the part for the washing machine so I can finish the laundry. Should be an easy fix if we are right in figuring out what is wrong with it. My husband is not a fixer upper type of person at all and neither am I so when things break down or need work around here it's a pain in the butt. Plus it ends up being very expensive because we don't know how to do it ourselves. But, thanks to YouTube I think we figured this one out! Hope everyone has a good day today!
  12. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow...lots going on. I finally got all caught up with these posts after a busy weekend. Ladies, reading some of your stories makes my heart break. You are all such strong women. Thank you all for being who you are and doing what you do. Thank you for sharing your struggles. Hugs to all of you. Cheri, your baby is just adorable. I miss mine being babies! My daughter is 23 and my boys are 13 and 10 so it has been a while. My boys keep asking for us to have another baby, lol. Babies are just so sweet, they make everyone happy! Cathy, what is a prawn omelette? I have never heard of it. Sounds like you are having fun relaxing. Enjoy! Brown, sounds like the party was fabulous! Why don't you try dancing for exercise? Exercise doesn't have to be boring as long as you are moving and getting your heart beat up, it's exercise. LV, I'm sorry you got stuck in a kayak! Hopefully, you can laugh about it now. I totally think you should own your own kayak with that story! FYE, sounds like you had a fun weekend! Back at it today! Georgia, I wish we had a fireplace. I am FREEZING over here in WI! The heat is on and I just freeze. I walk around with layers on and I just can't seem to get warm in the fall/winter. I had the same problem last year. It's funny because I used to be so hot all the time when I was fat. In the winter I would have the heat set so low that my poor family would complain all the time, their noses were even freezing. I didn't believe them because I was so hot. Now, I feel bad that I did that! I am sure I forgot someone...sorry, I missed a lot. Fast day for me today. Before bed last night I had a couple pieces of chocolate which made me want carbs this morning when I woke up. I haven't given in! Our washing machine isn't working so the hubs and I decided to YouTube and see if we could fix it ourselves last night. This caused a little stress. That coupled with the fact that I didn't get in all my protein yesterday really made me want to eat junk. I then grabbed the first thing I saw which was some candy out of the trick or treat bag my boys had brought home. Oh well. Years ago I would sit and eat and eat myself into a chocolate coma with their trick or treat bags. So glad I don't do that anymore. I wanted to check my weight this weekend. I got all naked (remember it's freezing here), stepped on the scale and it said low battery! Oh, and my oven isn't working right either. Why does everything have to break at the same time?? Happy Monday everyone! Oh, is this group private or can anyone read the posts? I know you can't comment without being a member but I don't remember if anyone can still come in and read posts.
  13. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You can do it! You've got this! I haven't eaten anything yet. In the next hour I'll eat. I like to wait until afternoon because I enjoy eating in the evening more than the morning.
  14. sarsar

    Two good stretching books

    Fiddle, are these books easy to read? Meaning, do they have a lot of big medical words that I would have to look up? Also, do they have a lot of diagrams to show how to do the stretches?
  15. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Glad you had fun on your vacation. Congrats on the new low!
  16. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yay! Very exciting!
  17. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD, you look great, you are so little!! I thought your cartoon looks like you, too. I don't like having my pic online either. I remember you from the day I had surgery with Dr. Aceves. You were there meeting with him...I think you had your facelift done and decided to have your sleeve checked, I could be wrong about that. Anyway, I just remember you had wrote on here that you were there but I don't think we met. If we did I was totally drugged out and don't remember...lol
  18. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia and M2G, congrats on your loss! WTG GT, I am a lot less hungry after my fast days, too. I like it. Also, when I do eat on fast days (I fast until later in the afternoon) I fill up very quickly, my sleeve is very tight. OD, how exciting that you have a date! Have fun!! It'll be exciting to get all dressed up and go out and have some fun. LV, just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. Hang in there. Hugs to you. So, I started 5:2 four or five weeks ago and as of yesterday I am down 8 pounds!! My size 8 jeans/pants and size 6 skirts are getting too big! I am really liking 5:2! Have a great day, Ladies!
  19. You look great and I can tell by what you wrote that you feel great! Congratulations on 3 years. Love the shoes!
  20. sarsar

    NSV: I hiked a freaking cave, y'all!

    This made me smile!
  21. sarsar

    Chips...NOT A SLIDER!

    Beware, a lot of slider foods don't slide when you are newly sleeved but down the road things change.
  22. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Not having my phone would put me in a bad mood, too. I would opt for waiting for the fed ex man...you need your phone! I also think it's good to have a good pout. Was the fed ex guy hot?
  23. sarsar

    Men vs Women

    Good point about fitness and muscle mass. I agree 100%. Along with liking the way it makes me feel, this is the main reason fitness is important to me.
  24. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Jane, I make a protein coffee drink everyday just because I love it. I use Click mocha decaf protein powder. 1/4 C. skim milk Water Ice cubes 2 Tbs. ground flax seed 2 big handfuls spinach 2 scoops Click Then I flavor it with sugar free syrup. Currently my favorite is a little Torani sf pumpkin pie syrup and a little sf brown sugar cinnamon syrup mixed together. SO good! Blend together I don't normally do sugar free stuff but I do love my sf syrups!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
