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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I tried to get in but it didn't work so I sent you another email that I have with my gmail account. I'll try with that one when you add me.
  2. LIPS!!!! How exciting! I love the idea of rainbow fros. I think you all should wear tutu's, too!
  3. I don't ever have ads show up on here when I'm on my computer.
  4. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    Worked out for an hour with my trainer today. Felt good after not working out for a few days.
  5. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh no Cheri! Ouch!! I have heard it is very painful. Did they say how long it will last? I'm sorry you're going through all of this. Globe, I love your positive for the day! We are so hard on ourselves and that kind of puts it all in prospective. I have never tried to eat a pomegranate. I've had them in drinks. This is a funny question but how do you eat them...just peel and eat? Are they sweet? M2G, I love weightlifting. I love how it makes me feel strong! I had some sessions with a personal trainer that was a weight lifter. I'm talking huge, manly muscle weight lifter. I didn't want to look anything like that but she did teach me a lot and I loved training with her. What I have noticed from lifting is that my skin didn't go away but the muscles kind of disguise the skin. You see muscle and it takes away from the hanging skin. At least for me that's how it seems. I still want to have plastics to remove the skin. Daisy, I'm sorry you are sad. Hang in there. I would also like for the group to be completely private. I know Laura said we could revisit once the site gets worked out. If everyone wants to do email, I'm fine with that too. I wasn't here at the beginning of the group so I'm not trying to stir up anything with this. Whatever the majority wants is ok with me. I do know this group has become important to me and I feel comfortable with all of you. I would feel more comfortable if I knew not everyone would be able to come on and read my inner most thoughts. Ladies, yesterday was horrible for me! I was supposed to fast and I didn't. I ate so bad, it was like I was out of control and I couldn't stop myself. I HATE that feeling! My emotions are going crazy right now with some things that are going on plus it's that time of the month again for me so I am craving junk. I AM going to fast today. I have got to get this under control. This was 3 days of eating junk. I can do this...one foot in front of the other...marching forward. Except I feel like I'm dragging instead of marching.
  6. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Is there a reason that this group isn't totally private? Meaning only those of us in the group can read the posts we make?
  7. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cheri, thank you for your words! I love that you said you will not call yourself fat. I feel the exact same way. I refuse to call myself fat. I did that for years and years and I will not do it anymore. I may still have a few pounds to lose but I am in no way fat! I even go so far as to call myself thin or skinny! I am compared to what I used to be. I AM NOT FAT!
  8. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hi! Glad I found everyone again. I was gone Friday-Monday and wanted to post that I was leaving but I couldn't get on the site. I had to make an emergency visit to a friend in Tx. She needed me and it was a very emotional weekend. My eating the first 2 days was ok but the last 2 my eating was terrible! Emotional eating at it finest. I am fasting today so I'm back at it. I didn't even weigh this morning. I'm scared to see what the scale says. I need to get used to the new format here. I was nervous when I couldn't get on bf I left for my trip. When I was gone I was able to log on but didn't have time to post or read. It was a relief just to know you were all still here! I came home to snow on the ground. I am trying so hard to not let this get me down. It's going to be a long 6 months. Seems like a lot of us are in a funk. All I know to try to do is put one foot in front of the other, take one day at a time. This is for life and we will have these ups and downs forever. I just keep trying to march forward... My positive for today is that even though this journey is hard and emotional I am still so thankful for my sleeve. At least I am going through all of this minus 115 pounds. Having that much weight gone makes it so much easier to live life. I have hope when I felt hopeless before. I am in a much better place now and for that I am thankful. I'm not good at putting my thoughts into words like a lot of you are so thanks for reading even if it doesn't make sense to any of you.
  9. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    Look! I did it!!! Thanks so much for explaining that to me. It's easy to do. Now you guys might be seeing lots of pictures...lol!
  10. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    Trying this now to see if it works!!
  11. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    FYE...that looks like so much fun! I love your outfit!
  12. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    Just saw this thread! I'll join in but I don't know how to post pics on here. I'll figure it out eventually...I keep saying I'm going to have my 13 or 10 year old show me bc they know how to do all that kind of stuff on computers. I tried hitting the buttons up on top when I reply to a topic but I didn't see anything up there that looked like I could pull up and post my pics from my laptop. Monday I worked out an hour with my trainer. We did a lot of weight stuff. I had been focusing more on cardio but I keep having problems with pulling my calf muscle so I am doing more weight lifting again. I do lots of different kind of exercises but anything with heavy weight lifting is my favorite. I don't know why but I just love it! Anyway... Tuesday night I did an hour boot camp. Today is my day off. I will actually do some ab work later but I am really sore today so I am taking it easy.
  13. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia, I LOVE it. I'm cracking up... all dressed up and working out under your desk. Perfect! I have a feeling if I knew you in real life we would get a long great. You're a hoot! Brown, we have a family membership at the Y. I really like it. The whole family can go and it doesn't feel at all intimidating. There are people of all ages there whenever I go. In the mornings there it's more of the older crowd, they all walk around the locker room naked, chit chatting with each other and it makes me laugh sometimes! I really like it especially in the winter when I don't do much of a workout outside. Also, I am wondering if you could try a personal trainer? I have had one for a few years and I really like it. Cheri, those women are fake, fake, fake! What an awful day for you! I am a SAHM and sometimes when I have to go to work functions with my husband I see women like this. All of them are trying to one up each other. It's an uncomfortable feeling. I also feel sad for them. What a way to live! Laura, your going to get into the 140's soon! You're so close. Sorry about the stress with the family. We are here if you want to talk about it. FYE, I love the stuff you write. All great advice! M2G, glad you got your fast day in and that you are back on track! Daisy, I don't know if I could do FWB. He wasn't right for you. Personally, I believe you will find someone that will give you what you need in all areas of your life. Idk, to me even sex is more of an emotional thing so Idk that I could just have sex with someone without needing more. Of course this is a 40 something year old woman that has been married for 18 years talking so who knows how I would feel if my situation were different. Take some time to figure things out. I hate that you are lonely...remember that grand baby will be here soon and I am sure that will fill up a lot of your time! I love this group! You all inspire me to keep working at this. We all have our ups and downs and it's nice to be able to come here and receive support. Thanks ladies! Hugs to each one of you!
  14. sarsar

    Call me <evil> but...

    Love it! I can't wait to hear what her reaction, make sure to come back and update. I think at the dinner table you should announce that you want to take a family picture! I didn't really have anyone that I couldn't wait to see. I actually hated the attention I received while I was losing weight. I couldn't stand people cooing all over me, it was really uncomfortable for me.
  15. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes!!! I am freezing almost all of the time. Especially in the fall, winter and spring. In the summer I'm ok outside but inside I am usually cold if the air is going. I try not to complain about it because when I was fat I would sweat terribly. The sweating was so bad that I wouldn't go places because of it. I was hot all of the time. I hated it. Not sweating much anymore has been one of the best things about getting my sleeve and losing weight! It's so nice to not have to worry about it anymore.
  16. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    YIIIPPPEEEE! This is great news, so happy for you! Fun! Take some pics for us while you are gone. I have never gone on a cruise before. How long will you be gone? More great news! I love hearing things like this! I hope Allen gets his stuff soon so you can be done with this! I'm sure it's frustrating for you. Keep us updated on the new guy! Globe, I was cracking up about you breaking the cheese with a hammer. I would love to taste that some day. Have a great day Ladies...good luck to those of you who are fasting today.
  17. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You can do it tomorrow! You've got this. Good job stopping yourself from making muffins. I love to bake, it's a stress reliever or me, so I bake and then give it away so it's not in the house for very long. I make my kids lunches every day for school and I like to put a small baked good in their lunch so I pack those up for the week and then I usually have a small piece of whatever I make and then send the rest on it's way. Glad you don't suffer from SAD...you'll be able to help keep us going through winter. Who knows maybe this year won't be as bad as last year was for me. We had the time change, too. Getting dark at 4:30 is just way too early!
  18. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'll end my fast day at just under 500 calories today. Had a great workout with my trainer this morning also!
  19. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia, where are you going on your cruise?
  20. Amen! I can't imagine ever buying a swimsuit. Yikes...
  21. When I first started shopping I went to the store and cried in the fitting room. I was so overwhelmed. I called my daughter and told her I didn't know what I was supposed to look like. I didn't think it would be so hard or so emotional for me. I had to figure out my style and get used to things fitting my body and not just hanging on me. I quickly got over that and I love shopping now!
  22. My husband just gave me one of his sweatshirts to wear since I am freezing all the time. I love it, it's so big and comfy! I wear it all the time when I'm home.
  23. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Globe, thanks for checking in...been thinking about you. A really good friend of mine and my husbands had MS. He was killed in a hit and run while he was riding his recumbent bike 2 years ago. When I hear of others who suffer from MS it hits home. He used his recumbent bike for exercise and he and his wife would ride all over the place. He lived a good life and was taken way too early. OD, I'm sorry. I don't know really what to say. Just glad you are here sharing all of this with us. When is that grand baby of yours going to be born? I always say that babies make people happy. Make sure you are drinking a lot if you aren't eating. At least stay hydrated. Skinny, sorry you are having a rough time. Hang in there. Today is a fast day for me. I had the munchies this weekend. I didn't eat terrible but not great either. I hope there are some in this group who don't suffer from SAD in the winter months. If not, we are all going to be one unhappy group for the next couple of months...lol I hope a lot doesn't change in this site. I hate changes and having to figure out how to get around when things are changed on the computer. Technology can be so good but with the good comes the bad in that things are always being updated. Oh well. Have a good Monday, Ladies.
  24. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    My day ended up better than it started. Food wasn't too bad after the cookies this morning, I gained control of things. Tomorrow we are supposed to spend the day with the in-laws and this brings on major stress but I will survive. Laura, yes the winter usually brings on a bit of depression for me. I don't look forward to it. I read in another thread that you were crying today, are you ok? Just wanted to check on you and make sure you're alright.
  25. sarsar

    don't screw up or else?

    Butter, this sounds a lot like the lady, or was it a man, that was flirting with countryabs (I can't remember her name). Hmmm...I'm beginning to wonder if that was really you who made a fake account pretending to be her! Hmmmm...very interesting indeed!

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