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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy and Coops, do you two live near each other? Coops, thanks for the recipe. I'll have to give it a try. I was going to ask what a sweet pot was, I thought it was something we didn't have here but I figured it out! Crossing my fingers that you are on a losing streak! My hair used to be long like yours, Jane. I used to get a spiral perm because I liked it curly. Then, 10 years ago when I had my son, my hair turned curly on its own. It's stayed that way since then. It's not nice curly like yours though. It just doesn't lay nice so I have to do stuff to it. I started having thyroid problems and I lost a ton of hair. Then I had my sleeve and I lost at least half of my hair so I cut it shorter. Laura, what is mushroom hunting? Globe, would you mind sharing what symptoms you had before you found out you have MS? If you don't want to, I understand. Good day for me today. I didn't have much of an appetite, I like how that usually happens after fast days for me. Tomorrow I'm going to fast again to get my second day in this week. My daughter is on her way home!! Makes me happy that we will all be together or Thanksgiving.
  2. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Lol, I remember trying to get in! You were awful...just kidding. I like having a small group. It seems that for most of us this group is more than 5:2 though.
  3. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    About the face injections...why don't they last? How come we can have fat all over our bodies that won't go away but if the fat is injected in your face it disappears?
  4. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You know Jane, I agree on the boot cut...not the right shape for you. Stick with the skinny jeans. I also think you have to try an ankle boot. Take a pic when you get some so we can see what they look like! Coops, would you mind posting the recipe for the soup? That sounds delish. I didn't used to like soup much but since I've been sleeved I like it a lot. The family loves it, too. Ok, I have a work trip to take with the hubs next week. I think I'm going to have to start posting pics of my outfits...
  5. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    CGJ...First, your face does NOT look old to me at all! You are so pretty! I think I remember you saying that when you had plastics the doctor transferred some fat into your face?? Are you happy with the results from that? I really like the outfit Laura picked out but I don't care for the black shoes. I do like the blue heels in the other pic. I really like the red top on you, too. If you want to soften the (red top) look a bit you could wear a black cardigan with it instead of the leather jacket. I think with either top you need some kind of necklace to go with it. All of the clothes are very flattering on you. You look really good in skinny jeans!
  6. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ya right, Alex. We know you're reading all of the posts in our group...checking out all the hot pics of CGJ...reading all the gossip!
  7. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Blah...I keep typing responses to all of you and then erasing them! My words just aren't coming out right today for some reason. lol I think I'll try again later. We got a couple of inches of snow here today. Yuck. I am fasting today and Wednesday this week. My daughter is coming home for Thanksgiving so I will get to see her tomorrow night. That makes me happy!
  8. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You ladies were really chatty this weekend!
  9. I was just there yesterday and bought some! You should have the $10 off a $30 purchase that you can use, too. I'm going to go back and see if they will adjust my receipt.
  10. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy, how tall is he? Her last boyfriend was too short for her so we decided her next one needs to be right around 6 feet tall or taller is fine. She is about 5'8", brown hair, hazel green eyes. She is a wonderful girl, sweet, funny, cute! There might be one problem...I assume he lives in the UK?
  11. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I asked Alex and he checked and said this group is completely private. Nobody can read our posts since Laura changed it with the new site. Skinny, did something happen to make you think it's not private? CGJ, in my opinion 30-50 percent of the list is not enough. Girl, with everything you have been through you need to be going for 100%! You deserve 100%! I don't know what to say about the part time boyfriend. He may have filled a need for you and now it's time to let it go since you know he can't give you what you now need and want. Also, I saw your new pics...you look wonderful! I can't get over the difference in the arms. I feel for you that are dating. I can't imagine going through it now. It's been over 20 years since I have done that. My daughter is 23 and she is dating...do any of you have any sons in that age range? lol I keep telling her I will find someone for her bc she gets tired of looking. I tell her she is young she has plenty of time yet. Laura, sorry you are feeling down. Hang in there. OD, your friend is lucky to have you! Globe, I hate the emotional eating. HATE IT! Sometimes I win that battle, sometimes I don't. Wish it was not one I had to fight. M2G, just saw your post as I am typing. I was logged in the same time so maybe I showed up as the guest? I fasted on Tuesday and Thursday this week. It was fine came in at 550 calories both days. My goal this weekend is to eat well. Sometimes I just lose it on the weekends. Carry on sisters! (Thanks M2G...I love it!)
  12. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ladies, you have to see this. It was floating around on fb today. http://www.upworthy.com/2-people-described-the-same-person-to-a-forensic-artist-and-this-is-what-happene
  13. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    Yay for moving! Do you have any friends you could "move" with? I know for me there are so many times I don't want to move but knowing that I am doing it with someone else makes it better.
  14. sarsar

    movin' and groovin'

    Here is a picture of me doing a high plank at boot camp last night. I enjoy this kind of traditional exercise. Next time I'll try to have my trainer take a picture of all of the girls that go to boot camp. We have a really fun group of ladies and it's great to get together and work out with them!
  15. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow...I don't even know what to say. This really hit home with me...you can't hate your body and live the most expansive life possible. Unless you choose to live a tragedy. I seriously can't stop saying this over and over in my head...what am I choosing? A wonderful rewarding life or a tragedy? Thank you for those words. Your work is amazing. Thanks for sharing that with us!
  16. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Swiz, I am so sorry! I hope all comes together quickly for you. Hang in there! Georgia, congrats on your new low! Skinny, I'm sorry you're having a rough time. We are here for you when and if you want to talk about it. I don't feel like my words flow at all...I just start typing and figure everyone will figure out what I'm trying to say. Or...you all just think I'm crazy. Either way, it works. Some days it's just me typing it out and knowing that someone is reading is what helps. My crazy thoughts are at least out of my head for a while. M2G, Carry on sisters...I love it! lol Made me smile. You already know I'm with you on the muscular body. I like that look for myself. My trainer has a pic of a 2 people at different weights. The one that weighs less looks bigger than the one that weighs 10 plus pounds more because of muscle. I will try to take a picture of the picture tonight when I'm there for boot camp. Cheri and Georgia, thanks for your advice. You are right. I am going to try to stay calm and carry on as I have been. Seems like every year around the holidays I get anxious. Really it should be the opposite. I need to dig deep and figure out why this is happening. This year I feel more nervous about the food part of it. I will be ok, it just feels good to put it out here where everyone understands. I am excited to go away with the hubs! No kids for 4 days! Beautiful resort, everything paid for...I can't wait. Last year we went to Florida. When it was time to go home I said I didn't want to leave. My husband told me it was the first time I ever said that when we were gone somewhere. It's so exciting for me to go places now! I love getting dressed up and I'm not embarrassed anymore being seen with him (even though he never felt that way or made me feel that way). My weight isn't something I have to think about anymore. I can just go and enjoy!
  17. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hi Ladies...I have been reading but haven't been posting. I had a rough week. The whole PMS thing really messes with me. I woke up feeling a lot better today so I think I'm back on track. Fasting today and it's going just fine. I am so glad I feel better. I feel so bad for my family having to put up with my terrible mood swings during my PMS week. CJ, I know what you are talking about with looking old. I feel like I look older now. People tell me I don't but I can't stand the lines in my face now from the weight loss. I also am small up on top...my chest and collar bone. Btw, I don't think you look old, I think you look great! Since doing 5:2, the 10 pounds I lost went away in my face, more in my chest, my feet and my waist. I didn't want to lose it in any of those places. I want to lose it in my butt, hips and thighs! When I was measured a couple weeks ago with my trainer my waist was a 26...I think I look off balance now because my waist is little and then out pop my hips and butt. It's hard to find pants and skirts that fit because they are always too big around the waist but fit ok everywhere else. Seems like must of us are struggling to be happy with who we are and where we are at. I'm hoping to get this figured out one day. Some days I feel like I do and I am happy when I look at myself. Other days, not so much I pick apart every little thing wrong with myself. I find that when I'm stressed out that I immediately start the negative talk in my head. I don't know why I do this. FYE, thanks for you words of wisdom. I always love reading what you write! What kind of work do you do in the arts? I would love to see some of your work! You should post some pics. Georgia, I didn't know you were going on a Disney cruise! I LOVE WDW. Love it! I want to go on a Disney cruise sometime! I am so glad you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. And look, you came home just where you were when you left. That is success! I know I didn't address all of you but I am thinking of you all and the struggles and successes that you are having. I love our group! I know I say that a lot but I really do! This has turned into so much more than a 5:2 group for me. Thanks to all of you who commented on my pictures. I appreciate your kind words. Still, to this day, I love to see before and afters from others' and I'm always amazed when I look at them. Ladies, one more thing...I know this is long. I'm a bit nervous about the next month or so with the holidays coming up. I don't know why I feel nervous, maybe because I can eat more than I used to? Next week is Thanksgiving, the following week I have a work trip to Arizona with my hubs for 4 days. They feed us really well at those things. Thankfully I don't drink so I don't have any added calories there. And then Christmas with all of the parties and such. I just wanted to put it out there that I'm nervous and anxious about this. Anyone else feeling this way?
  18. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm glad you made Alex realize that our group was the most important! I can say that on here now that we are private. lol
  19. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I just did that, Cathy...great minds think alike!
  20. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    You're talking about the me in the bike pic when you say "fit and buff", right?
  21. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Thanks. Show your pics, too. If I can do it so can you. Even though I'm not fat anymore I still don't like to get my pic taken. Our daughter lives out of state so she is always asking me to send her a pictures so I take them sometimes. At least I have pictures of myself now...for years you couldn't find one picture of me anywhere, I made sure I was always the one taking the pictures. When I saw that the group was totally private it gave me courage to put up the bike pic.
  22. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have been playing around with my computer today and uploaded some pics from my phone so I thought I would share a few with you. The first pic was taken the summer before I had surgery. I had lost 30 pounds in this pic and I was brave enough to let my husband take it while we were out for a bike ride. This picture brings up a lot of emotions. I am so thankful I'm a different person now than I was then! Wow, sometimes I can't believe I walked around looking like that. The other 2 pictures were taken this summer.
  23. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yay! Completely private??!! Thanks, Laura!
  24. sarsar

    Self Sabotage

    I also work in a snack at night. My snack is popcorn...Skinny Pop.
  25. sarsar

    18 Month Follow Up

    Awww, Butter, you are adorable! Did your head shrink when you lost weight? It looks smaller!

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