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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarsar

  1. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sheryl, YES!!! You perfectly stated exactly what I am going through right now! I'm having a bit of a hard time with it but I know I will get through it and work through it. The hardest part for me, and maybe all of you can help me with this, is what do you do with these bad feelings? When something bad happens, what do you do? I guess I am asking, how do you deal with these things? How do we just let bad feelings go and continue on with our lives and learn to be happy and content? Any input would be appreciated!
  2. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dee, where are you headed to in the states?
  3. sarsar

    NSV lately?

    Cracking me up! Smaller Spanx!!!! Ha! And I have the thigh crack too!!! Not that I would ever wear anything where it could be seen!' Ha!! Georgia, all that matter is that you know it's there!
  4. sarsar

    Welcome new vets

    I remember a few years ago when I joined this board, it was hard to find people who had been over a year out much less 2, 3, or 4 plus. There were only a couple hanging around. It's great to have a group of us here now!
  5. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    That's what I was talking about. It is fitting for a funeral so I assume that's the one Florinda sang.
  6. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wanting it now!!! I feel that way sometimes but then I remember this is for life so I just keep on keeping on and doing what I need to do. Eventually I will get where I want to be. Denise, I agree with the weight training. I love it! I love feeling strong. A month or so ago, my trainer took pictures of me flexing my muscles (maybe I will post them on here). I was amazed at how large my muscles were and how many I had. Then I was a little freaked out because I told her I didn't want to look that big to other people. She assured me that the muscles only showed like that when I flexed them. Anyway, working out is a huge stress reliever for me. Have fun with your grandson tomorrow! I know what you mean about not having any pictures and always being the one taking the pics! I was the exact same way. I have more pictures of me with my family in the last 2 years since losing weight than I have had in the 18 years I have been married. Now you just have to take lots of pics with the boys when they are around! Please change your profile picture. You look so good! Florinda, any chance you would want to post the video of you singing for us? I would love to hear it but I completely understand if you aren't comfortable with it. We sang I'll Fly Away this morning in church and I thought of you. I went out and got all my grocery shopping done today. I am bracing for the terrible cold that is coming our way tonight. I don't want to have to go out in it the next couple of days. I'm going to make a big pot of chili tomorrow. Funny thing is I don't even like chili, but the boys do so I make it for them every few weeks.
  7. sarsar

    NSV lately?

    These are fun to read from vets! Like M2G said, the further out you are the fewer the NSV's become. I do have a couple that happened recently though...I had to order a size smaller in my spanx! Also, I now have area in between my legs where my thighs don't touch! (only while I am wearing said spanx, but hey I'll take it!)
  8. This forum is dedicated to veteran Sleevers who are one year or more post-op to discuss issues specific to those who are further along in their journey. Please note: You must be one year out to post or create topics here. Am I correct that with forum is now for vets only, meaning those a year or more out? So in order to post/comment or create a topic here you are supposed to be a year or more out?
  9. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Funny, I was thinking that same thing!
  10. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Florinda, thinking of you. What Brown said was perfect and beautiful. I'm glad you were able to sing, I like that song. The weather is going to be cold here for the next few days. They are saying around 25 below zero. They closed school already for Monday, and I won't be surprised if it's closed Tuesday, too. I managed to fast 2 days last week but for some reason the munchies are still calling my name on regular days.
  11. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy! You look GREAT! I love your dress!
  12. sarsar

    Veteran forum, for vets a year out?

    Really. Why not on apps? I was also wondering why it doesn't show up on apps...
  13. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm not a host but I love cupcakes!
  14. sarsar

    Veteran forum, for vets a year out?

    As I'm looking around a little more, it looks like the button isn't on the main page. But, I do see it right above where I am typing right now, it's blue writing. It's not one of those fancy "back to the top" buttons that are always on the side of the screen, it's one where you have to go all the way down the page and then click on it. Maybe some day we'll get a fancy one?
  15. sarsar

    Veteran forum, for vets a year out?

    Really? I still haven't found it. Lack of ghrelin has made my eyesight questionable. Yup, it's really here! I'm on my laptop, not sure if that makes a difference but I've been using it so I'm not seeing things.
  16. sarsar

    Veteran forum, for vets a year out?

    Haha.....don't hold your breath on that last one. I won't...I hope we get it some day. Alex said a while ago that it was on the list of things to be done. We can only hope! Ohhhh, BUTTER!!! Did you see it????? I just found the "back to the top" button!!! Yippee!!
  17. sarsar

    Veteran forum, for vets a year out?

    Haha.....don't hold your breath on that last one. I won't...I hope we get it some day. Alex said a while ago that it was on the list of things to be done. We can only hope!
  18. sarsar

    The 5:2 Diet

    Kim, you crack me up! HG, I found after a couple of weeks of fasting my body looked forward to my fasting days.
  19. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGIA! I love the pics, you look so happy! Enjoy your day today. On a side note, when I was 15 I worked at Chuck E. Cheese. I even had to dress up in that gross costume a couple of times, then I got moved up to party hostess. Sheila, you look so pretty! Yes, post it in the LBD section. I love your shoes, too. Your girls are pretty, the hubs isn't bad looking either. Must've taken forever to straighten your daughters hair! Sounds like you had a great time at the wedding. The food sounds delicious. Dorrie and Sheila, you can do it with your fast day! It's hard but feels so good when it's over. I did mine yesterday, just made myself do it. Feel much better today. SherylJane, are you looking for a new job? Laura, you doing ok? Haven't heard from you much. Globe, checking in on you, too. Let us know how you are. I have been thinking about you. Happy Thursday, Ladies!
  20. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Happy 2014! Georgia, I can't believe you are going to be 60! You don't look like it at all. Your face is beautiful...where are the wrinkles??? Happy Birthday one day early! Sheila, how was the wedding? I'm looking forward to seeing pictures... Kim, glad your dad is ok. Cathy, hope 2014 brings about good things for you and your husband. Hopefully he will find a job quickly and you won't have to move. So many stressful things, try to stay positive. We are here for you. SherylJane, maybe it's just not the right time to try dating? I don't know...I think I would sometimes feel like it's just too much work if I were in your shoes. You are a strong, confident woman and you need a guy that can handle that. A lot of guys can't. About the meds, I think it's a good idea to try them. Sounds like you have done a lot of other things to handle the stress and maybe the meds will help. If there is a chemical imbalance then the meds will help where other interventions won't. Coops, glad you had a nice time at the movie. I used to LOVE movie popcorn. Since I've been sleeved it doesn't taste very good to me anymore. I still love popcorn but my favorite is called Skinny Pop and I eat a little every night. I'm thankful for the few foods that my sleeve doesn't agree with because there are so many that I don't have any problem with! Hope things are ok with you and your hubby now. I decided I was going to fast today even if it killed me. I'm still here and it's 7 pm, and I have had 400 calories, so I think I'll make it. It's not even that I'm hungry, it's just that I want to eat the junk because it's good. Carb monster at it's finest! I know I will be better next week after I get my fast days in and the carb monster will be gone. I think it's stupid that my boys have to go back to school tomorrow. I think they should have off for 2 more days. Why send them back on a Thursday?? I thought about just keeping them home but then they will end up with a lot of extra work come Monday. We have gotten a ton of snow here since last night. I'm so ready for winter to be over and we have quite a while to go yet. Thankfully the hubs and my 2 boys take care of the shoveling. Back to reality tomorrow...
  21. sarsar

    Veteran forum, for vets a year out?

    Good to know, Butter. Looking forward to that change and a "back to the top" button!
  22. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim, thinking of you...sending good vibes...keep us posted.
  23. "Weight loss surgery is the fountain of youth"...I can see it now, this will be the new slogan for WLS. Watch for it on a billboard near you!

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