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Ron Cusano

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Everything posted by Ron Cusano

  1. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You talk about my pattern? Let's talk about yours . . . 1: Try to turn every discussion into a "hate Bush" rally 2: Pick apart other religious beliefs without having the gut to talks about you own. 3: Try to use the Bible, a book you don't know or believe in, to make biblical points you don't understand 4: Do everything you can to provoke arguments so you can comment on them. 5: Things quiet down, and you start all over again to provoke a new war. That's your pattern and I am just going to pretend you don't exist unless you have something serious and intelligent to discuss. As far as out government is concerned, you have three choices - 1: acccept and defend it 2: no accept it and try to change it 3: take the next flight to Iraq and work with the poor. Just a quick question . . . You constantly yell about the poor and all the social injustices, so what are you doing about it? Have you giving up you comfortable lifestyle to feed and cloth the poor??? Do you travel by bike and heat will solar energy so you don't burn fossil fuel?? Do you invite the homeless into your home?
  2. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You are making a wrong assumption and very simplistic. Virtually all fundermentalist Christian Bible believers have NO PROBLEM accepting the entire Bible as literal and understand the simple limitations placed by context and common sense. There is no conflict here! The differences between those who lable themselves as Christian lies between Conservative denominations that accept a literal understand of scripture and Liberal denominations that use an allogorical understanding, so that bthey can claim scripture means whatever they want it to mean.
  3. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    No, it's not only me that understands the scriptures. There are millions of others with the same spiritual discernment, all who Love the Lord and accept the Bible as the Word of God. In the example you sited here, the Pastor was 100% correct. Within the church, a women is not to exert authority over the man. Just as Christ is the head of the Church, a man is the head of the household and is responsible for teaching, among other things. Within the church, women are often used to teach and evangelize, but not to men, because this is the function and obligation of men withing the congregation. In your church, exactly ho many women priests are there??? Men and women are equal before God, in the family and in the church. They just have different roles and responsibilities which are God given. This may not sit well with women's liber's, but that doesn't change the Word of God.
  4. Ron Cusano

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    I certainly agree with you. Although I have very limited scientific knowledge, I trust the Word of God explicitly. I have heard reports that DNA studies have indicates that we all came from a single parent, that would be Adam, which gives further evidence to the Biblical creation account. The fact that this new discovery was made by a HOLIDAY PRODUCER should be a first clue that it's a complete fraud and fabrication. Experts all over the world are dismissing it as phony. The Bible tells us the, as you said, the "Holy One would not see decay", and that there were over 300 live witnesses, at different times and locations over 40 days that saw the risen Lord. I don't know who is in those stone boxes they claim to have found, but I know for a fact it is not the remains of the Lord. He was visibly taken into heaven bodily in front of many witnesses. Thanks for feeling the same way and saying it here!!
  5. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    These were not put downs! I know how I meant them. There were honest questions and statements. You are just taking them that way. Perhaps you are over sensitive in that area.
  6. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    That is not true at all! I asked Wheesin about her lable as a token athiest and how she came to be an athiest. I asked is she investigated faith, and she did not want to discuss how she came to her comclusions about God. They were honest questions that came about because of the lable she put on herself, which I assumed was there to provoke conversation about it. I never said anything about her being uneducated or wishy-washy. I was trying to understand. There were no implications made to that effect that I can recall or find. If you can please show them to me.
  7. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I am not going to continue to argue the point with you. You apparently have your mind made up. I believe that you are sincere, but I also believe you are sincerely wrong. I don't beat my chest and threaten you with hell. I tell you what the Word of God says, and you reject it. I don't get brownie points for being right. I don't go to the head of the class! This is no ego trip. I am doing what God called me to do. The wonderful thimg about God and the Gospel is that we have free choice to accept or reject the Gospel message. You have that same choice and it's between you and God. End of story!
  8. Ron Cusano

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    That sounds very painful and I feel for you and your husband. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be torm like that. I don't pretend to have all the answers or even a lot of understanding in this area. Have you ever had a chance to speak with formerlly gay people who have become stright? Or with therapists who have had experience in that area? I do believe that God would never prohibit a lifestyle if there were no way out of that lifestyle. I have to believe that the is a way for you too, and maybe you just havn't found it yet.
  9. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Carlene, that is not true at all! I may have responded, but I never started it. I never told anyone they were going to Hell. What I said was Jesus told us the ONLY way to get to Heaven, and if we didn't do it HIS way, then the alternative is Hell. Jesus is the one who tells you that you go to Hell without salvation. Only you can judge where you fall into that paln of salvation. Same thing with the adultry thing! I am telling you what the scriptures say. If you don't like what they say, take it up with God. It's his rules, not mine. You are taking offence at the Word of God, and focusing your anger and resentment at the messenger. You don't like what you are hearing, but what you are hearing is the truth. Blaming me doesn't change that!
  10. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I did not insinuate any such thing. If I remember correctly I wondered if it was an isolated thing or if it was a church restriction. Why would you think I insinuated anything? I am sure you friends are everything you say they are. I am sure they were wonderful missionaries too. But shepharding a church is a completely different enviroment that messianiac ministry when you are on the "front lines", so to speak. We are not talking better or harder, just different. Believe it or not, the only place I EVER lose my cool is on this thread, and I don't treat people badly in the name of God. You know very very little about me or my ministry to make such a judgement!
  11. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Context is important when the is a clear indication the passage was never meant to be taken literally. That is not the case with the Noah account. There is also no other clear meaning evident, just a lot of "I think", I don't think's"! Even when the context indicates there is another meaning, that meaning is always found in scripture, and never with comjecture and guess work.
  12. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I don't know if it was an isolated thing or a decision from the church they belonged to, but I know for a fact that is not the case in general. I am in touch with several missionaries in Israel, including groups run by other Believeing Jews reaching out to their own people, with no government interference. I do0n't know what you are talking about with the remark about the Southern Baptists. Please clarify it!
  13. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    The reason there are groups that focus on bringing the Gospel to the Jews is because they have been so percecuted in the name of Christ by the church that they will rarely set foot inside a Gentile church to hear the truth. Messianiac ministries bring the Good News about the Jewish Messiah in a Jewish manner in non-church venues so as not to unduly offend them. Whe show them the Messiah in the Hebrew scriptures and the Feasts of Israel, such as the Passover. The church has missionary groups that do exactly the same thing to peoples from every country on the face of the Earth, but because our mission field are the Jews, you think it's anti-semetic?? It is anything but. It a godly act of love!
  14. Ron Cusano

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Except those going to these ministries come because they want to be there. I don't think there are a whole lot of people under investigation because they want to be, do you??
  15. Ron Cusano

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    I think homosexuality has a lot of components, possible physical, emotional and spiritual, just like compulsive overeating. I also believe there is treatment for it, and with a desire to become hethrosexual, I have heard of some wonderful results. I have a therapist friend, who is not a Christian, who believe the same way. I have heard of some who, when the became Christians and came to believe that their lifestyle was wrong, refrained from endulging in homosexual sex while they came to grips with things. Many of these people are now in committed, happy hethrosexual relationships with famlies.
  16. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I seem to remember her saying we were all at fault, which includes me. I also owned up to it and apoligized for it. I don't recall anyone else doing so, unless i happened to miss the posts!
  17. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Which came first?? Two wrong don't make a right but there was provoking.
  18. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    There is certainly nothing to indicate that!
  19. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    What bit about Jesus' Body?
  20. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    God did write it through the Holy Spirit! The Bible says that ALL SCRIPTURE was given by inspirition of God to men of God, undercontrol of the Holy Spirit, who wrote it down. Men are not perfect, but God is. And if God, through the Holy Spirit caused men to write down the Word of God, I have no problem believeing that it is just as perfect as our God. Jesus said to "search the scriptures" to find out who He was. Paul told us that All scripture is to be good for doctrine and reproof. Do you think Jesus and Paul would tell us to use the scriptures as the foundation of our faith if we couldn't believe what they contained? Jesus quoted the Old Testament constantly and gave it validation. How could I not believe the scriptures are perfect and unerring?
  21. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Those are perfect example of using context to determine if an alternate meaning is called for. In fact the whole putpose of the parables was so No One would understand, which is why Jesus alway explained their meaning to Hisdiciples.
  22. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    No it is not. I will go one step further! If the Bible cannot be taken literally in theological matters and issues, and it's contents believed, then we have no foundation for Christianity. The whole of Christianity rests on the unerring truth of the Bible as it's is stated, and understood correctly. When I say "understood correctly", I am talking about, and I know this is getting old, taking everything literally unless it is crystal cleay but it's context that it has another meaning, such as speaking figureatively, for instance.
  23. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I don't think you understand what believing the Bible literally really means. With the account you referred to about Jesus referring to eating His body and drinking His blood, the context makes it crystal clear that He was not referring to canibalism. With the Noah account, there is no clear indication it is not to be taken literal, there is no other clear meaning, and jesus himself gives it credibility by referring to the day's of Noah. Because you understand what to Bible says literally, does not mean you throw all logic and reason out the window. Everyone make a joke about the "context" thing, but we do exactly the same thing in almost every conversation, book we read or TV show we watch. The other side of the coin it the alligorical understanding of scripture which in a nutshell means that you can make scripture to mean anything you want it to mean. That makes "truth" a joke! We look at everything in the Bible to mean exactly what it says, except, when it is crystal clear by what is said, to whom it is said, under what circumastances it is said, etc. that it has another meaning. This is the rare exception rather that a common occurance pertaining to anything of theological value.
  24. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I know you addressed this to Gadgetlady, but I would like to answer you too if you don't mind. If I am to believe in a God, and I believe that God is perfect, then I also have to believe the the means that God uses to convey the knowledge about himself to his creation must also be perfect. If it is not perfect, then we have nothing on which we can count on to base our beliefs. If Noah's story did not happen exactly as the Bible say's, then how can I rely of the accounts of Jesus being true and perfect. And if that is the case, how can I believe anything, because there is nothing to base it on that I can count on to be true. If the Bible is imperfect in one regard, it is suspect in all regards. That's why, fo me, and for most Conservative Bible believeing Christians, the Bible MUST be literal and true in all areas.
  25. Ron Cusano

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Well you can play with the words all you want, but EVERYTHING that I have said theologically and biblically is sound and true. If you are into the samantics thing, and that's your take on it, thats your business, but I'm not playing that game. There are more important thinks to talk about!

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