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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lash44

  1. lash44

    sleeve or band?

    Jeff, Our situations are similar, I am 59 years old and had a BMI of 40 and with 3 weeks post op from sleeve surgery. For months I was considering the Lap Band until I did the research and compared them both, talked to several medical specialists and met with patients who had both surgeries. All folks said go with the sleeve, two patients that had the band changed to the sleeve. Three weeks post op and I am at one half of my goal started at 275, now at 237 and my goal is 190 to 200. I feel find with no complications, except for a few hiccups now and then. Hint to the wise, with the sleeve surgery. For success, follow the rules. Oh did I mentioned to follow the rules of the diet plan. If not your body will let you know. Take your time, eat very slowly, very small amounts, and exercise (pace yourself), slow for the first month, and relax and enjoy the you. Take Care and Be Well Lash
  2. This my 14th day post sleeve surgery and the first day I am feeling kind of energized, its almost mind bending how fast the weight is dropping. There are a few things like minor hiccups, incision itches, and not tolerating chewable Vitamins. So far, all else is well. I can't believed how much money I am saving of food, will be saving on medicine also. Lash
  3. lash44


    I am 2 weeks post op and all is find (28lb down, with a few problems like hiccups and incision itches. I was like you, wondering if I was doing the right thing, having a important part of my body removed for good. Wondering how I got in the situation. You know all the self petty stuff. One this is normal and two all the negative feeling will go away in time as the new you progresses. Like you also, I am a diabetic post op blood sugar is approx 118 - pre-op was +180, blood pressure is improving almost daily, will be completely off cholesterol drugs also. I am in Houston and have my first support group meeting next week. One thing you may want to do is start your own support group. Ask your doctor office to contact some of the patients that had the sleeve surgery to contact you, or post it on the WEB. You can not contact them because of HIPPA privacy stuff. You will be surprised how many patients will contact you. Yow will be just fine! Please let me know how you are doing. Lash44
  4. Can someone please tell me the effects on diabetes type 2 after the sleeve surgery? Does it completely go away or is it reduce. Thanks
  5. I am five days post op also, and like you was the first I felt hungry. Down some clear soup, jello, and crystal lite. It went away.
  6. Please talk to your RD, join a support group in your area, and it make take a bit more will power. I do not know if this will worsen but its something you serious look into. I am five days post op and still on the liquids.
  7. I am five days post op, with the same problem if I drink to much to fast. Do not have the problem when I take the time and sip. Hope this help.
  8. My Quest for weight loss surgery started approx. over two years ago, it’s been a series of lows and highs from my stand point. First my primary care physician suggested I should consider bariatric surgery because of my body weight, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, high uric acid levels, high blood pressure, and sleep problems. At the time my insurance carrier was Blue Cross Blue Shield who covers bariatric surgery, but my employer did not put weight loss surgery in their group plain needless to say I did not qualify. A few months later I was laid off. My hope to lose 100 pounds was fading fast. In late May of 2010 I was covered under my wife group plain with Aetna, an insurance plan which accepts the surgical procedure with a six month regiment to be eligible. Finally I was on my way to weight loss gratification. In June my wife employer changed insurance companies and as you know the new carrier (Cigna) did not cover the surgery. Another big letdown, yet I tried making my case on an existing condition clause, but was advised by the state insurance commission and insurance companies that it was up to the insurance company who had the final decision. After numerous phones calls, emails, and letters to any and all who would listen; my faith in the system was vanishing very fast. In mid September, my life took a turn when I received a phone call from a case worker at Cigna and she stated she was reviewing my case and look like I would be covered under the plan. In October Cigna approved my case, but the surgeon was not in the network which meant I had to pay a 3700 dollar deductible, which I had to started saving for. All over again my life had taken a spin in the wrong direction. Once more, that angel of a case worker notified me that the surgeon would be put in the network and I could go forward with the operation. I am now scheduled for the surgery within thirty days. My prayers have been answered.
  9. You are aware this is none of your employer business, but if you must just tell him gallbladder surgery.

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