I also had to do a 6 month supervised diet with a nutritionist and I have PCOS and insulin resistance and it makes it easy to gain and almost impossible to lose. Over the 6 months I had to lose 5% of my body weight, and I was shocked that I was able to lose it, plus about 15 pounds more, and maintain it. I have struggled for years to lose 10 pounds, but I ended up losing over 30 pounds by sticking to the South Beach Phase 1 Diet. It is restricted carbs and it was hard and I had to do food journals for 6 months which were a pain, but it was totally worth it! I did 45 min of cardio, 4 times a week and that helped a lot too. I know it seems ridiculous to have to lose weight in order to get a surgery to do the same thing, but you CAN do it! Taking Benefiber really helped regulate me as well and even though I hated my food journals, they really keep you accountable. I know my doctor told me as long as I lost close to the 5% he could put me through as compliant but I exceeded it and was completely shocked at that. Just really regulate yourself and be honest about your eating and exercising and you WILL be successful! :cheer2: