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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Natty76

  1. Hi Post Op-ers! I just wanted to hear about your experiences within the first 6 weeks. I'm to be sleeved 6/26 and I'm really scared. I'm trying to fit this surgery in while I'm between jobs, I will be starting a new job on 7/15. Is this doing too much? I've heard of ppl going back to work within 2 -4 weeks. How is your energy level around then?
  2. Thx so much responding! Yeah listening to my body is my new thing!! So excited for all the newness
  3. I'm to be sleeved on 6/26 & I'm hella nervous! And I'm excited for this journey. .. Oh and shopping!
  4. After a 6 month battle with ambivalence about the surgery, I have lost the 6lbs needed to reach my pre-surgery goal weight. . .It's ON!!!

  5. Hello All, I need a little encouragement. I have recently decided to postpone my surgery due to some pretty serious personal problems (separating from my husband and relocating with my lil one). I was planning to have the operation in December during the holidays because that's when I would have the time off from work, and I was 6lbs within reach of my pre-surgery weight. Well, it looks like the next time I'll be able to take 4 weeks off (My doctor recommends taking off a month) will be end of June. Since making all these decisions I've been really down and eating like crazy!! June is so far away! I'm an emotional eater and I'm trying not to be. But honestly, with the major transitions in my personal life I'm struggling and I've been eating everything under the sun! I'm scared I'm on a downward spiral to completely diving in to a bucket of ice cream and fried chicken! Any encouragement you can offer would be nice and is very welcome! Thx community!
  6. Hello All, I need a little encouragement. I have recently decided to postpone my surgery due to some pretty serious personal problems (separating from my husband and relocating with my lil one). I was planning to have the operation in December during the holidays because that's when I would have the time off from work, and I was 6lbs within reach of my pre-surgery weight. Well, it looks like the next time I'll be able to take 4 weeks off (My doctor recommends taking off a month) will be end of June. Since making all these decisions I've been really down and eating like crazy!! June is so far away! I'm an emotional eater and I'm trying not to be. But honestly, with the major transitions in my personal life I'm struggling and I've been eating everything under the sun! I'm scared I'm on a downward spiral to completely diving in to a bucket of ice cream and fried chicken! Any encouragement you can offer would be nice and is very welcome! Thx community!
  7. Hello All, I need a little encouragement. I have recently decided to postpone my surgery due to some pretty serious personal problems (separating from my husband and relocating with my lil one). I was planning to have the operation in December during the holidays because that's when I would have the time off from work, and I was 6lbs within reach of my pre-surgery weight. Well, it looks like the next time I'll be able to take 4 weeks off (My doctor recommends taking off a month) will be end of June. Since making all these decisions I've been really down and eating like crazy!! June is so far away! I'm an emotional eater and I'm trying not to be. But honestly, with the major transitions in my personal life I'm struggling and I've been eating everything under the sun! I'm scared I'm on a downward spiral to completely diving in to a bucket of ice cream and fried chicken! Any encouragement you can offer would be nice and is very welcome! Thx community!
  8. Natty76

    Work, Haters And Motivators

    Wow, I really appreciate your honest and direct response to this woman's complete ignorance and lack of compassion to your experience.
  9. Natty76

    The Best Book I've Read About Wls Surgery

    Thx for the reference! I'm going to order it off of Amazon today. Hell Yeah let's do this!! I see my surgeon in two weeks. Can't wait!
  10. Hello all! This is my first Forum topic. I've been reading your posts and so forth for over a year while mentally preparing to take this step. I'm still scared as hell, but excited too as I know that surgery is the right tool for me. I'll be starting orientation with Richmond Kaiser in a couple of days. So anyone reading this from my neck of the hoods please introduce yourself, I need as much support as possible. Anywho, on to the question. I've recently acquired a juicer and find juicing to be super delicious and healthy. I'm wondering if anyone out there has used juicing to get some of the nutrients we need after surgery or is it a no no? I've noticed that sometimes the juices I make can be super sweet (Beets, carrots, apple, and parsley juice this morning was like drinking candy! Yummy!). Thanks for reading. Can't wait to read your responses.
  11. Hey All, My Psych Eval went well today and I was at ease thx to all of your responses! Next appt is with the Surgeon on 8/27. So excited! This process is moving along quicker than I thought. Thx for your support. TTYS!
  12. Friday is my appt with the Bariatric team's psychologist. I'm wondering what they'll ask. Would anyone out there like to share their experience? I'm a bit nervous. Just had the 4hr orientation last week and I'm still processing and reflecting on how huge of life changing journey this all is. I've also been thinking of how and if to tell my co-workers. I mean their going to notice such a drastic change. It's so strange because although my weight struggle is witnessed by others, y'all know it's a private matter. So many thoughts this early morning. Anyway, thanks for your responses.
  13. Thank you both so much for your help!!!
  14. Natty76


    This is YOU! Thanks for the inspiration!
  15. Natty76

    Finally Passed The 150Lb's Lost Mark!

    Congratulations! That is amazing news! I hope you can appreciate all the hard you've done thus far. I'm a newbie and I'm interested to know more about this "honeymoon" phase. Would you mind enlightening me?
  16. Natty76

    Juicing And The Sleeve

    Thanks everyone for your responses!!! I will definitely talk to my doctor and nurse about juicing. It's so yummy! And elindoll88 I have heard of the group and plan to be there on the 18th.
  17. Orientation scheduled. Officially starting this journey, FINALLY!

  18. Orientation scheduled. Officially starting this journey, FINALLY!

  19. Natty76

    Need Greek Yogurt Suggestions

    I love Fage greek yogurt. It's sold in most stores and definitely in Whole Foods. It's a bit pricey but so worth it. I like it with a packet of splenda and its great in fruit smoothies. Good luck!
  20. Hello Everyone I've been contemplating Lap Band Surgery for over a year now. I finally spoke to my doctor about it and was referred to Richmond Kaiser for the overview class. I'm very excited and terribly anxious about this surgery. Is this the right thing!? All I know is that I'm at my heaviest weight (285) and I feel I need I medical intervention at this point. I've yo-yo dieted most of my life and I just want to put the effort in and finally meet my goal, and feel good about it. I'm tired of working so hard and only being able to lose 30-50lbs and keep the weight off for 6 mos to year tops. Anywho, I thought I would say hi. I'm looking for support and guidance on this process through Kaiser. How was your experience? Who are the most supportive doctors? Can you tell me more about the process through Kaiser and how long it is say from the overview class to surgery? Thx for responding! Hope to meet you soon.
  21. Hi, I'm deeply considering havng lapband surgery. For those of you who've had the surgery, could you recommend some books that best describes the process and gives appropriate advice? Thanks!

  22. Thank you Snow for your post. I too am not banded yet and I'm really just considering my options about my weight loss. I'm also a mother of a 7 mos old, so I can totally identify with the "screw it" mentality. Right now, I'm just really tired of the constant up and down with my weight, and of the all or nothing thinking about eating healthy. I'm either on and eating as healthy as I can or completely off. All of this is to say that, I'm interested in reading the responses to your post.

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