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Posts posted by bert

  1. I had my surgery in the states, and personally I'm glad I did. I had to stay 2 extra days in the hospital, and knowing that I was close to home and not in a foreign country during my stay, gave me a relaxed mindset. Sometimes it may be worth the extra expense of going local. You can get to meet with your surgeon on a regular basis - and I just dont know how others can go to another doctor that didn't do their surgery for followups.

  2. Thank you Brian. I'm on the middle of my secnod day, and so far I'm doing better than expected. I've been walking around the hospital lobby several times today. Today wa also the first day of my clear liquid diet. It's easy to swallow, but I feel a slight stiffness right under my breast bone, near my heart. I'm assuming it'll get easier to eat solids?

  3. food has always brought me pleasure and excitement. I love to eat. Eating always gave me something to do. I never got bored when it came to food.

    But now that I'll be having my sleeve tomorrow, I'll need to fill that void where food used to be.

    What activities have you sleevers found to fill in that void where food used to be? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated

  4. Hi Brian,

    Thank you for your insight. Tomorrow is my surgery, and I've become more comfortable with my decision, thanks to this website. Knowledge is the key, and now that I have your insight as well as many others here, I'm prepped and ready for this.

    I love food, but during my time spent on my pre-op diet, I am learning to appreciate other things around me - besides food.< /p>

    Thank you - bert

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