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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Kiffisia reacted to lumbee in I need advice, just lost my band!   
    Hello..it only been 2 weeks and I still have sticthes in..as soon as they r gone i will be working out for sure. My Husband is in the USMC so I got the band in NC but now we r stationed in VA. I have been driving back and forth to NC for care. I was hoping for help from my doctor but I am only his 2nd patient that had to have thier band removed, so he dose not have anything in place as far as a team for people like me. The band cause a very bad infection in my liver and kidneys. I was in the hospital for 5 days, with a tube up my nose down into my tummy, so healing has been real slow. I just feel so bad now i dont have the band. I have lost 150 pounds and the idea of being fat again scare me so. I was hopeing that someone has been thought this so they can give me some ideas. I called my doctor today and i am hopeing to get into a support group.

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