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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kiffisia

  1. Kiffisia

    Surgeons in Montreal

    Hi Ottawaman I too had my band on April 17th 2007 with Dr. Christou it went fine I had a hard time after surgery for a few weeks I was not so mobile as I expected. That is o.k. everyone reacts diferently. I was happy with him, I only lost 40 pounds. But it is true that you are on your own. He is very hard to see. I have even given him referals from Family Doctors and he has no time to respond. ............it is a tool with out any knowledge. Kiffisia
  2. Kiffisia

    I need advice, just lost my band!

    I hope you are doing better. I have a question did you costently have naging pain on your left side and a bad order in the urine. I am trying to explain it to my Doctor but I feel he gives me the brush off. I have the band since 2007.with out much success. about 40 pounds off loss, Like to hear from you , Kiffisia
  3. Kiffisia

    I need advice, just lost my band!

    Hi I am curious I had my band put in since 2007 I only lost 40 lbs I feel like I am doing something wrong, My husband wants me to remove it but I am too scared. Can you please let me know how it;s going with you.

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