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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mw1973

  1. Hi,

    I was banded on 3/23/11. I have lost 25 lbs total as of today 5/14/11. That includes the 2 week pre op diet. Here's my problem..................I'm still hungry, and while I did really good post op, as I stayed on liquids, Protein shakes etc....now that I am on solid foods, I can pretty much eat anything with no trouble, and that scares me. I'm still not sure what the band is for. I've had one fill, and I basically have to use willpower, discipline. If I could use willpower alone, I wouldnt have had the surgery. I know that it is just a tool, and I have made significant strides in a new healthy lifestyle and excercise. But so far one fill isnt doing anything for me. I'm starving, bored with the food and frustrated. I feel like I got scammed. The lapband isnt really doing anything for me that I couldnt do for myself.

    Anyone else feel like it wasnt worth the money?

    I still have 40 lbs or so to lose.

    Thanks for your input!

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