This is a really great post and very difficult to put these in any kind of order because they are all important reasons. There are more but these are the first ten that I wrote down.
I want my outside to be as beautiful as I feel I am on the inside. I am so tired of hearing everyone say "One day you will make a great ______ (pick any noun).
I would like to eat to live, not live to eat.
Reduce my Hypertension and hopefully stop taking my Beta blocker medication.
Stop taking daily prophylactic migraine medications. My migraines have increased with my weigh gain.
To walk and talk at the same time without being short of breath.
I would like to have more energy and thus be more motivated.
I don't want to feel the like the fat girl just walked into the room anymore-thin would be a great change. I have never been that. I was always the last girl picked in gym know the one I am sure.
Be the healthiest person I can be, so that my family can stop telling me how worried they are and that I should really try and lose weight.
To walk into any store and be able to buy clothes because they will fit.
I have always had very attractive boyfriends, but none of them ever wanted to marry the "fat girl". Now I have freedom to choose who I deserve to be with.