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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Grider

  1. You must follow the diet before to reduce that fatty liver- at worse they have to stop or cut you open, but that is very very rare. water water water to flush it all out and clean that liver... Everthing has risks, but what is your outcome if you dont have the surgey.. I am glad i had it done. its a 45 min operation at best, so they know what they are doing/
  2. Grider

    How Long Did Your Plateua Last?!?

    change change change.. gotta keep the body confused cause it loves the fat.. I notice when I change up the food, exercise , water intake etc i will drop 2 lbs... but 2 at a time. I am older and have thryoid, so think this doesnt help, but I'll get there slowly and keep my gall bladder!
  3. Grider

    Finally Insurance Paid Bill

    I'm still paying my co pay as I stayed over night and not released till 1 hr after my 23rd free hours... $1100 total -- NOT bad, but unexpected. and now the fills at $110 a pop- thinking PT job..
  4. It will be fine -and usually fepblue approves within in 2 weeks.
  5. Grider

    Pay For Every Fill?

    my surgeons codes adjustments or fills as surgery... 150 co pay on any surgery for me BCBS fed
  6. Grider

    Medication Gets "stuck"

    Sorry I was told no pain meds besides tylenol n now I take that in liquid form . I had ulcers and million other stomach issues from those aspirin/ advil -pain meds etc.. so be careful.. I bought a pill crusher from walmart for $5 works great for my other meds.
  7. Grider

    Medication Gets "stuck"

    Ask the pharmamcist what can be cruched or your Dr to give you alternative,,, honey they shoot you up at hospital with IV so I'm sure meds come in other forms.. to help ya out.
  8. Any gym paper work discussuions with your personal Dr about weight- anything you show for excersize, machines etc. be like an atty trying to prove a case.
  9. Thyroid here, Unless you have to have surgery or having huge problems, lapband is fine... just need your doctors ok for it..
  10. Just got my bill from Dr from when he started doing the fills, 3 months ago. He is charging me $500 to put in the saline without any xray or anything and the Ins is not paying ziltch but they lower it to $111.... so I called FEPBLUE and starting a conversation about whose is responsible for what,,, as I am already trying to get the Hospital to take lower payments, for my $1100 I owed them after the surgery. I am more than dead broke and have cancelled cable etc etc. to pay for this unexpected fees and co- pays. Wondering how your insurance co's are handling this aspect of it. I told her you take my blood and make tests that run $1000 and pay for it but not pay for a shot of saline? makes no sence anyone?
  11. Grider

    Lapband Fill And Ins Company

    Just talked with insurance company- apparently a " FILL" is coded as a surgical procedure, therefor they can bill whatever they fill their time is worth-- (golden saline ?) so my co-pay for any surgery is $150 so $111.00 is my part... I guess I am on my own as I cannot afford $111 a fill- already owing them $300+ for the last 3 fills. until I at least pay what's left of my hospital bill from this surgery. well folks,, this too shall pass....
  12. Grider

    Pay For Every Fill?

    I just posted about fills and insurance companies,,, get your information, Could run you $100 a fill- so find out.
  13. Grider


    I do Zumba 2 x a week BUT i do NOT do any jumpy parts because of my knees and it is alot of fun. Our trainer says if, can't turn or jump DON'T- just wiggle in place until the next part, and its a great work out- main thing to to pace yourself.. go slow n work up.
  14. Grider

    Lapband Fill And Ins Company

    I have been billed for everything excpet co-pay/ My thing is- that nothing is in writing ahead of time. what I mean is- that you have no idea how much you are expected to pay for what. A freind of mine say her fills are included with surgery- everyone pays different because of different surgeons and hospitals, so you can't really know ahead of time. They do not give you a fee schedule to prepare. Anyhow, calling the ins co back and see what can be done for them to pay some of the fills.
  15. Grider

    Lost the Baby :(

    Sorry to hear about your baby, prayers to you n hubby, stay strong, and rem. your little angel is always smiling on you. We are here....
  16. Grider

    Lapband Fill And Ins Company

    Any of my FEPBLUE comparts out there?
  17. Grider

    Surgery In 5 Hours

    Banded dec 11 but hang in there, you will do great... and rem we are here for ANY questions,,, even delicate ones.. Good luck! and rem the pain is temporary
  18. Grider

    Bcbs Federal Nj

    I brought in copies of my gym and anything I had bought for execise and weight loss, as in books weights, diet foods. and all Dr visits showing i was over weight for 2 yrs. they approved with in 1week
  19. you will have many starts n stops on the journey-- it will pass, the body adjusts as it goes..
  20. Grider

    Bloated Tummy

    sorry but i felt much much better after milk of magnesia moved everything... took a few weeks on same - but then i was good
  21. Grider

    How Are You All Doing Now?? Updates?

    banded 12/22/11 and lost 37 lbs,, its all good but find my energy levels very very low--checking my thryroid see if maybe need meds changed?cant buy clothes .. drops off in just weeks,,
  22. Grider

    Refried Beans

    I eat refried beans more like whipped beans w bit of olive oil, seasoning.,,, no hot sauce or lime, your tummy is possibly more prone to acid, and ulcers,,, think you need to ask your doc...
  23. I got another fill today, but had lost some saline... went from 4 to 3.8 and he bumped it to 4.2-- I wondered if that is from excersize, sunbathing ( fla here) or all the pool work outs... pressure? Anybody know?
  24. Grider

    Need Advice On Fills

    Defenitly a fickle band,,, it acts different every time. I get a fill- nothing- then bamb restriction, get another fill- feel like a chocked goose and then slacks off,,, this last fill,,, so so,, only been 3 days, but can eat ok... weird huh?
  25. Grider

    I Had A Fill 3 Weeks Ago

    mine lasted 2 weeks... it was great! just got fill # 4 monday,,, hope it stays like this,,, but maybe not,,, he said i had lost a little bit of fluid or saline.. I do know i was able to eat good again after 2 weeks/. Maybe we get used to it?? Not sure

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