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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Grider

  1. Grider

    MRSA lapbabd

    :oI think we need to realize that any hospital you go to may have MRSA at anytime. We had a toilet spill at work of the worse kind and 2 people got MRSA in some minor, cuts GO figure?? not like anyone waded in the stuff. It is just like a cold, the flu and any other crap that now now flourishes in the air. I am being treated for candida, in my esohpagus... again GO figure how it got there>?? I'm thinking same toilet? but with GERD and antibiotics and recent colonoscopy where they were down my throat, I propbably got it there. Now more test before I can get my band,, We live in a dirty world, best thing is to stay healthy, and keep our immune system up as best we can. But, the suff is floating out there for sure.
  2. Grider

    BCBS Fed

    So today.- my surgeon gave me a GI's name who can do this manometry - next Tue. initial consult then when ever they want to do the actual test- then just wait on results and see what happens. I feel better today, because the surgeon found a solution to the problem. the GI doctor could have helped me... but I right now accepting OCT may not be my BANDING month, but ya never know,,, thanks again for the encouragement.
  3. What happens say I need to do some medical things before surgery- do just keep going for weigh -ins each month- insurance only needs 3 months of supervised diet,, and I am done with that, but may have to delay,, maybe,,, just wondering- how long will your visits to the NUT dr and psycologist good for?
  4. Grider

    Delay and insurance

    I have an appointment with a 2nd Gastro DR to get the manometry test next Tuesday,,, then the test, then the results,,, October may or not be my lapband month. well at least im back on track getting things done towards that and lost 2 lbs..
  5. Grider

    I am BANDED!!!!

    Congratulations! take it easy though even if you feel great, go slow and just smile!!!
  6. Grider

    BCBS Fed

    Tomorrow will be on the phone, From what the lady at the hospital said: is that anyone can order the procedure but a doctor has to read it and not all Drs can read them?? I think that is why the surgeon and the GI Dr say they dont do it. so yes in search tomorrow to see what to do. Its a mission! and thanks so much for sending me good vibes, I can use all the support I can get.
  7. Anyone here have to do this before surgeon would approve lapband? I am off to set an appointment to get this done now sigh
  8. Thanks for the enouragement. I need it! MY GI Dr does NOT do this test... My surgeon I guess can't read it or do it. I left a message for the surgeon as I am out in the cold of whose gonna do this test. BCBS said its $75 copay.. A hosp person I called, told me a Dr's office staff has to set up appointment- but the surgeon need some one to read the results as they probably cant, so.. arhhhg I expected my GI to say ill take care of it, even if I cant do it myself- I have friends! Help me please!!!
  9. Grider

    BCBS Fed

    :angry:I have a road block. surgeon wants a esophageal momentry test done - see how swallow. cant find right connections to get this done. My GI dont do it, the surgeon can't read it, patience.. lots of patience,
  10. ;)I do not mind doing the test even if its yuck, questions is, can I still get my band. Recently I have had a few issues, but I have been stuck with a tube down in my throat for a colonoscopy, then an endoscopy within 2 months, then i did have a horrible bug with bad sore throat and they gave me antibiotics that gave me yeast,,,or candida,, other than that I can normally eat a burger in three bites,,, I dont get this swalow test. but it is what it is, I hope it is just a delay.. Do they do it a radiology place or a hospital? I hope ins. pays for this one.. I'll take all the info you want to share, I am going to the GI Drs in the morning without an appointment to see if they will write me a referral, as the surgeon asked for but wont request it. If not my next appt is Oct 12th. sigh
  11. Grider

    Delay and insurance

    :(well. not good news yet- have to do a Esophageal Manometry test... Surgeon said endoscopy showed abnormal, so if I dont pass this - no lap band,
  12. HELLO fellow co-wrkers It is MUSIC to my ears!!, going for final weigh in in 30 minutes .. and love the fact that every body is reporting swift approvals from FepBLUE- I have Basic, As for the 2 years, I hear you just need some weight in data from some Dr. ANY Dr. I have even heard people submit pictures, think hard what you may have to prove you were over 35 BMI.. with comorbidities, the last 2 years. Does your DL state it? OPM just sent a little preview, that premium prices going up a little, but benefits would basically stay the same.
  13. Grider

    I have a TMI question...

    This may sound crazy but by old time meds- they use to break open an egg and peel membrane of the top of the egg and lay it across the boil. soflty cover it and by morn- GONE- I do not have any other experience except this once and I too thought crazy-- but it worked.
  14. Hope she will be OK. let us know how she is doing. yes anything man made can go wrong, be well and thanks for sharing.
  15. Grider

    Delay and insurance

    Thanks, I wont know until later this week what Gastro dr has to say-- maybe nothing! :DI did see in OPM that the prices will go up a bit in our 2012 premiums, but that the benefits would be about the same.
  16. Grider

    bcbs fep co pay

    I also think each state is different in prices, I hear plces like SC is much cheaper than say NY, somehow it is all involved with the hospital, as they NEVER just say the band is $$$. Just like mechanics lol, base price plus markup..
  17. Grider

    bcbs fep co pay

    Yea I guess with kids -it will do it-- it is just me so, I think the MAX- should be different than a family! Anyhow tomorrw is my last visit-- and we shall see where we go from there,, trying NOT be anxious.
  18. Grider

    bcbs fep co pay

    Is that not $5000? You must have had other stuff done. I am about $715. but even so I think I pray it wont be but a few hundred.. (pray) I said. so when are you getting done and this is with FEPBLU?
  19. Grider


    Thanks I just wanted to see if this would PREVENT me from having surgery.. From what I read, the reflux meds stop acid and then help candida to form. I am helping with garlic, yogurts and eliminated all white carbs. I did have the H pylori and I thought I was cured-- I HOPE SO! I took 2 rounds of meds to killl it last year. I take pribiotics daily and I feel much better,, I guess now I wait till tuesday. - sigh
  20. Grider


    I did alot of research over the last few days since my endoscopy. They found candida in my esohpagus, and it apaprently not been there along time and just a few months prior I had a colonoscopy- and it was not present. I think it was this aful virus with heavy antibiotics etc. Nevertheless - its there along with GERD. I just want to know if anyone else had this issue or heard of it, and if it stopped you from having the surgery? I am on pills, diflucan and Prilosec for the gerd which makes no sence to me as one sorta counteracts the other. Other than that- the norm high blood pressure etc. Anyone? Tuesday Oct 4 is my final weigh in, just don't know what to expect now,
  21. I dont know what it all means hopefully it all ads up to GERD, abnormal motility in esophagus, cricopharyngeus abnormal. mild stricture, and LAgrade A esophagitis...candidasis in espohagus and my hiatal hernia... I tried to read up on most of it, alot is with the gerd., but i dont know enough to know if I will still qual for surgery.--depressed, and wondering, if I will ever get there. Surgeons visit Oct 4, he should have radiology findings by then. its gonna be a long week.
  22. Grider

    Test Tests!!

    I just had an endoscopy,,, hopefully I will still get banded, some stuff came up mostly about GERD, hernia, stricter and candida of all things... now to wait for Drs to decide.
  23. Grider

    Endoscopy Results

    I will hopefully know Tuesday what the 2 Drs have to say.. Please Lord let it be Ok do do surgery. I know my hernia will be repaired and this is big issue with my GERD- I just hope it is NOT too late and I'm damaged on the inside. The Gastro guy only said- gotta wait on radiology... so next week.. trying to stay positive and I'm bit loopy from meds for the candida. so hopefully it will go fast... I'm praying I hope this candida will not stop it either, from what I read the pills should kill it. I will post next Tue to whats happens..

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