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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Grider

  1. For me taking the milk of magnesia relieved me of all of that pain n gas - I didn't eat anything much, so I could not figure what it would move- but it was much better after,
  2. Grider


    Glad you are out and about, this first week is the worst- count the days be nice to self walk n drink those fluids, sorry they were mean at the hospital
  3. I went out for some food- which I never do anymore- and brought it back to work as it was raining. Well it had a million onions and my co-worker made a huge stink about it, so I really got mad- and went to another area to eat my gyro. It was the wrong thing to eat, and I basically swallowed a few bites and threw most of it away. BUT it was a hard swallow, and even though I have drank my coffee this morning and had some soup for lunch, still have that gas -tightening in back and neck and deep burping. My tummy is hard and somewhat tender. I didn't really feel anything after that lunch until later that afternoon- I picked up some heavy things from lowes and that's when I started feeling bad. I have only had one fill, so I guess the band is aggrivated? Could food still be in there? I am drinking my water ok, but feel that gas pain 24-7. Mylanta hasnt helped too much, going for a hot shower to see if it helps... anyone have any heavy lifting affecting the band?
  4. Shut the door and and hang in there, just few days you will be great. try to go and walk or walk in circles- it helps- I was walking on the deck outside in cricles at 3 am purpin n f...ng but it helped!
  5. Grider

    Getting Food Stuck Is Painful

    YES AND i NEVER THREW UP ANYTHING BUT.. stomach will be irritated- watch what you eat - liquids, mushies, soft foods nothing spicy. let tummy calm down. now it's swollen and mad.
  6. Grider

    Daily Caloric Intake

    I changed my MFP to 900 cal a day, and some times i go over, some times a little less, as I have no idea of what i am eating. I do NOT weight every spoonful of cashup or whatever I may season my food with, so the things I know, I lowered it to 900. This way I stay within range.
  7. Since I started this post.I have been on tuna and crab salad soups etc-so far- so good..,,, think the chicken might have to just GO or make it boiled n shredded- along with the coffee. It is a learning process to see what fits the shoe for sure.
  8. might want to add some gatorade to that sip. and malox to maybe calm the tummy area. Hope it does down soon/
  9. Yes I asked the dr when they prescribe the meds what will work with band.
  10. I found this post today -- maybe it will help someone else? TAKING PILLS You may have to crush or break up some of your medications. But you can not do this with all kinds of pills. So go down your list of pills with your physician to make sure that it is OK. Large pills can get stuck in your stoma, and you may throw them back up. Remember to take your pills on an empty stomach and follow them with food. This will help push the pill through the band and avoid an irritated pouch. If you do it the opposite way, food in your pouch will not allow the pill through until it dissolves. The risk or irritation increases in these cases. Never take medications directly before lying down at night. This does not allow enough time for the pill to pass through the stoma and empty into the larger stomach
  11. Grider

    Outsiders Perspective: The Bbq Dilemma

    The world will go on... I decided tp follow in a different journey and happy with it. My sis is same height and can't make 100 lbs unless pregnant. It is what it is. I try to join the party and events but pick the better portion of healthy food.
  12. Grider

    Swollen belly post port replacement

    nicee tattool!!
  13. I had pains spasm, twitches and pulls. walk water and I did- maylox and milk of magnesia- which took most of all that away.. and I was surprized by that. Next week, better days will come/ hang in there
  14. Grider

    New And Worried

    how much water are you drinking per day?? i did milk of magnesia for 3 days and finally... thought i'd die,, but then stayed under control- milk of magenisa each week n now gonna do miralax daily... you might wanna call reg dr.
  15. I seem to have either gas pains or maybe i cannot digest certain foods maybe not chewing enough, going slow enough? I seem to do real good then- there is a wrench thrown into the gears and I have a bout of pain, gas, constipation, burping? but no throwing up or anything like that-- this is before and after eating- hunger pangs? Then I eat, and then discomfort? Dr. only wants 3 meals a day,,, no snacking? anyone? And this is not constant, once or twice a mo? Only had one fill - so..?
  16. I ate tuna today- eggs- beans whole wheat toast and no pain or discomfort- it might be the chicken, I ate it or 4 days in a row as I made a bach and then reheat. The constipation seems to be better but NOT when I have these episodes,,, seems like i just turn into a block of cement. I am OFF the chicken for while and see what happens. It had been a while since I had eaten chicken,, so maybe that's why pain is back. and I will slow my pace and my bite,, and hopefully get a grip on the new way of eating.
  17. FROM my googling research tonight this is what I found There are several reasons to have pain after eating: (a) Eating too much. When you stretch the pouch you may experience pain. This is your body warning you that you have eaten too much, especially if you have pain in the left shoulder. This means the pouch is stretched. Remember, the volumes we express are not the minimum to eat but the maximum. Successful patients eat a portion and walk away. Do not eat until you "feel full." Your band will slip if you chronically overeat your pouch. (Eating too fast. When you eat too fast you can cause pain in the pouch. This also leads to eating too much. Successful patients eat slowly over 15 to 20 minutes. Unsuccessful patients tell us that they don't have time to eat -- and yet manage to get more calories in than they need. Eat slowly. Slips happen when patients eat too fast. © Eating too large a bite. Slow down. Take your time. Put nothing in your mouth larger than the fingernail of your smallest finger. If you eat too large a bite things can become stuck. If you eat too large a bite it can become lodged into the pouch and cause discomfort and lead to a slip. Eating with Lap-band weight loss surgery: When food becomes stuck It will feel like a golf ball underneath your breast bone. You may be in pain. You may not be. You may "slime" and produce a lot of saliva in your body's attempt to dislodge this. Things that become stuck: chicken is the worst offender, especially chicken that has been microwaved. Re-heating chicken tends to make it so that it will be too tough. This means microwave dinners, like Lean Cuisine, are not a good idea. Chicken with other things that get stuck are also a culprit -- chicken and rice, chicken and noodles, or chicken and tortillas or other bread type of products. Breads, Pasta, rice -- all can become stuck. Vegetables that are fibrous -- humans do not digest the methyl cellulose in vegetables. So, cut the vegetables so that the fibrous material does not sit in your pouch obstructing things periodically. Best way to not get things stuck: Avoid the problem. Chew well. Eat slowly. Do not overeat. Avoid dry chicken or re-heated chicken -- or avoid chicken. If something gets stuck: Stop eating. If it burps or vomits up -- good. IF it is stuck for more than 20 minutes then do not eat for 24 hours. Instead go on liquids. Once something is stuck for a while it will cause the stomach lining to thicken, so you will be prone to have things stuck. To help get things unstuck -- stand up, walk, jump. It will pass. If it does not -- we may need to take Fluid out of the band. It will pass. I need to make time to eat somehow at work -when I am home -in mornings-- rushing here n there,,, I am always rushing,, no wonder, I prob do the above things, because I can, I thought with one fill, this did not really apply yet, but then I pay dearly in stomach pains.. OK! time to stop to eat... This is a hard one my family has always scarfed down food and I have as well. back to school...
  18. I dont feel bad after milk/ cereal but i might stop morning coffee with my meds,,, maybe too much to begin the day.. maybe im irritating my puch from the start.
  19. Grider

    Passed First Goal!

    Great job!! you will be so pleased when you reach your goal.. I have been going to gym but scale still put. it will happen
  20. Grider

    A Month To Form A Habit

    Good for you- I too had to force feed the gym but it is getting better. Its the routine of getting clothes together and towel etc,, I live on higher floor, so i bought this shopping thing with wheels and another duffle bag for pools tuff,,, and i have 2 to change... I dont have a washer or dryer in unit, so I can just swap out and take with me in am/ and when I return along with lunch bag etc etc etc, feel like the bag lady.
  21. Thanks Im trying to eat sorta normal.. proteins and some veggies/ whole wheat- every week it's different. maybe the whole wheat is no longer tolerated? I wonder if i need more water to keep tummy happy? I do not feel like its gerd, but do I burp- maybe i need to go back to mushies and let my tummy calm down for a week. I'v been pla ying the milk of magnesia and mylanta duet for a few now. I got to get my stomach in sync.
  22. Grider

    Must Defeat Grazing. Suggestions...?

    NITE grazer- I am not hungry till after dinner. and matters not what I eat -the munchies come on like if I was smoking pot. SO there is nothing in the house except some raisin bran cereal- which I will do 1/2 a cup now. I did have some carrots and some wholewheat oven baked crakers,,, but have tried NOT to buy anymore. Living at the gym more has helped. Now i come home beat and do not wnat to even move from the couch to get a craker. I think changing the routine is what is helping me. Good luck!

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