So I know it's been a while since I've written but I've had a lot of changes take place at work. I'm actually in between jobs again but it's for the better so that's a good thing. I started this journey at 240 and this morning was down to 179. That's 61 lbs. The weight has slowed down drastically in the past 2 months. I have to confess that I have been behaving with food intake but not alcohol intake. I decided to quit drinking this week and will live up to that promise until October 1st which is my cousin's wedding. I'm hoping that I see my weight loss pick back up due to this. I also started going to a personal trainer 3 weeks ago and he's kicking my butt. I go 2x a week and try to do cardio or at least walk around my neighborhood the other 3 days of the week. I can definitely see the muscle definition in some parts such as my shoulders, upper back and thighs. Unfortunately, my stomach, boobs and batwings are being a little stubborn but hey I plan to keep trying until next year and if it does not work, there's always surgery. I tell everyone that this is the best decision I've ever made. I look at pictures now and see how disgusting I look. I've always been conceided even when I was fat so I didn't think it was "that bad" but now I can truly see the difference and it disgusts me. I also get disgusted at the amount of food and type of food that people eat. I promised that although I was going to have this surgery, I would remain a fat girl inside for ever but I honestly get grossed out by the amounts of food that certain people eat. I feel like a hypocrite but can't help my feelings ... does anyone feel this way too? The best part is that the caliber of men that approach me has definitely improved. I still haven't found the one, but I'm glad that the prospects are looking better. I'm hoping Mr. Right is just around the corner. If anyone has any questions for me or wants to b***h at me because of my alcohol use, please feel free to contact me. xoxo, Silvia