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About JG407

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 02/03/1980

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  1. JG407

    Ok I Need To Vent...

    You need to have a serious discussion about what the surgery means for you, mentally and emotionally, and make it very clear to him what you expect from him as a support system. If you are up front, clear and non-confrontational (focus on your feelings and criticize his "behavior" and NOT personal criticism against him) then give him a chance to improve. Then if he is still an ass, elbow to your hearts content.
  2. JG407

    Freaking Out

    Hey avi, this is COMPLETELY normal. I don't know of its separation anxiety, hormones or what, but I definitely had the same feeling right after. Why did I do this, was it the right choice, what if it doesn't work etc. letting go of these false assumptions and perceptions is hard but I will tell you from experience (I'm 10 months out) that it all gets better and the only regret you will have is that you didn't do it sooner. I know you don't know me, but I ask you to trust me. You've just been through a major surgery and you will not start to heal physically and then mentally. Keep your eye on the "why" you did this to begin with (I'm assuming to be healthy, happy and have a new lease on life) and that intense focus will allow you to get through the "how" (the possible pain, difficulties and new ways of doing things that to will learn over the next couple of months). I'm proud of you, you can do it, and I can't wait to hear about your progress and how amazing you feel when this first speed bump is behind you. Happy birthday, a new life is coming your way!
  3. Hi All! I have been away from the board for a while but want to get back involved and hopefully I can help others that will go through or are going through this exciting journey we call VSG! I am just a week past 10 months out and feeling great. My weight loss has leveled out and i'm hovering around the same 3 - 4 lbs up and down daily. I work out hard 2 - 3 days a week and am happy to report that 2 weeks ago I did my first 10k in 1 hour and 50 seconds, a respectable time in my mind! Shooting for a half marathon at the end of the year! I hope everyone is doing well, enjoying the journey and making great progress. I know the hard days can be really tough but it really does keep getting better once you learn what you can and cannot do, find your flow and Celebrate your victories. Here is a pic of me before surgery and at the 10 month mark (in a dressing room, lol)...enjoy!
  4. JG407

    Just me!

  5. HAHAHAHA @LilMissDiva!! Thanks! You are looking good yourself Way to go! @M2G Sounds like the hubby is doing AMAZINGLY well!! Yeah i'm the same way, totally gave up on the BMI thing. I started off at morbid obesity, got down through Obesity Class 2 and Class 1 and FINALLY hit "overweight" a couple of weeks ago. For me to get to "normal" weight, i'd have to be 185 and i'd probably look like a meth addict LOL! My original goal was 225 and now its 210 and I think i'll probably be good there but who knows, i just know 185 aint happening! ROFL @ the height comment, you know they have those ancient limb stretchers...hmm...j/k
  6. Hey Smile, sorry i just saw your message. It went really well, it was a crappy week or so after surgery with pain, discomfort and the horrible liquid and puree diet but 4 months out, its the greatest thing i ever did! I wish you all the luck in the world and hope the hoops go away quickly!

  7. Hi Kate! First of all, major congrats on losing what you have thus far, you are already down 30 lbs which is a major accomplishment. Second, the NUT (nutritionist) is absolutely right, the stall is inevitable! I have had several stalls in my 4 months where not only did I stop losing, i actually GAINED...sometimes as much as a pound or two! Its all completely normal. I too regretted the surgery in the very beginning b/c of all the crazy pre-op/post-op diet stuff, the discomfort (and downright pain) etc. You will completely change your mind once more time goes by and you see the results. Now, you do have to make sure you are doing your part, which i'm sure you are, but what a lot of people seem to lose focus on or forget about is that the liquid and Protein intake are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for continued weight loss. Working out helps of course, but if you just focus on liquid intake and protein intake and your Vitamins, I can almost guarantee you will see results! In the beginning I was taking in 80 oz of Fluid (Water, milk, etc) and 100G of protein per day. Now i still do 70-80 oz of fluid and closer to 80G of protein every day! It makes a huge difference! Don't be so hard on yourself either. Your body went through a dramatic procedure, your life is changing (for the better) and though the overall weight loss will be greatly accelerated vs. doing it without the sleeve, its still a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, treat yourself well, stay focused and positive and GET THAT FLUID AND PROTEIN IN! You WILL succeed! The sooner YOU realize it, the better! Best of luck and feel free to reach out to me if you ever need to chat... JG
  8. Thanks so much everyone! @kala, everyone is different of course and guys do typically lose a little faster. I'm sure you are going to do wonderfully, good luck!!!
  9. Thanks everyone! @jillw8, I think one of the things that really helped was staying strict on my protein and fluid intake. I've seen plenty of other people lose much slower and they all told me they didn't really stick hard and fast to those two things. I am down 70+ in about four months so you are actually outpacing me!! Way to go!! They told me they wanted me to lose 60 on six months so I blew that outta the water! Working out is key too, I've been wogging (jogging/walking) 3.5 miles 3 - 4 times a week and now weight training as well. Keep up the fantastic work!
  10. Wow thanks everyone! You sure know how to make a guy feel special
  11. Hey looou, thanks!!! I just saw your progress pics and WOW talk about an amazing transformation! Happy belated surgiversary too!! JG
  12. Hey all! I am just over 4 months out and feeling great!!! I am SO happy I had my sleeve done back on May 27th of this year (seems like forever ago)! I am about 6 foot 1 and was 332 on 1/1/11; 312 on 5/13/11 when i started my 2 week pre-op diet; 297 on surgery day 5/27/11; now 221 as of 10/2/11... Thats a total of 111 pounds lost total; 76lbs since surgery day!! I just wanted to share my progress, i'm still going to try to lose another 10 or 15 and then hopefully start toning as i added weight training to my cardio schedule about two months ago (1 - 2x per week)...
  13. Hi there, I saw you were just sleeved at Celebration. How did it all go? I am waiting for a surgery date and have a few more hoops to jump through. Hope your feeling well!

  14. How is everyone doing that was sleeved May 27th? I'm doing pretty well, still have puking issues once in a while (once every other week or so?) but its typically my fault for eating too fast. I am down 37lbs since surgery day and with the pre-op i'm down 51lbs. On a little stall right now (had one about 3 weeks ago too for a few days or so) but otherwise i'm kinda on cruise control now (as much as you can be with this journey) until maintenance. I believe there may be an increase in the amount of food i can have per sitting coming up soon but besides that, no new foods until 6 months out. Thats when i can add the bread/pasta/rice stuff back in, though i doubt i really will much. The Vitamins suck, its a struggle to get the 80oz of Fluid in per day (I do hit it on most days) and i'm of course working out, jogging typically 4 days per week and hit a personal best 11:30 minute mile last night!!! How is everyone else?? Lots of love! JG

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