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Posts posted by mousie

  1. Hi there - in desperation i have googled this forum...that says it all!

    I would like some advise as to whether i qualify or not for this procedure.

    I am 45 years old, 1.64 cm tall, weigh 80 kg with a bmi of 29,7. The factor that has made me look at this option is the way in which my 20 or so kg 's is affecting my life and has affected it for the past 20 years. I am severely affected in the form of depression, mood swings, lack of self worth - all leading to me not wanting to socialise or go out.

    I have tried everything on the market, have success but then revert to my emotional eating as soon as I am stressed. The times i have reached goal (twice) , I can say are the happiest times of my life. I dont have an unrealistic idea of my goal weight, but the 20 excess kg i carry have a huge effect on my life!!

    I am affecting my children, my husband - who has been nothing but supportive in all my endeavours, but they are also getting tired of my yo yo dieting. I can lose 10 kg in 9 months and put it on in 6 months. I would like to 'start living" i feel as though Im constantly in limbo saying - I will do this or that when Im thin... i feel as though my life is passing me by and I am not happy.

    Is this the solution or is it a bit drastic - do people who have this destructive type of dieting life style qualify/ opt for this procedure?

    I would welcome any advise. Thank you Sharon

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