Hi, I have read a lot of posts from people who's clinics or doctors asked them to start a liquid pre-op diet... This is extremely hard. I went to CIBO clinic in Toronto, they told me that a pre-op diet is instrumental in preparing your liver and stomach for the band (and probably also your head) The difference with CIBO is they didn't require me to go on full liquids, my pre-op diet was low fat dairy (kept to a minimum) Protein and veggies, excluding, potatoes, squash, corn, carrots and peas, since these are high carb/sugar veggies. This was a lot easier to follow and didn't result in any depression. I ate whenever I felt hungry. I found near the end of my two week pre-op diet that dipping raw veggies in hummus is extremely fulfilling, it almost gave me the felling of eating carbs. If you are going to go on a Protein shake diet then try to find a shake that has more than 25 grams of protein and less than 10 grams of carbs. But if I were you I would stick to veggies and protein - on this you can even eat out.. I went out for dinner with friends the night before my surgery and ordered a grilled chicken breast with roasted red peppers/mushrooms and broccoli no sauces or butter.. it was great and had not problems with getting my band the next day.