I had my plication in Cancun two and a half months ago. I would go out of the US again for surgery, but I would prepare myself better (language and all). I am torn on whether I would go with the sleeve or do the plication again if I had to do it all over. I still have cravings, just not like I used to. Weight loss is slow, about 7 lbs a month for me at this point, but I also like that it gives my body time to recover better. I also didn't want to lose part of my stomach. I think you can find plenty of people who will tell you one thing, and plenty of people who will tell you exactly opposite. I would research both operations, make a list of pros and cons (personal to YOU) and see which one comes out on top. Only you know your life, your issues, your fears and expectations-only you can decide which surgery is best for you. I too doubt I will ever be super skinny, but I want to be healthy and live within a somewhat normal range. I wasn't that before.
Good luck, whichever way you go!