I have been reading a lot of negativity on the boards lately and thought I'd start a 'positive thread' for a change. I want to thank each and every member of this forum for inspiring me to take my lap band journey. I have read the good, the bad, and the ugly on this board and must have looked at the before and after pics a million times. I started exercising last week after my post op appt and discovered a strength within myself that I never thought or even dreamed I had. It has not always been a picnic, but when I find myself slipping into a negative frame of mind, I think about my reasons for doing this in the first place... my long term goals and how much I have already changed not just physically but mentally. If I wouldn't have had this surgery... I would be 23lbs heavier right now still sitting in my jammies on the couch with no plan for the day but sleeping and eating. That is no longer good enough for me. I want more... I DESERVE more and so do you. We all have the strength and drive within ourselves to make this work for us. Yeah, there is some food choices we'd rather not make, but if left to our own choices... we'd never change our habits. I am trying to teach my teen daughter that part of growing up is maturing and recognizing... that we may have to make choices in our life that are not fun, tasty, or easy but if she just sticks with it... the rewards will far out weigh any bump she may have to overcome along the way.
You never know how strong you can be... until you have to be. Everyone of us has the power within ourselves to live the life we dream of. Some of us will even make it happen. I intend to be one of them.
Have a great week everyone. Much love to all my bothers and sistas in the 'Band'. :welldoneclap: