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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TerriDoodle

  1. TerriDoodle

    Under 30 Spoiled Brats!!

    Car Bingo, anyone?? Yes. I remember being desperate to hear Mississippi Queen (know what I mean?)
  2. Sorry.... it just bothers the heck out of me. Now i feel like i have to go back and re-read my post just to make sure it hasn't "corrected" my words! :puke:
  3. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    SEE!!?? A NOONER!!! You can't fool us! Oh. But you DO wax them right??? Do people call you "UniBrow"? LOL... that would be bad. I wish I could borrow somebody's puppy and bring it home. DH would SO believe that I'd do something like that...and he'd be seething on the inside but be nice enough about it. LOL It's almost worth it.
  4. Thanks Alex.... I think that's probably best. It's a good idea, just doesn't really work in reality.
  5. Alex actually IS a genius!... who is constantly trying to improve our experience here. It's probably just an optional feature that he thought he'd try out to see if we like it. I'm just weighing in....so to speak.
  6. TerriDoodle

    Gruene Violets

    Those are YANKEE margaritas!! We make 'em for REAL down here in Texas, girlfriend!!
  7. TerriDoodle

    Gruene Violets

    There is Burnett's, Seagrams, Smirnoff, Three Olives and UV Grape Vodka at the liquor store where i shop. Any of those do ya? What size bottle(s)? LOL
  8. TerriDoodle

    Under 30 Spoiled Brats!!

    And you notice the biggest ommission of all is vinyl records and 8 track tapes!! Our first CD player was $800.
  9. TerriDoodle

    All you people do is complain...

    When she types "pair" it comes up "Page Ranking".... isn't that just the weirdest thing ever?? I liked the conversation about donuts and cinammon rolls better. Can we go back to that? :puke: Now THAT is funny!!!
  10. TerriDoodle

    Advice? Going to file....

    I agree with everything Kat said...especially: Document EVERYTHING Things will get much worse before they get any better. Be prepared to demonstrate the patience of Jobe...for your daughter's sake. Practice saying this a zillion times in front of the mirror: "Talk to your lawyer." In other words, don't get into fights with him that you know will be fruitless. Just makes your blood pressure go up and involves your daughter in battles she doesn't need to hear. Divorce is a terribly nasty process under the best of circumstances, even when both parties agree it's for the best. Be very sure you are mentally and emotionally prepared to go the distance. However bad you think it might get....multiply that by 10 and that is closer to reality. Hate to say it, but don't count on getting child support. There's a helluva lot of deadbeat dads out there. I'm just saying that when you consider your housing situation, don't count on that child support being there....it very well may not be. Don't buy a house that you can't pay for yourself. don't sign any expensive long-term leases. Sorry to be such a pessimist. Better to err on the side of caution. Good luck to you, sweetie. We're here for you.
  11. TerriDoodle

    All you people do is complain...

    Are you COMPLAINING.....AGAIN??? ROFL!
  12. TerriDoodle

    Gruene Violets

    Jenn, the Hilton has a bar... rooms are $169/night. That's some expensive cocktails!!Hilton San Antonio Texas Hotel - San Antonio Airport Hotel - San Antonio, TX hotels Laura, Haydee's picking you up.
  13. TerriDoodle

    Gruene Violets

    Jenn....you're getting into SA at 10:40....by the time you get to your hotel it will be 11:15! If you need a drink that bad, get one at the airport! LOL I have no idea about bars in the area of the airport, I'm not from there .... maybe the people at the desk can suggest something.
  14. TerriDoodle

    Gruene Violets

    You should all be receiving an email with a link to another spreadsheet...this one is for groceries. My 'cabin' has a full kitchen (I think) so we can congregate in there for making 'ritas or snacks, or whatever!
  15. TerriDoodle

    Gruene Violets

    I'm doing the early pick up in SA. Honestly, Jenn...unless you just like driviing around in strange cities, I wouldn't mess with it. Fly in, grab the shuttle (or taxi) to your hotel, go have a toddy in the bar, get something to eat, get snug in your jammies, crawl into bed and watch TV. Next morning I can come pick you up at about 10:30 and we'll head to the airport to get Tracy and Jane! We'll have 3 cars there altogether...I don't think we'd need another.
  16. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    At least we can still say WTF!! :smile: Palm Springs is beautiful!! Does Macy play golf?? Tracy in KS....WHERE tf ARE YOU??????????????
  17. TerriDoodle

    All you people do is complain...

    Body Mass Index wtf... nope doesn't work on everything...but still kinda creepy...Big Brotherish
  18. TerriDoodle

    Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies

    No, the difference there is that as an adult, I can choose my own method of medical care....whether it be a naturopath, an acupuncturist, a shaman, or even a witch doctor. But when you're making those questionable decisions on behalf of a child....THAT's a problem.
  19. TerriDoodle

    Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies

    This issue isn't so much about the faith healers vs. science... It's about what we allow as a 'civilized society'. So to say that we need to allow sex, drugs and rock & roll...? That's not the bible thumpers that disallow those behaviors, it's our laws that disallow them. Same goes for charging these parents with neglect ... As a civilized society, it was decided long ago that to withhold standard medical treatment is defined as neglect. Neglect is against the law. Should we change the law so that a parent can choose their own definition of neglect? Do they have that right because they are the parents? No. The parents do not have the last word...the courts do. The courts exist to protect those that don't have a voice.
  20. TerriDoodle

    All you people do is complain...

    I was too busy PBing on donuts.
  21. TerriDoodle

    All you people do is complain...

    Sure are a lot of Violets in here today! You're not going to COMPLAIN about anything are you??? Don't make us look bad! "fat people need to get off the internet" ...??? That cracked me up! I'm just wondering what would happen to Google stock if all the fat people got off the internet.
  22. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Hi everyone! Spent the day looking at potential neighborhoods...we've GOT to move closer in to the city. The 'burbs' are killing us! The traffice SUCKS. So we went cruising around neighborhoods that were built between 1930-1960 that are slowly being revitalized. (Tracy & Haydee--i'm referring to the Heights and Oak Forest...way cool!!) It's interesting to think of moving into the heart of the city. I like the idea. So many cool things to do! Anyway... I'm pooped. Hope you all had a good day! I'll see ya tomorrow! XOXO!
  23. TerriDoodle

    Worst dieting experience EVER...

    You feel weird because of your body going into ketosis for energy... if you'd have stayed on a low-carb diet you'd be fine after a few days.
  24. TerriDoodle

    New and researching

    Jewels, youve certainly come to the right place for REAL information on gastric banding. This forum is chuck full of it!!! Sit back with a cup o' whatever and read, read, read! To give you a very quick synopsis...lol...the polls here indicate that 90-93% of us are VERY happy with our bands and would do it again in a heartbeat. That stat has always impressed me. Let us know how we can help!
  25. ...uh...what? you're able to eat more? Because the swelling caused by the irritation of your fill has receded. Be careful though because you will most likely find that you are more restricted than you think. Proceed with caution!

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