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Everything posted by TerriDoodle

  1. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Hi everyone -- thinking of you all but no time to stay and chat. I'm pooped from a long day! Michelle - you look really, really great!! Be PROUD! TracyinKS - Thinking of you, Sweetie...and praying for your mom...she's at the top of my list. xoxo Happy Birthday Pammie!!
  2. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    ((((Kat))))) I am so sorry, honey. What can I say that would make things any better? I just know from where I sit, I am just very, very grateful that nobody was hurt and you didn't lose your house. I am so very sorry that you lost all that hard work that went into landscaping your hill. I know it's impossible to think of it all being gone...and how sad it is. Things would have been 1000x times worse if that fire had started when you were gone (which you are quite often). You owe every single firefighter a banana nut bread or something! Sounds like they did a great job. I'm sorry, Kat. Let me know if there is anything I can do. In the meantime, I'll try to think of something meaningful. Let us know what all you lost that maybe we can help you replace. ((((I'm sorry)))))
  3. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Hi all. Yeah, I'm OK! Went to the doc today to get stitches taken out and he said I looked fine...even though I still look like I've been in a major car wreck! But I am getting out some now, just wearing sunglasses indoors. Yesterday I went to the bead shop and got a few things, when I got home the colors were all WRONG. Duh. Bruises are not quite so purple now...going the the green stage. Mmmmm. Tomorrow I go for a fill...but just a tiny one. Jenn called me today but I was not able to call her back. She left a message saying she misses us all and has been thinking about us a LOT. She gets her 'puter back in a couple of days so we'll see her then. TracyK - Congrats on your first day of Full Time Mom! My eyeballs are pooped...been beading a lot today. I'll see ya'll manana.
  4. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    .....a city full of breeders! The family is obviously endowed with a high sex drive. My family is small. Do the math. Judy - Congratulations to you and your whole family!! That is just awesome news! Nothing going on here today, that's for sure.... I look like a total raccoon. I'm at the point where I wonder if I'll ever look normal again! If only banana chips had healing powers.....
  5. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    I'd say it with you but my mouth is full of banana chips!
  6. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Suzie... I'm so sorry about your back! So what happens if it's fractured? Are we talking body cast thing or what???? Oh no, that just can't be! TracyK - I think we're all in the same place to one degree or another (except for a few of us) and I think we might all be ready now to get back on track. You'll be in good company. Please don't get down on yourself! You knew going in that it was a distinct possibility that you'd gain weight and 20# is not that bad. I gained 50#!!! You're not smoking and that's the most important thing. Don't lose sight of that! Denise - Thanks for the update! I've been wondering how little Dimitri is doing. The pics are just precioius! You lucky grandma you! (So what are they going to call you, anyway?) Kat - you have a great life, you know that?!? Doc said I look perfectly normal and said things would get much better after 36 -48 hours. TRACY, thanks for the reminder about the Vicodin! I forgot about that fun little side effect. I'll double up on the fiber...maybe that will help. I won't be going back to work for 10 more days. I wanted to post this better pic of the bracelet I made last weekend. I'm now working on the photography end of things so that I might start selling online. This pic turned out pretty well! K, well back to the ice on my eyeballs. Ya'll have a great evening!
  7. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Morning everyone! Believe it or not, I'm not in hardly any pain. Haven't had a vicodin since dinnertime last night....but MAN do I look like Frankenstein this morning or what!? If you think those pictures are bad from yesterday, then I'll spare you my likeness this morning. I am very glad I have a followup dr appt. this morning (yes, on a holiday!) so he can reassure me that all is well. Let's just say I never knew eyelids could swell so much. Hmmmm...wonder where Suzie is?! Are you okay Suze? Judy and all....have a wonderful holiday today! ....especially Tracy who has LOTS to celebrate! Yeeeeeee hawwww!!!
  8. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Oh, and look what else I found while getting photos off my iPhone....
  9. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Oh, and I also had a couple of moles removed....one from my eyebrow and one between my eyes on the forehead..that's the other little bandages. I think I'll go take more Vicodin...just because I can! LOL Thanks for the purple power girls...but could you make it not quite so purple?? A nice normal flesh-colored power would be better in this instance. Speaking of which....Suzie....I'm so sorry you're hurting so badly! It worries me that it seems to be getting worse instead of better. :thumbup: So what is the report from the doc?
  10. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Hi Girlz. Firstly, I need to say this before I forget....Laura, that new avatar pic of yours is downright FREAKY...you look like a waif!! When did you loose that last 50#? You are sooooo gorgeous! Do you ever get tired of people telling you that? Pammy - I am LOVING reading your posts. Even with my one good eye. You are just a scream and I love you to death! I'm so happy that you're having so much fun....and sounds like your sweetie is too!! Good for yall . You both deserve this nice trip. I'm not reading so well, so I had to skip some posts...sorry. TRACY!!! Congrats to you, girlfriend!!! I'm so happy for you I could just cry!! ((((HUGS))) So what does this job at Valero mean to you guys? This obviously isn't the Beaumont thing, right?? LOL.. you're not moving again next weekend, are you? Ok, my left eye hurts like mad. I think it got scratched or something. Other than that, and the fact that I look like I've been through a meat grinder, I feel absolutely fine. Here's a pic or two so you can feel sorry for me:
  11. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    I just got a load of Vicodin from the pharmacy too! :Banane30: I'm having my eyelid surgery in the early morning and they loaded me up! I can't imagine that I'd need this much, but OH WELL! gosh. it's quiet here. I think Jenn told me she'd be getting her 'puter back after the 7th. I sure hope so. Suzie, it'll probably be just you and me for a few days...the cripples! Although I won't be able to post either come to think of it! The doc said my eyes will be really blurry for a couple of days! You'll be talking to yourself!
  12. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Ok, I gotta jump in here, Haydee...'cause I am dealing with a similar situation ..off and on. Over the years (ahem....I am QUITE a bit older than you!) I've learned a couple of things about friendships. It's a decision you have to make....which ones are worth nurturing and keeping and ones that aren't. I also had to examine my own behaviors and decided I could use some improvement in that area myself! In my situation, I have a friend who only calls on me when there's a crisis in her life. If I call her to invite her to something, she RARELY will say yes. She never calls just to chat. She never sends a birthday card. But when we do get together we always have a good time! After years of this, I finally figured out that she’s just a “taker” and not a “giver” in any sense of the word. I’m not putting a judgment around that….it is what it is….but I decided to stop 'giving' so much, making most of the effort. Lo and behold, she’s all but disappeared. Oh, wait. She called last week because she had a crisis in her life and wants to get together!!! Aaaaargh. I didn’t respond. I think I’m done with it. As I and my friends get older, I think we’ve realized the importance of making PLANS to get together and doing our very best to stick to them. Sure, things will always come up…and that’s ok. My best friends are the ones I can count on. My best friends are the ones who have “DINNER WITH TERRY” written in ink and circled in red on their calendar! When they show up, they are saying that I am important to them… I’m not just a “diversion” for them, or a fall-back if nothing better comes up. Know what I mean? I also realize that friendships do not nurture themselves anymore…. Not like they did when we were in school or with our neighbors or family….people who we have daily contact with. They require special effort. They sometimes even require flying across the country!!! The verdict on your friend? I think you should gently tell her to kiss off. I think you have a right to be heard and should tell her something along the lines that you understand she doesn’t mean anything by it when she is wishy-washy, but that you prefer that your friends show at least a little commitment. No judgement….it is what it is….but you prefer to go your separate ways. And …. she needs to find other plans for the 4th of July! My litmus test is this: Do I feel better or worse after I have contact or spend time with this friend? I don’t have time or the energy to invest in people who only make me feel worse!!
  13. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Bummer........ can't view webshots at work :thumbup:
  14. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Haydee - No surprise about Juan! That's exactly how I expect him to react...he's a man! So you just keep doin' what you're doin'!! Now....how 'bout that email address?:thumbup: Hey, been meaning to ask....where's the new location?
  15. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    So why in the heck did he take some of the fill out if you were doing well? I had 2.6 in my 4cc band, but was way too tight for 3-4 months. I'm at 2.1 now and that's too loose! I'm going in for a 0.1cc fill on July 8. Yes, I will tell HER how much to put in... I've filled and unfilled twice now I think. So now I'm going to ramp up very slowly. I think my sweet spot will be somewhere around 2.3 or 2.4. Oh, and BTW, I haven't lost hardly anything during 2008, so don't feel bad. I gave myself a stern talking to a bit earlier. We'll see if I listened.
  16. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Man! I can't remember the last time I saw this!
  17. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    :hurray:JUDY!!! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We sure did miss you. So, how was it??! Amazing as usual??? Pics Pics Pics! Ok, so where is everybody?? Haydee? How's your knee? Suze - Thanks for the sweet card! How's YOUR knee?? TracyK - How's your knee? Laura - How's your knee? Kat - Yours? My knee is fine, in case anyone is wondering. Maybe we should just have a weekly report about which body part is going into failure mode this week. It certainly isn't my PIE HOLE!!
  18. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    (((Tracy))) Great to see you! Ya'll doing ok on storage?? You must be whipped. And yes... I was with you in spirit!! That counts right?! Your last day is Thursday???
  19. TerriDoodle

    Just ate....

    OMG!!! This is way too funny!!! If this isn't calling the kettle BLACK!!! :lol:
  20. I was 215...an all time high for me and gaining steadily at 2# a month since menopause kicked in. My older sister weighs 270 easy and I could see where this road was leading! I did it more as a preventative measure, I guess you could say. I was self-pay. Whether any of you think I should have or shouldn't have is, frankly, irrelevant. My body, my life!
  21. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    Laura - that's totally understandable! I'd be walking around in a fog, too...no doubt. ((Hugs)) Michelle - GO HAVE A BLAST!!! Suzie has abandoned us, just like she always threatened to do once the pool was in! Hmmmph!:wink_smile:
  22. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here

    BYE PAMMY!!! We'll miss you so much but know you'll be having a blast!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!! Laura - I am so sorry, sweetie. What a horrible day for you :thumbs_up: Thank God it wasn't your tent...or YOU that was hurt! Michelle - Can I send you my list since you're all done with yours? I worked on this bracelet off and on all day today. The pic does not do it justice .... the beads are all my favorites and they are beautiful! Dk blues, purples, grays, browns, and the metal is copper. I might even try to sell this one on Etsy :: ! Depends on if I can get a decent photo in the daylight.
  23. TerriDoodle

    I'm not adjusting well

    Nikki - have you tried loosening up your band a bit with warm broth or tea before eating more solid foods? could be that the cold foods (pudding, popsicles, etc) are constricting your band. I know that happens with me...I can FEEL it!
  24. TerriDoodle

    Anyone extra-emotional??

    My doctor told me to EXPECT some depression at about 3 weeks because of hormonal changes taking place with rapid weight loss. Sounds like what you're going thru. Hang in there... you'll be fine and back to normal very soon
  25. These are questions probably best answered by your doctor who is equipped with hard research to back his opinions. He's also familiar with your particular case. If you don't trust what your doctor is telling you, get a second and third opinion.

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