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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TerriDoodle

  1. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Kat, it sounds to me like he should have gone to the Mayo Clinic about a month ago!! OMG, I'd be hysterical too!! I definitely will keep him in my prayers. Poor Gary. That's the cutest little yawning icon I've ever seen!!! Yawwwwwn...smack smack smack. LOL! Great Job, Tracy!!!! Michelle - You will find some way to add pressure to your day! I'll bet you $10!!! LOL Hey!! Why don't you go for a manicure or a massage??? Hmmmmm??
  2. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Awwwwww!! Baby Bump pics!!! Hi Carson!!!!! I got the Zicam gel... you think that will work as well? Love the tables, too Laura!! Your house is really looking NICE!!!
  3. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    No matter - it's gonna be a boy!! Frankly, I don't know how you keep yourself from punching her right in the face. That is pure insanity. How can anyone survive in all that snow??? Ok, it's official. i'm getting a cold. BUT, thanks to the advice of my Violets I ran to my nearest drugstore and got some Zicam! I really REALLY want to stay home from work tomorrow. Will one of you (or all of you) please give me permission? It's supposed to be in the 40's, windy and rainy!! YUCK!!!!!!:mad::thumbup:
  4. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    LOL Judy! I LOVE the name Claire!! 2nd is Rebecca. Not crazy about Natalie ('cause of a snob I knew). Oh wait!! She didn't ask us!!!?!! LOL Nevermind!
  5. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Denise - I trust everything is OK with your daughter's pregnancy? I didn't see an update. Tracy - Celexa, huh?? Is that what you're taking? Good for you!!! Feels so nice not to be all strung out all the time, doesn't it?? Janie - glad all went well today. If you have a hernia, I'm surprised that you're not having some issues with that!? Yeah, I would think the docs would want to repair it pronto since you have a band. Gotta go night-night. It's WAY past my bedtime! Manana!
  6. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    LOL -- picking my dog up is not an option!! Wish it was! Did you know that pit bulls are illegal in France?...and probably elsewhere...but Heaven forbid, not in Texas! Actually we haven't had any problems with pit bulls at the park, thankfully. Oh, man!! I wish all the Violets could have been there for that game!! That must have been GREAT!!! Tell Susanne we all said CONGRATS! Glad to hear you are feeling so good! Going to the gym will sure do that for ya! You go, girl!! :biggrin:
  7. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Kat - If I'm not mistaken I believe that steroids make your appetite increase...as well as your libido, stamina, and weight! Just ride it out, all will be back to normal soon (I hope!). Are the hives getting better?? Hmmmmm...I bet I know where Janie is right now! I worked on a jewelry project almost all day and took Hero to the dog park. A bad fight broke out between two dogs....a big American Bulldog (120#) and a Golden Retreiver (60#). Both were ok when it was over, but it is so scary!! They sound like they're ripping each other to shreds! And Hero had just been playing with that bulldog for quite some time, too! The only way to break up the fight is to get right in the middle of it and pull them off one another. Yikes!! Well, I'm over the big hump at work since our party is done so now I can concentrate on my Christmas shopping. I won't have much, thank goodness. The kids and I decided to shorten our own lists and 'adopted' a teen from Covenant House (a shelter for homeless, runaway and thrown-away teens). We went out and got everything on her list that she asked for and it was lots of fun to shop for someone you KNOW will appreciate it!! Well, 5:15a will be coming very early in the morning so I'm going to hit the hay. G'night!!
  8. TerriDoodle

    Band slipped at goal weight..now what?

    I'm not sure, but I think they have to go in there and see exactly what caused the slip to see if it's repairable or not. If it's not, they will have to remove it and that is that.... you will have to deal with it unfortunately. Perhaps you could convert to a gastric sleeve? You'll just have to discuss all your options when you go for your doctors appt. I understand how you feel, though...I wouldn't have mine removed unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary!! I would definitely have it replaced/repaired. Best of luck to you!! Let us know how you're doing.
  9. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Hey Jenn! You've got to stay on liquids for another 10 days??????? How are you getting your Protein and Vitamins in? :thumbup: Don't get malnourished in this process, ok??? Whatcha doin' in Buffalo next wknd? Hey all... I just read this post and found it to be a good kick in the pants for me.... you might find it useful too. It's just kind of a review for those of us who are struggling with food choices.
  10. TerriDoodle


    ....also...your doctor should be removing all the liquid in your band before a fill to make sure what is recorded is still in there! That's the easy way to tell if it's leaking and my doctor does it every single time I go in for a fill! Isn't yours?
  11. TerriDoodle

    taking advil or tylenol?

    Most doctors say NO Advil or ibuprofen at all....but yours may say differently (?). I do rarely take Advil for my back pain but I do mean rarely! Check with your doctor. If he says OK to Advil, my advice is to definitely take the liquid form and I'll tell you why. Ibuprofen (advil & motrin) are very, very hard on the lining of your stomach and are pills are coated so as to protect it. But if the pill got stuck in your stoma and dissolved there, that would be big trouble!! At one point early on I was desperate for some Advil but I didn't have any liquid....so (not knowing any better) I crushed up a pill and put it in some Water and swallowed. BIG FREAKING MISTAKE!!! It felt like battery acid going all the way down!!! When it hit my stomach I immediately vomited violently!!! I was in pain!! Boy, was that an eye-opener!!! I don't know how they produce the liquid Advil to avoid this, but they have....and that burning is not an issue at all. As for taste, I've found that liquid Motrin tastes best. SO...that's why doctors will tell you to avoid Advil altogether. Even people with chronic inflammation have had to make do with something else because you certainly cannot take it on any regular basis....pill OR liquid. Like I said, call your doctor and get clarified on what he suggests.
  12. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    TracyK - Meant to say....Have FUN in Louisiana!! How can you miss, really? Mmmmmm Gumbo!! Kat - Rick seems to always have drama with these guys he works with...but this takes the cake!! I'm sorry for all the stress it causes the two of you! :thumbup: Can't we all just get along??
  13. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    HeatherO -- WELCOME!! Of course we are more than happy to have you along for the ride! Just hop on! Thanks all you girlz for the props on my picture. I was just having one of those days where I felt like I looked fairly decent and took a pic with the camera that's built into my laptop...so it's not the greatest quality! Pamela, I'm just sitting in "my chair" and those are shutters on the window behind me. I just got back from my daughter's concert and they were just incredible tonight! I was SO proud of her and all of the entire orchestra. They obviously have been working very hard. OH AND GET THIS!....they actually played CHRISTMAS CAROLS!! Shocking!!! AND on the marquee outside the auditorium it said, "Merry Christmas from XXX XXXX High School!" Can you believe it!!?? I was so excited to see that! Putting the Christmas back in Christmas!? It really did my heart good.
  14. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Howdy Girls! Our company Xmas party last night was really good. I got lots and lots of compliments so I guess it was a success! Whew! Another one down and in a month or so I get to start planning the next one! Hooray!! NOT!! I have the day off today but so far I've been running around like a nut-case. Doesn't feel much like a day off. Tonight my daughter has her "Winter" Concert and has to be there an hour early...so my evening is booked, too! But that's OK. I enjoy watching her play so much and the Senior Orchestra is really awesome, too. Fortunately the concerts never run more than an hour. Pam - That's so sweet about your kids missing you and loving you that way. There's no doubt in my mind that you're surely one of the most popular teachers there. Sorry about the butt-load of work....getting back to the daily grind is never easy. The good news is that's it's FRIDAY already! :thumbup: Michelle - ((Hugs)) to you, my friend. I can't imagine how that must have affected you. You are so, so sweet to help take care of the family during this time....God is truly working thru you now. I admire your strength and dedication. Keep up the wonderful work you're doing. Jenn - check in when you can and let us know how you're doing. We're all worried about you. Tracy - Yeah, Willie Nelson owns Texas Roadhouse. It's pretty good - have you ever been? We are lucky to have one very close by. Oh, and guess what?!? They just opened a Goode Co. BBQ in our area!!! YUMMMMMM!! It's really neat-o, too...it has a HUGE porch with tables outside...and a BIG sandbox for the kids. Well, I've got LOTS of jewelry to work on this weekend so I should get started. One of my girlfriends wants me to make 5-6 silver pieces for her daughters and sister. You should see my dog right now. He's insane.
  15. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Just want to pop in to say HI Everyone! Busy, busy today but hope everyone is having a great day! Pammy - Special Hugs to you. Jenn - Same to you....hope you're feeling better real soon.
  16. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    LOVE the tables, Laura!! I know how excited you must be!! Good for you! The only thing I can think of with the dust .... are they kicking up a lot of dust in your area? Has the weather been particularly dry or dusty? Maybe your windows should be re-caulked? Hmmm. My house get dusty fast, too. Maybe it just needs a good spring cleaning....tops of entertainment units and cabinets, under beds, baseboards, picture frames and lampshades, CURTAINS AND CARPETS....?
  17. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Laura - Do you ever watch "Intervention"?
  18. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    I agree that Russell should know BUT he should in no way feel responsible!! If she had not gotten the drugs from his brother, she would have gotten them somewhere else!! Nobody held a gun to her head and part of dealing with the real world is being able to say "NO" when drugs or alcohol are offered to you!! They're everywhere!! If Russell is 'mad' at his brother, fine, he has every right to be!!...but guilty?? ......pfffffft!!
  19. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Pammy - Welcome back, sweetheart. I hope you rest well today. How's your stepmom doing? Jenn - Sorry you have to have surgery :cursing: But I'm glad it's nothing more serious AND that you have insurance to cover it!!! I don't know if he will have to unfill you. Even if they do, it will only be for awhile! Re: being cold.... Just wait 'til menopause, girls!! OMG!! Hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold. It's ridiculous!!! At night I sleep with the ceiling fan on AND a smaller table top fan blowing right on me...and we keep the house at about 72 degrees! Nights are the worst. LOL! Your day will come! Haydee - our company Christmas party on Thursday is for 200 people! Fortunately I have a generous budget so that sure makes it easy. I LOVE the band we have playing, The David Caceres Band. They play at Sullivan's and some places downtown, too..... be on the lookout for them, they are VERY good. Laura - I had to laugh at you..."I might have a little penis inside me??" ROFL!! I can't wait for you to find out!! WE SHOULD TAKE A POLL: WHO THINKS IT'S A BOY AND WHO THINKS IT'S A GIRL?? I think it's a boy.
  20. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    I've been busy working on our company's holiday party (which I organize)...the party is Thursday. We got a huge response in this year (yea!!) but the problem is the room isn't quite large enough (boo!!) for all the additional people. Panic time! Question: I suppose if I can get an entire egg salad sandwich on whole wheat toast down my gullet then it's time for a fill, eh? I've been wrestling and wrestling with this delimma for months!!
  21. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    NOTE TO SELF: Never complain about 55 degree weather again. :thumbup:
  22. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Laura - Have you felt the baby move?? I remember when I realized that the flutter I was feeling was the baby it freaked me out!!...and I also realized that I had been feeling it for quite awhile and didn't know that's what it was! I thought it was gas bubbles!! So be on high alert for gas bubbles! :-) That's the coolest. Then a few weeks later Russell will be able to feel it move. I'll never forget how big my (ex-)DH's eyes got when he felt the baby move for the first time. What a great memory that is. I'm so excited for you! TracyK - LOL ...when I saw the pic of that cake the first thing I thought of was, "Oh, those edges are all crooked!!" I always pick on a cake like that a fork at a time until the edges are even. Anyone else do that? That cake sounds wonderful, though! The trifle I made had layers of Ghiradelli (sp?) brownies, chocolate pudding, Ghiradelli milk chocolate chips, toffee chips and whipped cream! SINFUL, I tell ya! Jenn- Sorry you're feeling bad again but glad to hear you're taking care by going on a liquid diet. I hate to think of you in pain :thumbup: Denise - Sorry hon. Like Tracy said, it's in God's hands and He knows what is best. Maybe this will be another wake-up call for your daughter...? What a stressful family situation! Does she live with you? Judy - I was thinking of you tonight while we were putting up Xmas lights and I was complaining of being cold....it was about 55 degrees and I had 2 jackets on!! LOL In my defense, the wind WAS blowing! I have a pitiful tolerance for cold weather. I finally got finished with my necklace and earrings. That thing must have taken me at least 10 hours or more to make! But it's 3 strands of Swarovski beads all joined together like a rosary is-- very labor intensive. The colors are sable brown, topaz, gold, and with a little touch of teal. It's purdy. Well, I'm pooped and gonna get my jammies on and read in bed for a bit. Big week ahead!! Niters.
  23. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Man, you guys are all so industrious!!! Not me!! I made a trip to Sam's ($250! ka-ching!), worked on a necklace that is taking forever to finish, went shopping for a new couch (which got vetoed) and made some gumbo. Note there is no Xmas anything in my day. Maybe we'll do some tomorrow. Now I'm off to bed. 9:00 on a Saturday night. SAD SAD SAD. I'm so old!!!! If I could quit waking up at 5:00a on the weekends it might be a different story. Niters. Stay warm everyone!
  24. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Jenn - Sorry you are having these issues I hope you can hold out 'til Tuesday! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Kat - I don't sign up for email notifications -- I just come on over to the thread a few times a day. I didn't do much today except work on a necklace that I'm NOT crazy about!!! Grrrrrrr!!! I'm getting so mad about this jewelry making block I've got going here. We took Hero to the bark park and got him wore out...sorta. No shopping for me except for some beads I needed at Hobby Lobby. Now I'm heading for bed! I can't seem to stay awake past 9:30 much anymore...and wake up at 5:00a no matter what day it is!
  25. TerriDoodle

    Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope you all had wonderful days. We did...and yes, I PB'd on rice and Beans (which my Hispanic relatives have for every meal). They were so yummy and I just shouldn't have had it. After that I had dark turkey with lots of gravy, sweet potatoes, dressing, green beans, pecan pie, chocolate cake and banana pudding....but drastically reduced portions of each! My chocolate toffee trifle MELTED en route so didn't even serve it. Bad news is that I brought it home and it tastes incredible!!! ...so now I have a trifle that serves 12 in my fridge!! :-/ I am very thankful today for each of your friendships and I love you all!!! XOXOXO (((Special Hugs)))) for Pamela.

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